slight revamp

huh…I don’t see the difference, even in the 2 pics…O.o RC

[EDIT]NOW I see it. Heh, very nice. I like it :smile:

It looks much better. I also slightly revamped my name as well :tongue:

The design is somewhat better, because it is not straight at the top…

But I like the color of the previous wings better.

I like the new version of wings better :cool_laugh:

Thanks Q :happy:

A small revamp of the forum index page. Still tweaking the details.

The chatlogin is now here too (like at the homepage)

“mark all forums read” has now been moved to the top of the forum as well.

I hope you did RC :rc:

:yes: I saw the “who is online?” was different. First I thought something was wrong until I saw this thread :tongue:

It looks completely different from the phone now. I’ll see if there is some settings i can tweak in opera mini to make it more readable :cool: i like that the chat is so easy to find from the forum index now, but it is surrounded by a big blue block that takes up the whole screen and i have to scroll down to see the forum.

can you give me a screenshot of that siiw? Then I can see what I can do about it.

I can’t screenshot on the phone…and this house has no internet connection. It got better after i made it collapse the lists of new posts.

I’ll have to check it on my phone too …
changed the online thing, maybe that made the blue box disappear as well now. hopes

Sort of, the box is grey now. :cool_raz:

The problem is only in opera mini i think. I can live with scrolling down a few screens to read, it was a lot worse before the last time the layout changed. :hugs:

I don’t care, I want you to see the forum properly. Where did that grey box come from… is it there on the homepage?

The browser tries to load all images now instead of skipping some, and the grey box is a replacement for some javascript i think. It isn’t on the homepage, here it is below the yellow ld4all logo where the ‘welcome to ld4all’ used to be. I get a weird error message from the reply button saying that my resolution is too low, and when i click ok it sends me to the index. My sig is suddenly enormous too. I more suspect a browser issue now, i’ll reboot :cool:

what do you mean"where the welcome to LD4all" used to be? It should be there!

I hope it’s a browser issue, because otherwise it’s a HTML issue on this side :tongue:

Rebooted, and the box shows for a few seconds before it looks normal again :cool: it takes up only slightly more space than before. I think my browser was trying to mix the new layout with cached parts of the old.


I got on here, first thing I thought was… 'WTH? Something isn’t right…"

So I logged on, and saw this.

It explains a lot.

Now when I opened the forum before I was logged in I could see who was online as if I was logged in :eek: is this meant to be or has this been added by mistake?

Yes, this ismeant to be. Guests now also can see the latest topics section. Only THE birthdays are invisible.

I think it is great :content: