To another world

I have this nice fantasy place in my head, I write about it, think about it and make drawing about it. For I long time now I wanted to visit that place in my lucid dreams, but that tends to be extremely difficult. I just can’t get there.

I’ve tried walking through mirrors, closing my eyes and wishing I was there, dream incubation. Also i tried closing my eyes visualising the place and then opening it, but the door usually turns out to be a closet full of junk.

I also always want to be at a nice place, which in my fantasy lies inside the moon. I see the full moon in my lucid dream and start flying to it, but I just can’t get high enough.

Does anybody have any tips on how to come to places where you want to be?

The software Paradiso by BenDrummin58 might help you. Good luck. :smile:

Thanks for that,
Can you tell me what the actual programme does, the description was a little vague. I do not have Windows or Mac so can you tell me if the software is worth the effort trying to get it work anyway, or are the PDF file and the brainwaves enough?

From Ubuntu, I can Wine the win version just fine (it’s just a flash program) and it contains a variety of tips and techs to incubate successfully your dreamscape into dreams.
Didn’t try it out persoanlly, but I read thorugh it, and from what I’ve seen it pretty much sums up the techs known to reach your objective. Have fun in your dreamworld :content:

Okay thank you, I’ll try it out.

If you tell us a little about the place itself maybe we can come up with some taylored ideas :smile: