Fooled by my dream self's "memory" -- missed a DS

Had such a frustrating experience today! :angry:

I had a loooooong, vivid dream in which I was trying to figure out whether or not I was personally acquainted with a certain famous actor, who was present in some of the dream scenes. I think I was trying to reality check by “remembering” whether or not this was true. In other words, if I could remember that I don’t actually know this actor but he’s present in the scene, I must be dreaming.

However, my dream self kept “remembering” a dream past where I spent time with this person and brought up photos and video of the two of us. I was SO convinced that this was real life (because what I was seeing “fit” with my dream self’s memory), I had to thoroughly wake up to realize that I don’t, in fact, know this actor. :eh:

My dream self fooled me. Anyone else had this happen?

well the only thing that i have close to that is were i know that im dreaming. im practicly fully aware that im dreaming but somehow i wasnt getting lucid. any tips on how to make it happen?

i had the same thing happen to me.
for some reason, i was in new york…i live in texas so thats pretty wierd, and i was completely aware that i was dreaming, but i couldnt get that “click” where you become lucid…
the way i overcame this, was i did a crazy amount of RC’s for a while, every time i went under a doorway (and my house has alot of those :eek: )
and eventually, i started doing them in dreams, and then i became lucid :grin:
thats only one of the ways though, and you have to remember to do RCs, or it wont work :neutral:

Nope. Never happened to me. But I did fool some DC into believing they knew me for a long time :grin: