the BIG riddle topic [part IX]

Oooh that’s an old one. About the hotel room.

[spoiler]It basically comes down to the fact you make a wrong calculation.
I am usually not good at explaining this but I think this works…

When you say: The backpackers paid $27, the intern has their $2. That makes $29 when the original price of the room was $30. Where did the $1 go?

It should be. The backpackers paid $27, the intern has their $2. So this 2 dollars are included in the price the backpackers pay, so rather than + 2, you should have done -2. That makes $25 (and if you then wonder but now 5 dollars disappeared, no they all got one dollar back plus two dollars to the intern)
Abe borrows money for a T-shirt.

[spoiler]Here again, wrong calculation of course.
The 3 dollar includes two dollars that are not borrowed anymore and one dollar that she still needs to return. So one of the three dollars is already in the 8 dollar because she needs to return it to her friends. [/spoiler]

My answer’s the same as Sandra’s.

A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays only three days, and rides out on Friday. How is this possible?

Easy, but its all I can think of XD

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The horse’s name is Friday.

This one is also easy. What always ends everything?

P.S: I’ve typed this for 3 times now, I guess because of the Internet Explorer. Now I’m smart enough to Copy and Paste if anything happens again.


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Incorrect calculations!


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You’re right! An object has no definite location unless it has been observed.

No one has still answered my other riddle about the man being frozen alive.
Here’s another one:
A man comes home and sees his friend Henry dead on the ground, along with broken glass and water everywhere. What happened?

@ Sandra, Splinter, Mew

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Yup! Though, as my angry economist friend said, it’s apparently not an old enough riddle that bankers would’ve known how not to add to their coffers by buying debt. ((0_o)) A kinder friend calls it creative accounting.


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The letter “g”?


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He rented room 1408? Tsunami? His friend tried to drink out of a shotglass?

Aah, I already remembered an old Riddle topic, this explains it :content:

No need to repeat the already good answers given that I thought of too =p

Mew151, (We used to have what happened? in the playground too. Was always nice)

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Henry is a fish.

I was just thinking and perhaps I have an answer to this one too. A man was frozen alive but was able to keep on fighting after being unfrozen. How can this be?

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Frozen = put the dvd/video/whatever on hold! So after being unfrozen, hit play again, the man can continue to fight.

New riddle…

Which grasshopper can jump higher than the Eiffel tower?

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Really any grasshopper can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower, that can’t.

(True story) Scientific studies have shown that there is a direct, positive correlation between foot size and performance in spelling bees / spelling tests. how can you explain this correlation?

Hint:[spoiler]It’s for the most obvious reason.[/spoiler]


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Clever, but there’s a better answer than that!

What’s the sound of one hand clapping?

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The sound that occurs when one hand claps… I didn’t ask for specifics! :puh:

tosxyChor, Spelling thing. [spoiler]When people are older they get better in spelling? =p [/spoiler]

How do you call a smart blonde?

How far does a blind dog walk into a forest?

Halfway. After that it’s walking out of the forest. :tongue:

:eek: Man, the bots are getting smarter. They actually added a signature!

Anyways, what has four wheels and flies?

Okay, ressing this topic because I think it’s totally awesome. And I hope it doesn’t fill with spam, and if it does it can get moved the pg or wherever. So:

To Mew’s riddle, a garbage truck :happy: (someone else told me that. XD)

A man and his son were in a truck driving accident. The father died in the accident and the son was rushed to the hospital. Upon seeing the patient, the surgon said, “I can’t operate, that’s my son.” How is this possible?

(I didn’t know whether or not to post the answer in spoilers but meh, someone will answer soon enough) :razz:

Ive heard that one before and this is the answer…

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The surgeon is his mother :tongue:

A man lives in a high building and when he takes the elevator to work he goes all the way down, but when going back home he only takes the elevator to few floors below his and takes stairs rest of the way. Why does he do this?

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Because he’s too short to reach up on the highest floors’ buttons. But of course it’s no problem when going to ground floor, because those buttons are the lowest.

Don’t know any off the top of my hat and don’t want to check all topics if they were posted already^^ But maybe I’ll post something later.

I remember this one from a few days ago: A man said: “If yesterday was tomorrow, then today would be Friday.” What day is it then?

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Quite a braintwister I admit, but still fairly easily solvable. In order for it to "today would be Friday ", yesterday had to be a thursday. So if yesterday was tomorrow, then it has to be Wednesday. If it’s wednesday, then tomorrow is Thursday. And if yesterday was Thursday, then today it would be Friday.

Gah I still can’t think of a good one.

But try this one. Next number in line:

4 , 9, 25, 49, 121, ?

Marvin (for the solution): [spoiler] You have one part wrong, which affects the solution. The answer is not Friday.[/spoiler]

Marvin (for the question): [spoiler]I tried some calculations with rounding down and everything, but then it hit me. The answer must be 169.[/spoiler]

about Puce’s riddle

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I even bolded it that the answer was Wednesday, not Friday xD I hope that is correct?

About Puce’s solution to Marvin’s riddle

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Yes, took Magnus only a few seconds to figure out. 169 is correct. But I’m not sure if he knew it before or not^^

On Puce’s riddle:[spoiler]Working from the other way: If today is friday, then tomorrow is saturday. Yesterday = ‘tomorrow’ so yesterday is saturday… Today must be Sunday[/spoiler]Am I right?

Marvin: [spoiler] Stupid me. But no, it isn’t Wedesday either. [/spoiler]

Blenderman: [spoiler] Yes, you are correct.[/spoiler]