What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part VI

Last night I dreamed there were 4 camera’s on my dogs’ head, and 1 camera was flying after him :cry:

That I missed that one… :confused:

i’ve been having the car from “Christen” you know from the Steven King novel/movie? only it travels time and wont drive anywhere and i THINK it “nice” :tongue:

that and another but it kinda personal… :sad:

I was playing WoW again (quited 4 months ago). Have been doing that in almost 10 dreams since i quited, trying to make it a dreamsign and i feel I’m getting closer.

a few nights back, I had a ND in which i saw my mirror image. I was very aware of that something was very off and wrong with my reflection, but I just didn’t have enough charged in my Lucid-bar to realize :cry: oh well, I go for WBTB + WILD anyways :content:

A big dream sign for me that I usually miss is when I’m in the house I used to live in a year ago. This comes in my dreams a lot because I’ve lived there my whole life, and have lots of memories in that old house.

well lets see i was driving a school bus away from the witchking and an army of orcs.

and i was taking bong tokes in a classroom with someone that left town years ago.

i feel like ill never lucid dream if i cant recognize these.

One night, when I was in too much of a stomach pain to WILD, I fell asleep grinding my teeth over the fact that something has always been getting in the way of my LD ing lately. And get this:

I dreamt I wanted to go to bed to have a LD :happy: but someone kept interrupting me. It was fustrating :content:

I SO suck at MILD. Memory is not my strong part :sad: WILD all the way :grin:

two huge dreamsigns i missed [in ONE night :cry:]:

  • my crush followed me home, went into my house, played Brawl, and ate something orange/red that looked like meat. :rc:

  • my mom walked in on me showering–three times [the curtain was gone :thud:].

Woke up and started writing down the dream i had in my DJ…but i was still dreaming.
Maybe i should do a RC everytime before i use my DJ.

I had a 12 dollar bill.

My ceiling fan was a water tap, controlled by the switch :ding:

Whenever I wanted to write something down there would be glowing florescent text that would show up on my right arm. Also in another dream I got turned into a bear by being tapped on the chest.

I have the strangest dreams about my crush. In one, she moved into my house… :bored: In another dream we had sex, which was extremely vivid. But seriously!! :dingding:

Being onstage at Bonnaroo with a band playing to raise money for charity - and a homeless guy gave me a twenty.

A friend of mine who has no interest whatsoever in arts was shooting a video clip to apply to a summer school’s art camp. (Summer school applications are very important these days at my school, and I can see why I dreamt about summer schools.) And the background music was from a band I like a lot, and that he loathes.

And then in another dream from tonight I was walking hand in hand with a friend in somewhere like a corridor, and somebody I just know from someplace was using his water gun on us. I did not feel wet at all, nor was I irritated.

And again from tonight, I was at a photoshoot. In the photoshoot, we used a computer program that has nothing to do with photos (I’m not quite sure about the rules so I’d rather not tell the name, it’s not that important anyway).

I’ve reached my maximum amount of DR tonight, but unfortunately none of the dreams were lucid. And they all had those prominent signs…

I walked into an unknown bathroom and past my dream journal lying on the bench.

“oh look, its my dream journal”

I was in a pool underwater, hanging out with some friends. We were all walking around underwater as if we could breath under there and it was just like on land…
This one guy that we were with was able to punch really fast as if there was no water in the way to slow it down… :eh:

I was in somewhere like a restaurant with people who I know but (most of them) I am not close to, eating a chocolate birthday cake which had a message on it. The message was random letters as far as I remember, at least it wasn’t something like “Happy Birthday Puce!” or something (my name is not Puce, but some people call me that, although it is read differently). My birthday is in 5 months and I don’t usually like chocolate birthday cakes.

Not that huge of a dreamsign like doing things underwater normally, but still…

last night i had a dream that i was at my school playing beatles rockband with my entire school and there were no tv’s. Then i looked in a mirror and i couldnt see my reflection at all.

I was infiltrating a lab/base when I was killed by a guy. I said “I’ll restart the dream and then kill you!”
