Imagine the Feeling

I couldn’t agree more! :smile: Sometimes I have problem getting to that state of mind, though… it’s like I forget to put in all the “emotional efort” or maybe I get distracted, not sure :neutral:

But I think if I can reach that state of mind where I almost feel that excitement of being lucid while still awake it’s a 99% chance I’ll get a LD

Sounds good :smile: will try tonight.

So KingOmar, what were your results? Were you able to LD?

The feeling is the same for me as when i go shopping for food, and suddenly remember something i was supposed to buy. It is just a lot stronger when it is in a dream. :cool_laugh: Sometimes i imagine being lucid while i for example walk form work, and imagine what i would do if it was a lucid dream right now. It gives a LD in almost 9 out of 10 cases, but it could also be that the same situation that gives a LD in the night gives that feeling in the day.

Wow, that hit me pretty profoundly! I was just shopping an hour or so ago, and as I walked by some envelopes, I was hit by that, “Hey, oh yeah, I need these too” and reading that ^^ , I agree it is the same feeling, just not as intense! (or maybe just not as rewarding :lol: ) That could be a good intro for the beginner who has yet to experience their first lucid dream :smile:

I imagined getting lucid last night…
But just for like 2 seconds.

I doubt that’s the reason I got 2 lucid dreams :tongue:

I think that this is a technique that works pretty well for me too. It seems more reliable than a lot of the other techniques out there. I suppose it makes a lot more sense and is a lot easier though if you already know what its like to become lucid! :tongue:

I wonder if the feeling of being thankful for the lucid dreams while falling asleep falls into this catagory? Maybe even saying thank you included with a lucid affirmation before sleep? But saying it with a confindence and patience in your subconscious mind that’s unsurpassed. I read a line here somewhere that said the sub mind deals with emotion.

Welcome Bellcross! :wave:
All these things can certainly raise the possibilities of a LD, but in order to talk about a technique, it must be some time-consuming :tongue: and by that i mean techs are mostly geared to acheive a certain state of mind (mainly intent, concentration, and inner peace) and keeping it until you fall asleep.
And yes, subconscious does not speak in words, but rather in images, rememberings and emotions, so it’s easier to influence it with this rather than mantras (of course, if you really mean that mantra, it’s a completely different story).

This sounds like a really good idea Wyvern!

I’ve decided to start practicing that moment of realization ‘the Aha! moment’ in waking life, see if I get more LD’s.

actually i had my first LD by the described by Wyvern,now i use it with WBTB and had 4 LDs in 4days :happy:

I gotta say this struck a familiar cord in me. I haven had a controlled LD yet , just a brief 1 second “AHA IM DRE-” wake up. But as i study “mantras” I feel silly because when i say the words over and over the phrase becomes a meaningless scramble of phonectics.

When i do what u suggest like “imagine the feeling” not “say word” i get an emotional tatoo that just kinda hangs out in my mind. will let you know if i LD

I will try this today!!

Just wanted to chime in and say that I have tried most of the techniques on here and none of them gave me an ld, except imagining the feeling. Sometimes I’ll just imagine myself doing something and realizing im dreaming, I didn’t do it that often but it is what caused me to have my first long lucid dream, it took 4 months or so but I finaly got my wish and what made it awsome was that I got it without trying to have one and on christmas morning, i was pretty ecstatic great christmas present. In the dream I looked at a light switch and told myself when i turn it on the light is going to be green, I flipped the switch and the light wasn’t green but definaltely wasn’t it’s normal color I didn’t even reality check i instantly knew i was dreaming, it last for about 30 minutes rl time and while i wasn’t able to fly i did quite a few really cool things.

Hey Wyvern, just wondering, you do this at the time you first go to sleep at night? or after 5-6 hours?

strangely for some reason the third eye chakra technique works for me almost 100% of the time. but sometimes I wish I could just have them at will just my imagining it. how exactly do you imagine it? I mean, do you imagine yourself realizing you are dreaming, like the same scene over and over again? or do you imagine yourself realizing you are dreaming one time and then you just visualize everything you would do afterwards.

Greetings All, very interesting topic! I was regrouping just now by consolidating what I’d read so far, as I’d got a bit muddled and felt I’d read too much and had ‘lost track’ of my direction in achieving my first LD, and found this one :content: . I have yet to have a lucid dream, started reading the forums 6 days ago, I know it’s possible and am sure it’s within my reach.

This method sounds perfect and I will try it tonight, I was reading the posts and as I read I found myself imagining getting lucid, the setting, the feeling and the sound (i was listening to some music by Yanni at the time). The feeling was strong and took time to ‘note’ it, and will try and recall it when I go to bed.

I thought I would raise the question of music. How does it play in LDing? Would accompanying the visualisation and emotions of a scene with a fitting sound track (i assume one that you really like and know very well would be best) raise the experience and indeed likelihood of becoming and staying lucid?

Again, great posts, I feel they will play a huge roll in achieving lucidity :cool: .

Whenever I want to spark that feeling of excitement in myself again, I remember how lucid dreams can feel just like real life and picture myself walking up to this cute girl and just kiss her and cuddle with her. :content:

Heh, as I don’t have that first LD experience, I am using my LD goal as the emotion enducing picture. The realisation, collecting my emotions, fly straight up observe the city, back down, walk round a corner to the car I know is there that I have wanted to drive for ages :cool: .
Is that a bit ambitious? Or is the confidence that it will happen the big thing (it is as I understand this and other techniques :neutral: .

LD’s can be somewhat tricky in the beginning, and like everything else they require practice.
Your first and most important goal is to learn to stay in the dream and control your emotions - you can do that by for example just observing things around you, touching things and using your senses.
The second part is to learn to trust in your abilities - LD’s can be extremely realistic so it can be hard to trust your full potential since it feels so much like real life in many ways.
But after you have overcome these things you can certainly strive for pretty much anything you want. :cool:

Think of it like this - the dream looks and feels very, very similar to waking reality, and you can walk around and look at stuff just like in real life - the only thing that really differs from reality is that everything feels much more alien and unexplored than normal.
Imagine what an amazing rush you would get when you stopped and fully realized that everything is in fact a dream.
You can imagine that type of feeling to some degree even without personal LD experience, it’s basically a super-vivid dream where you are mentally aware and awake, and where everything feels extremely realistic.

Sounds good. I will deffinately will make emotional control my number 1 priority. Is it advisable to go with the flow of the dream whilst staying aware? Or once the the lucidity is there and my emotions are in check, go have fun but maybe within bounds of what you would physically be able to do IWL, at least until confidence grows and I have experience of influencing my dream.

Thanks for you input :content: .