Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming...CALD part VI

Wow, rhewin. That’s fantastic!! :happy:

I remember a couple times I asked my SC (since I don’t have characters :tongue: ) some questions right when falling asleep and also got some really unexpected answers!

I wonder if one could learn to reach this state and then simply focus on the conversation as the dream formed and enter a LD! :confused:

Just to report - I didn’t transition into the dream through VILD but the CALD technique managed to get me a lucid dream! My character appeared, and then he told me I was dreaming!
It’s interesting that you said about uncharacteristic behaviour - later I realised it wasn’t my characters but they took form of someone I knew. It was a pretty exciting dream, might talk about it later. I got so close to visiting my made up futuristic city of Utopia (set in my imaginary world Eternos, currently in the year 3020). Might explain a little more later.
I’m happy that I got CALD to work for me! Let’s just hope the success continues. I will attempt again tonight, and hope to continue my dream from where I last left off (I can get there).

thank you Talon for the response, ill read back abit. (analogy is right) thx. one last thing tho, how do you roleplay with the characters, like how do yo manuver them through your world, do you also draw a map of the place?

Quite an interesting topic, and one I’ve been interested in exploring since I ran across the CALD thread.

I believe that it is. What makes their existence any less valid just because they are encapsulated within our minds, even if they are [as the most skeptical people would say] nothing more than a personification of parts of our SC. In a world dominated by perception, a being that can’t be seen or heard tends to be pushed off as foolish fantasy, but I don’t think it’s right. :meh:

Quite an impossible question, but I certainly hope so.

Again, I certainly hope so.

A story that brings tears to my eyes. T_T (That’s what that smiley means, by the way.) I’ve never had that experiencee because I’ve always treated my characters like they were real people, even when I knew they would never be physical, but I can sympathize.

As always, I’m here with you to explore any area or possibility brought about by this. This concept has interested me since I’ve first seen it, kept me here on LD4all, and I’m always willing to explore whatever is there to be explored within its realms.

I look forward to the discussion that this may bring. Perhaps one day this could merit a chatroom or something set up for some realtime discussion on the matter. I hear TinyChat has good weather this time of year. :razz: :smile:

I know the feeling. I’m glad you’ve managed to find this technique and apply it to her. :smile:

Very nice! I’ve never gotten lucid off CALD, though I’ve had them appear in my dreams multiple times over the years.

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Wow wow wow. That’s a lot. This thread is growing at break-neck pace! It’s so encouraging! C:

Rhewin: Thank you for updating! I have to say that was one of the most exciting things I’ve read in a bit, and certainly raised my spirits reading it C: Fantastic progress, and in the beginning, steps like these are most thrilling, no? Keep up the great work, and be sure to enjoy the process because that’s the best part C: I love unexpected behavior-- it’s that spontaneity that makes things interesting.

mattias: I think focus on the conversation may allow the mind slip away into this state and wouldn’t help to facilitate a WILD, though if the discussion were aimed at achieving a WILD, it certainly could work. In my attempts of talking my way into a dream ( when I was younger), I always got distracted and fell asleep ^^; However, someone of stronger resolve I’m sure could do it-- In fact, in the early stages of CALD, I suggested that it would be a more engaging way to stay aware rather than going through mantras or visualizations-- Yes C:

Teraflare8866: Great job with your LD! ^^ Congrats. Your results in combination with Rhewin’s were great to hear and made my night! Thanks so much for coming back to update. I wish you all the luck with another LD soon :wink: Don’t forget you can do a quest to earn your wings C: I know I want to. This month’s quest is 'Be Your Own Guardian Angel", and it’s quite interesting C: Best of luck!

Mourningstarr: When I am with my friend, we have two levels of roleplay.

Mindroleplaying is just allowing the raw characters interact ( as the characters do in the character chat in my signature).
Storyline roleplay, where we design a plot or concept and place the characters (usually somewhat altered in history or mindset to suit the new occasion) into the new conditions.

In my own world, the characters move freely move about, and I just observe their actions. How I got them to do so was to imagine (given their mindsets and situation) what they’d do. After a while, this became natural and automatic, and all I had to do was observe. I think autonomy is achieved when there is no effort on my part is given.
I do draw maps but I do not need them to observe movement.

