What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part VI

Well…um… one is: I ALWAYS Jump out of my parents 3rd story window when ever I’m getting chased, OR I jump off of my balcony into my backyard(only one or two dreams), its a clear sign when I survive w/o any pain.
And then I had a bunch of dreams where i’m driving…My dad hasn’t even taught me how to drive yet.

I was in this elevator, and when the doors opened a guy killed me with a knife… Then, while still lying dead on the floor of the elevator, I was explaining all of this to my friend… :eh: It was really odd, cause I usually don’t die in my dreams… And if I do, I should realise that talking to friends is not a usual thing to do when you’ve just died… :content:

I kept on repeating all my obvious dream signs before gong to sleep last night and told myself to becomes lucid when I saw them. Almost all of them showed up in my dreams, none of them triggered anything!
Toilet in the middle of hallway (and using it of course), Driving and not being able to see well, performing in front of an audience (I never do that), My dad (who lives 7250 from me), My grandma who died, My 15 year old daughter being an infant, and several other ones. Someone get a dough roller!!! :cry: :confused:

Uäääää, I just say that, I got pwnt by a refridgerator and I cant figure out how I missed that DS!! :grrr: Im so mad right now

Last night me and my friend where eating at a really expensive and i kept thinking “hey, this is way too expensive for me, I shoulden´t be eating here”. But that wasn´t enough to get lucid :sad:

  1. I was walking in a forest…Full of flying cows which had wings lol. And they attacked me.
    2.In the same forest, a bee was chasing me. I turned around and squashed it with a stick. Then I realised, I have squashed a human :confused:. The next part of the dream was about police chasing me for killing that human.

In my dream a DC was repeating this:“This is a lucid dream, this is a lucid dream” and i was like:“are u crazy? theres no such thing as a lucid dream”. :razz:

I recently had a false awakening in which I was writing in my DJ. I couldn’t read what I had just written, but blamed it on bad handwriting. Then, when I closed my DJ it has something on the cover (my RL DJ has a blank cover): big, bold, shiny red letters saying “Reality Check.” Somehow or another, I didn’t do one…

i few days ago i had a normal dream of me and a child sharing the same left hand problems… my fingers would start deforming whenever i looked at them.
i said to the child “hmm… normally i would check if this is a dream”

i was to convinced the dream was real tho =P

[color=darkred]I was totally holding a rave in my bedroom and I was the dj/was dancing my *** off.

  1. my room is barely big enough for my desk tv and bed
    and 2) I am way to embarassed to dance in public.
    haha. So fun was the obvious dreamsign.
    wow… just realizing how sad that is lol[/color]

I was in a lucid store - it sold all sorts of things that could help you get lucid, dream souvenirs, OBE related stuff etc. Everywhere around me there were signs saying “DO A REALITY CHECK!”

And all I did was say “Wow, this is brilliant. I will certainly try this tonight.”

I had an entirely Harry Potter based dream, with an invisibilty cloak, a talking spell book, a hermoine look-a-like and a Voldemort and Wormtail.
I then went to Dumbledores office.

Doh. Good dream though. :content:

I was breathing underwater and thought,
“Wait a second I’m breathing underwater. Strange.”
And then continued swimming. :eh:

There was a dream sequence in a film in my dream last night. I thought “The images aren’t usually that stable in my dreams, they change more. Oh, now it changed, well done!”

I was in prison without a reason :help:

I don’t think I’ve had a dream that didn’t have an obvious dream sign that I’ve missed in. XP
The latest was when I was in school on Saturday and my room was at the end of a hallway, where I played a game that I’ve never seen before, not to mention there was a huge party going on there with loud music and alcohol. None of that would ever happen at the school, so I feel pretty lame for not realizing. >_<

LD4all image board.

'nuff said. :razz:

Wow, ive missed alot. One was that i saw spiders falling from lamps (very random) and there was no gravity. But i missed it!!!

Had a dream recently where I picked up a book that had the words LUCID written on the cover.
Hahaha. Totally missed that sign.
Go me. :happy:

I had a dream just last night that I was on LD4all, reading about the latest Quest (#55 – The 14 year anniversary party). I was staring at the :ld4all: symbol, which the topic explained was to be worn as an identification badge, and thinking to myself “How can I dream about this so I can get to that party?” :ack: