Teeth falling out

I recently had a dream where i lost just one tooth. And for some reason i got really :grrr: at a friend, and blamed him for loosing it.

ouch! those dreams are frustrating

I had the same sort of experience i was in my house looking ino a 6 foot tall mirror (which i never owned in RL) when i noticed a tooth was rotten i touched it and it fell out then all my other teeth crumbled to dust.
It was a total nightmare for some reason one of the freakiest dreams i have ever had.

you explained it perfectly :smile:

I do occasionally have these dreams. It tends to be one or more of my molars, and they always crumble into bits. Afterwards, my mouth is full of the little bits of tooth and it’s quite horrible. :sad:

Thanks, my friend really appriceates all the insite.

I once read that dreaming about teeth falling out could mean that you’re pregnant. When they wrote this, they probably forgot about the other part of mankind :tongue:

I had one dream where one or two of my teeth fell out, and then all the rest of them at once, and I tried to catch them all. Let me tell you, 28 teeth falling out simultaneously and clanking together make the strangest noise. I’ve heard plenty of things that this is supposed to mean, but let me tell you, all of them are complete rubbish. The only one who can intrepret one of your dreams fully is yourself - or maybe someone who you have told about the dream and everything to do with it, like a psychiatrist. But even then, I’d take anything they said with a pinch of salt.

Ditto. :grin:

I completely agree with you there! What I’ve heard over and over again is that teeth falling out means you’ll lose your virginity soon. That’s absolute nonsense. And I do think that dream symbolism can’t be easily explained in a dictionary-like fashion. Dreams are so unique to your mind and your being… it’s nearly impossible for somebody else to interpret them correctly.

I agree. I don’t know what the book shops are like in other Countries but here in England these are the only books they sell - the ones with the dream dictionary and symbols. The Library’s just as bad.

The best book about meaning of dreams is The Origin of Dreams. It has an actual correct, reasonable etc theory for dreams. The guy who wrote it can predict after a day what will come up in his dreams (metaphorically). On the other hand, that might affect his dreams… :bored:

I have this theory that maybe it doesn’t symbolize anything at all. Anyone else think it’s a possibility? Maybe we just dream about losing teeth and it doesn’t mean anything? I know I’ve never been pregnant (I don’t have a uterus, you see), and I’ve had many of these dreams after losing my virginity. None of the ideas posed here could possibly apply to me. I don’t try to interpret my dreams, so I think my subconscious would know better than to throw a bunch of symbols at me in my sleep, knowing that I would forget half of them and disregard the other half. I’m a no-nonsense kind of guy, and I’m sure my subconscious understands that. If my subconscious wanted to tell me something, I think it would tell me in a way that I could understand. Don’t you think? If your subconscious mind was trying to communicate something to you in a unique way, wouldn’t you understand it? Don’t you think that you’d be able to understand something that your mind was trying to communicate to you?

It’s like the Pentacostals. See, at the Supper of Pentacost (from the Bible), all these people came together to fellowship, but they all spoke different languages, so God gave them this common language to speak. They spoke in tongues, but they understood one another. It was a different language, but in the context of this supper they all understood it. Today, the Pentacostals flop around on the floor and speak in jibberish at church services. It doesn’t make sense today, because nobody understands what they’re saying. If God was really trying to speak through them, wouldn’t he do it in a way that somebody could understand? Why would God yell jibberish at the congregation through the lips of Sister Helen? Doesn’t he have better things to do?

That’s how I feel about the subconscious mind. It’s retaining info all day, and entertaining me at night. That’s it, though. It just retains and entertains. It doesn’t try to better me. If it does, it’s not doing a very good job because all these dream symbols are over my head.

Yeah… So I’m of the belief that dream symbolism in general is bunk. But I stick with my earlier statement that it could reflect poor self-image or some kind of stress. I dream about work or something when I’m stressed sometimes. My dreams do reflect what’s going on in my daily life, and not by directly reproducing it, but by reproducing the feeling. So instead of trying to figure out what losing your teeth means, think of how you felt when you lost them or what was happening. Still, I think you won’t really learn anything. “Let’s see, I was nervous because I had a date the next day.”

Useful revelation…

I think that dreams aren’t meant to have meanings either. I mean a dream isn’t there just to be intrepreted or to be a message from our subconscious - like you said, if that were the case then I’m sure our subconscious would find a much more effective way of communicating the message to us. But dreams must have some kind of point, some kind of reason for them to happen - and maybe wen we work out what that is, we’ll be able to work out what it is each dream is trying to help you with, and that’s a sort of meaning, isn’t it?

I disagree. Personally, I think that dreams often do have meanings which can reflect our state of mind. Certainly most of us experience similar patterns of dreams at times. One prime example is that a lot of people dream of buildings falling down and/or tornados when they are under stress. This makes sense to me.