Wolvendeer: Thanks for all the encouraging words-- I appreciate that was share similar views in some respects, and I appreciate the support. I look forward to more discussions on these topics with you, seeing as you are my senior and probably have interesting insights on the matter.

Thanks :smile: I do hope to have another LD soon, but didn’t have one last night because I felt very ill and was too much in pain to try the technique (I’ve got the sickness bug :sad:). I’m feeling a little bit better now, and should be well enough to try CALD mixed with VILD.

Just to say I have a lot of time on my hands, so I’ll report the CALD I had on Friday morning. I’ll type it up here since I forgot to do so in my offline DJ.

Dream #54 - Utopia Is Near
11th Feb - 12 Feb

This dream first began at my school. I began talking to my friend about his birthday, and he said it is a few months away and he will be having a party. I felt happy and asked him what he wanted for his birthday. He said he wanted an Xbox360 (like he told me in Waking Life). After a bit of a chat I walked onto the back field at my school to find a huge pool of water with women sitting in it. It was a luxourious body of water, and the tiling looked very expensive around the edges of the pool. The fairies (apparently they were) began talking to me about an ancient city, and one of the fairies would have to assist me to the city. One of the fairies (can’t remember her name, but she was a fairy alright) stepped out of the pool and directed me to a huge mansion. Suddenly, a person I knew appeared and made me lucid. At the time I thought this was one of my characters, but it turns out it wasn’t.

In the mansion was these people, and they wanted to teach me how to use a sword. I summoned a two-handed sword, and they summoned a creature at random. It turned out to be a huge bird that was roughly ten foot in size, and it began floating. I ran to slice the monster, but it disappeared and when I ran back it appeared again. After a few attempts it got tedious so I decided to lay it off and talk to some of my friends. He wanted to listen to some of my music, but when I told him he was distracting me from my LD, he began crying and then curled up in a ball. I left him alone and walked into the next room, which looked a lot like my kitchen. I was walking around; thanking Talon for the CALD method, and then a woman came up to me and asked me a question. I had never seen the person in my life before, but she looked roughly 30 years old. She told me about this futuristic city. I suddenly realised it was Utopia (which is my mind futuristic city) she was talking about, and she wanted to help me into getting to the city. The woman gave me a tombstone key, and she told me to use it on the crypt in the fairy garden.

I was puzzled. I didn’t know the fairy garden extended any further, and then she gave me a map, and it said the crypt I had to open was at the ‘Cape of Good Hope,’ in the huge field. I thanked her and began to set off for the fairy garden.
Back at the garden there were no fairies left - they had disappeared. I walked across the Cape of Good Hope but couldn’t find the crypt I was supposed to open. I walked right to the edge of the Cape to find that there was a metal fence protecting a huge wasteland. Around me were all these ancient gravestone that looked like they came from an ancient era. Suddenly I started to hear this extremely eerie music and felt a presence around me. I caught glimpse of a shadow stalking me. At the time I felt scared, but I knew I wouldn’t wake up - I had to reach Utopia.

After a bit of walking around I found the crypt. I inserted the tombstone key into the lock and then a huge hole in the ground appeared. I began falling down the hole, but reminded myself it was a dream, and then I floated back up. Before I went down the hole I had to prepare, anything could be down that hole. All I knew was that Utopia was down that hole, and after a few passages I would arrive in the futuristic city where my characters were (I like a good adventure, I didn’t think of summoning or teleporting). I prepared a little, but woke up before I went down the crypt.

It was a brilliant dream, and the next time I have a LD I know where to continue from. I’ll VILD so I can hop next to where I left off.

I’ll check out that Guardian Angel quest sooner or later. It does seem quite interesting.
Thanks again for the CALD technique!

Teraflare: Did you just thank me for the CALD technique? Haha, I should be thanking you for using and reporting it! It’s great that you had a good CALD C: Why don’t you pop over to the CALD dream journal in my sig and post it? That way, lots of other people will quickly be able to see your dream! C:

Good idea! Might go post it in there now.
Can’t wait for tonight - hopefully might have another CALD dream :happy: Definitely will be trying again.

