Its always too dark when I first become Lucid *WILD*

I’ve succesfully gotten past SP multiple times, and done a nose RC while in my bed to confirm im dreaming, but when I try to get out of bed all I ever see is blackness, and it makes it very hard to contain my LD.

I can WILD pretty easily, if im tired enough. But once I reach that satisfying stage of success, I try to get out of bed and I feel as if I’m limited to my actions. It hasnt improved at all over time and I don’t really know what else to do.

I tried to rub my hands but when I engage in the action I either wake up or just blur out into a False Awakening. As long as I can get out of bed and gain more light and power, I’ll be set. Any tips?

The same thing happens to me. I see almost nothing but blackness and my dream body is very groggy and not able to move well. When this happens, try and get far away from your sleeping body, and things should become clearer. This used to happen to me quite a bit. I sleep in the basement, and I find if I can manage to get my dream body up the stairs, everything clears up.

Robert Bruce talks about this effect in his book astral dynamics. He says it is because there is a conflicting force between your dream body and you physical body. I dont know what side of the fence you are on with the AP/LD debate, but you should definately look into it.

I had the same problem it was so annoying I would do the Hold my Nose and breath (HNB) and it would work but everything was dark and my body felt heavy like when you wake up in the middle of the night and have to go to the bathroom but are to tired to move. I kept doing the HNB and i was still dreaming I was afraid to move because I was afraid of waking up but then I thought what do I have to lose. So I thought maybe my eyes are closed. So I tried really hard to open my eyes they felt SO heavy and I was sure I would wake up but I did it anyway and WA LA the lights came on. The problem was my eyes where closed but I was to groogy to realize it. So then I pried myself out of bed which was difficult but once I got myself out of my bedroom everything became much clearer and easier. This became my best LD. You can read it in my dream journal if your interested it’s on page 2 titled Open your eyes and see with your heart.
Hope I was of some help and good luck! :wink:

Thanks for both of your inputs. I will sure try this out tonight (If i make it so SP)

I’ll check out that LD and I’ll let you know how it goes.

I’ve also had this (very annoying) problem. Once or twice simply openning my dream eyes worked. This can be done with your fingers or simply “imagining” you open them. Most of the times if I simply try to open my eyes I end up openning my physical eyes, so I have to pretend I’m openning “other” eyes. I don’t know how to explain… try to vividly imagine how it would feel and look like if you could see with your eyes closed…

I think I’ve seen some people have success with spinning, not me though :tongue: and waiting and/or focussing on your other senses might help too. I think sight is one of the last senses to appear, so while you wait you can try touching and rubbing surfaces, or even knocking on them and listening carefully.

I think I usually get this problem when I WILD without HI… :neutral:
anyway, good luck!

Do you think rubbing my hands (If i can move them) or trying to use my senses like touching or smelling to enhance lucid control???

Maybe doing this will open my dream eyes?

I think that could help. What I do usually when I can’t see (which is a terrible thing to do!) is I focus too much on what I don’t have (sight) instead of focussing on what I do have (touch and/or other senses) and this leaves me without any sensory input and the dream just fades :sad:

I’m dealing with this problem right now. Just last night, I used SP to WILD, and I rolled out of bed into my dream body. I sat there on my knees, and I felt very heavy and slow. Everything was also dark, like I was blind. I managed to stand up, but everything was still dark. I tried opening my eyes, but I only saw quick flashes of light. Then I woke up. I did rc’s to see if it was a false awake, but it wasn’t. I had success with this before, however. I could see everything, but I was walking like I was wasted, slow and dizzy. I’ll keep working on this though, cuz I had the most success with this technique.

this to me sounds like an astral projection
an OBE … i think your AP not LD , ur focusing your awareness on the outside
and i think this is how u AP or OBE

u need to focus on the inside of your head > dream of LD
dont try to get out of your body ,

ps i wanna learn how to ap too lol i will search and conquer AP