Yeah. I agree that disasters and what-not in dreams can correlate with stress in life. I think I said that (or something like it). I’m just saying that everything doesn’t have to be a symbol or allegory. And as for our dreams having a purpose, I believe it’s entertainment. As respite for our conscious minds, we get these cool interactive fantasies while we sleep. I’ve heard it said (though I’ve never seen any data) that you go crazy if you don’t dream. That makes sense to me. I got really depressed when all I did was work and sleep. You need to break it up with recreation. People just need that. I guess our own minds aren’t much different. We need breaks, and we get them every night when we sleep.

I could be completely wrong, but if I thought I was, well, I’d have a different opinion.

Although I don’t believe in strict dream symbolism definitions, I do think that certain objects, people, situations, etc are tied to our subconscious. That only makes sense, right? It’s just that the symbolism is different for everyone. I’ve had numerous dreams with obvious symbols - a daisy, a snake, a burning moon… these seemed to dominate my dream and have a specific meaning. And sometimes there’s no symbolism whatsoever. I think it’s possible your mind just portrays the symbolism you are already familiar with, but it still differs per person, and doesn’t always occur and not necessarily to everyone. Whichever it is - dreams remain fascinating. :slight_smile:

Anyone who’s tried WILD should have experience with the random thoughts and images popping up at some point… before I got into LDing I never paid attention to that but these days I am more aware when my mind’s falling asleep. I think it’s so strange it just randomly creates thoughts and images and keeps on going whilst I forget about what I was thinking about earlier and then fall asleep.

Anyway - I don’t think dreams are meant to have meanings… I believe they’re more a way of information processing through your brain whilst your body’s asleep. It HAS been proven that people who don’t dream for a few nights become paranoid, have hallucinations, become depressed and may eventually go insane. They’ve tested this with two groups, who got the same amount of sleep - only one group was woken up every time just before they entered the REM stage, so they never got to dream. They were the ones showing symptoms of psychoses, whilst the people with REM sleep felt fine.

Still, since your brain is processing information, what occupies your subconscious may come up in a clear or less clear way. I’ve actually had dreams tip me off on a lot of things, like relationships that weren’t going right, or projects that weren’t working out. I’ve had crushes on people only because I kept dreaming of them!

So, to conclude… there’s a distinction between the function, the working and the effects of dreams, and the only thing we can really be sure of is the latter, since we can observe it in daily life. The working of dreams can be analysed in laboratories with brainwave monitors and godknowswhat, but it still doesn’t tell us everything that our brain is doing, exactly. And the function of dreams remains mostly a mystery, although at least it’s been proven that dreaming is necessary for your sanity.

Sometimes I have really creepy dreams, not scary in the least, just…creepy. I dont know whether this happens to anyone else, but when you have these dreams, and you think about them after, you get a tingle all over, and you scalp starts to itch and you feel slightly queezy, one of my friends has had one of these. Ive had too many. My head itches…

Anyway sorry…one of these horrible dreams waswhen one of my teeth fell out, and I went to my mum and told her one of my teeth had fallen out and that i was very upset cos itd never grow back…then i felt another wobbly one, (my head REALLY itches now) and i touched it and it fell out too, so i got a mirror and lloked at my mouth, and there were like…holes or something in my gums, and you could see all the roots to my teeth, and they were all becoming loose. It was disgusting.

The hypothesis I subscribe to is that some dream signs are universal, or at least culture-wide. Our brains have evolved to recognize faces in random, inanimate mediums, (The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan) so obviously some things are programmed into the brain and we all have (relatively) similar slates to begin with. Add to that the fact that some happenings are hugely related regardless of the species you belong to. Death and family are huge factors in the lives of most of the species on the planet.

I’ve heard before (no idea where), that teeth falling out symbolize large changes in your life (or expected large changes, or imagined). They may mean nothing at all. You may have just seen a character you like have their lives changed on a television show. It’s just a symbol of change (and it’s neutral, it’s not a “bad” change or a “good” change, it’s just that your mind is preoccupied with some kind of change that’s happened in your life. After all, teething, and losing your teeth, though your memories of the times may be shoddy or practically nil, were pretty huge events in everyone’s life.

Well, that’s my thought. I try to accept the ideas that are most reasonable, despite the fact that, as you break it down, most of the world probably operates in an extremely counter-intuitive way.

I agree with that last post… losing teeth is something every one has experienced and if you view it as an arche type, change is a likely one…

The collest thing though is how your subconcious runs away with itself. My teeth loss dreams always start with one lose tooth that comes out and then it just dominos and all my teeth are coming out… haha.