Great ^^ I saw it up, thanks for posting! Best of luck tonight C:

I haven’t actually made a character, the character came to me, her name is Maria(could this be Mary? Well i’m jewish anyway…) and she help me to do an OBE !
Can I use her for CALD ?

Yep, no problem there C:
Try having her assist you with autosuggestion by striking up a conversation about lucid dreaming with her tonight till you sleep, or try to get her to assist you into lucidity in your dreams tonight! She’s completely able to assist with CALD as long as you have her, regardless of where you got her from.
A brief tutorial of CALD is in my signature if you’re interested in looking! C:

Do you have any other questions?

Thanks for the help.
If I’ll have further questions I’ll ask :happy:

No problem C: G’night and happy lucids!

Wow, part 6. No wonder I wasn’t getting replies. Talon’s on it, though. :smile:

It’s a matter of hours (about three) before I go to bed again. In that time, I’m going to type up some more info on my characters to get them on the brain, and when I daydream on the brink of sleep I will ask them to make me lucid, as usual. I might even use a mantra such as “My character will make me lucid in my dream” or something similar to help me. Then I’ll VILD just as I am about to fall asleep. Can’t wait!

I can have someone in my head talk to me without me making up the replies.If so how do I start I already have a character.

This method’s definitely got potential - I had another LD last night. It was weird - I suddenly had a weird thought that someone is trying to tell me that I might be dreaming. I did the nose pinch reality check - but it didn’t work as expected, so I did another RC (the hand one) and it turned out I had 6 fingers. I became lucid, and then tried to summon one of my characters. One character appeared, but my character was very blurry, and then I had a False Awakening shortly after. It was a very vivid FA as well - just imagine how cool that would have been if I became lucid :happy:

I didn’t think of continuing the Utopia dream at the time. It’s strange how you don’t think of stuff at the time in a dream.

Well, I’m new to this as well, but from what I’ve learned so far the next major step is to get to know your characters. What’s their personality, their likes, their dislikes, etc. If you already know them pretty well, and they know you too, try asking them about LD’s. See if they’d be willing/able to get you into one. If you do have an LD, try to find them.

Of course, you’ll still want to read the earlier parts of this topic (Parts 1 & 2 especially), and I’m sure Wolvendeer or Talon will be on soon to answer your questions as well :smile:. I will say, it must be nice to have a natural ability to create indepenedent character naturally. Good luck!

Teraflare8866: Great job ^^ I’m glad to hear you’re getting good results-- I don’t really know what else to say! You’re really doing well and you know what you’re doing. C: Keep up the great work.

sentis: Hey, C: Rhewin is completely right, knowing your character and discussing lucidity is the next step for you. You make want to have the character help you will Autosuggestion by discussing attaining lucidity before sleeping, or having the character assist with another induction technique of interest, for example I am interested in WILD:

In WILD you can have your character try and keep you aware through the transition from waking to dreams. You can do this by having your characters give you reminders to stay aware, have them stop your mind from straying, or imagining doing an activity with them that engages tactile, audio, and visual senses throughout the process.

Other techniques that can work well is VILD, as described above, where you can incubate a dream that includes your character who could then remind you. Also, if you have trouble remembering to do reality checks, you could have your characters remind you to do so, as well as engage you in a ‘If I were lucid what would I do’ activity and so on.

I hope that helps, and I apologize for the lengthy response.
If you have any other questions I’d be happy to help C:

Rhewin: Good response with sentis above. C: You seem as though you’re really engaged in CALD, and I respect the speed and clarity with which you’ve absorbed the threads and their information. Thanks for making sure that sentis didn’t go without a reply-- it’s because of this positive attitude I see in members like you that I have infinite respect for this forum. C:
How have things been going for you?

CALD has become my nightly routine now because I daydream a lot about my characters (maybe twice a day). When I CALD I tend to ask my characters to make me lucid quickly, because I find if it is done quickly it is more likely to be subconsciously ‘worked out’ by my characters. I spent 10 seconds talking to my characters about making me lucid, and it turns out that works better for me if I spent short amounts of time than spending ages (not sure if it does for anyone else).

Before I go to bed, I’m going to find a few pictures of stereotypical futuristic cities so I know what to visualise when I have my next LD.