Pain in LDs?

I do, but when you wake up you realise you acted (in the dream) like it hurt alot more than it actually did.
Like the night before last i had a dream a cut my wrist with a knife (sorry TMI?), and in the dream i felt a stinging and went “ow!” aloud, yet when i woke up and recalled the dream, the pain was pretty insignificant compared to what it probably should have been.

Hope this helped :smile:

I have felt pain, but what I thought was pain in an LD was a far different feeling… like being itchy or something. I never feel the same pain as I would IRL. Sometimes I don’t even feel pain like the dream I was bludgeoned until dead…

I get pain in LD’s and normal dreams all the time. It doesn’t really bother me, because even if something is ‘very’ painful (which it rarely is), it often passes very quickly. The only pain that’s lasted has been a dull, insignificant pain, so it never bothers me at all.

The only dream I can recall when pain was ever a problem was a nightmare I used to get when I was a little girl. Loads of monks :spinning:rofl:) kept throwing knifes at my ankles, and I used to have to jump them otherwise I’d get a blade wedged in my foot, that used to REALLY hurt, and for a long time. Weird dream, nasty pain. XD

I crawled through a broken window and the shards of glass kind of hurt. It wasnt realistic, too weak, and went away quickly. Also it didn’t bother me at all. I was actually pleased that it was there, because it’s more realistic than no pain at all.

I had a dream that I slipped and hit my head on some wood. I woke up, and I had a bruise on my head. No, I was on my bed, without any hard objects nearby.

This reminded me of the dream I had a few days ago. I fell or something and my hand hit sharp rocks and when I pulled my hand up it was scratched, bleeding and hurting like a son of a gun. I remember waking up and first thing I did was check to see if my hand was ok. :tongue: It was very real feeling.

I’ve felt pain in LDs, self inflicted some times, just to see if I would feel pain and if it would feel real. It never feels real. It’s always weak and more of an annoyance than anything. Having said that I’ll probably have some freaky pain laden dream tonight. :scared:

It is possible to feel pain in lucid dreams, and dreams alltogether, but the pain isn’t the same as the pain IRL.It’s always much weaker than IRL, and well…Sometimes just falling on your back in dreams hurts more than being burned.

Things that are painful irl are usually also painful in a dream for me. The pain is different, it doesn’t have the same emotional effect as pain irl. I can look at an injury and know it is painful, but it doesn’t really reach my consciousness, and it feels like i am just supposed to act in pain.

One exception is extreme cold. That has never hurt in my dreams. It is a quite strong dreamsign. :cool:

Well, I feel pain pain usually just like IRL, with the exceptions that in my dreams I can heal my wounds very quickly. For example, last night a tiger bited my hand. My hand started shaking, it was full of blood, I could also see somke of my bones, and it was really painful, but I don’t think it lasted more than 2 seconds before it got back to normal because I knew it was fake.

I dunno, i had a dream where I was impaled and it sure did hurt… I had actual pain the remainder of the day as well. Or maybe I just had a heart attack or something and it transistioned into my dreams, who knows. :eek:

I’ve never felt pain in an LD. Last night I fell around 30 feet and landed flat on my back on highway pavement, which would’ve certainly killed me IRL, and felt no pain, and was also shot several times with an assault rifle and didn’t even feel the bullets hit(There was enough blood to know I had definitely been shot though)

Well, I feel pain in ND all the time… however, once I become lucid, although my other senses become more vivid, my sense of touch becomes almost insensible… (I only feel things in ND, LD has almost no touch, exept if I’m touching something I’m really interested in, then I feel it a little…)

I feel minor pain, like when paddling (which i do in real life(racing, not rec)) I feel the burn in my muscles, but it is not nearly as bad as IRL and, if it’s a lucid dream you can just make it go away.

Ive only felt pain in ND’s and then just for a few secs (I used to wake upbecause of this).

However in LD’s I know Im dreaming so I never felt pain in an LD :cool:

I tried to get my hand through the wall and it was painful …

i also felt pain but in a normal dream. I dreamed that a teacher of mine shot with an arrow in my leg. I felt the pain a day long.

I was once dreaming of being in an underground corridor throwing spears at orcs charging at me and annoying me with their archery. One of them picked up one of the spears I had thrown and proceded to chuck it back at me. It went strait threw my heart and it was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced to this day. The funny thing was… even as intense as it was… I didn’t wake up! Usually I always wake up from a lucid dream when things are very intense. (for instance, a spear through your heart) I realise too that I am an epic person and have epic dreams. Therefore it’s no surprise that I recieved epic pain in that dream. :cool:

Yep… I ran into a closed window thinking I could go through it, since I knew I was dreaming. Didn’t work from the first time lol. Pretty much what happened is:

“Hey sis! Look what I can =D” run run … BAM -> Alyssa running into a window
What would have happened irl, is what happened in my dream. But after a few times I did go through the window though :smile:

It did actually hurt, it didn’t last though. Maybe it hurt cuz I expected it to hurt when I banged my head to the window.

I already posted in another topic where I got shot… That was a ND anyway.
A LD example I can give is the time I tried flying really high and slammed my face into the sky “ceiling”.
Yeah, that hurt. :tongue: