Cult TV shows

The best show I’ve seen, by far, is 24. It’s simply excellent. The story is so tight and the actors are wonderful. And the fact that Kimberly is the cutest girl I’ve ever seen doesn’t make matters worse :grin:

For all the huge Buffy fans (of which I am), did any of you guys watch Firefly (also by Joss Whedon) when it was on? True, it didn’t last a full season on stupid Fox but that show absolutely rocks! So many laughs. . .


Yes. I’m glad someone else watches it - not many people I know have even heard of it.

You know, I only ever saw 10 minutes of Spaced. At the time I didn’t get it, but I think if I saw it now I would enjoy it. I think it involved someone dreaming they had woken up, and then something happening in the dream (can’t remember what) and then waking up for real, and the same thing actually happening in real life. Or something like that. I could well be thinking of a completely different programme.

Oh yeah, Arrested Development is great! I love how their crazy dad used to teach them not to do irresponsible things by always tying in the moral with the man who kept losing an arm. “And this is why you always leave a note!”

Bowelfish - Almost solely on your recommendation, I’ve decided to buy the entire series 1 of Spaced on DVD.

It had better be good, or you’re in trouble, punk!

Since I am on post 1999 … it reminded me of the series space 1999 that I used to watch. (mm showing my age a little :tongue: )

There was an alien female in it who could shape shift into any animal she chose… Which is also a lucid dreaming ability that can be developed. :content:
Gerry Anderson created it.

Here is a website about it … pace_1999/

My favorite show is The Twighlight Zone. I bought a compilation of the best episodes for about $70 a few months ago. If they bring out another volume of them, I will probably buy that also.

I have never been a fan of Star Trek or X Files. Don’t know why.

As for Buffy and Angel. Can’t stand that crap. Sorry for you die hard fans, but those shows are trash. Sorry to be so blunt. :neutral:

I really don’t like any shows on television now. The only shows I watch are comedy shows and news. The comedy shows I watch now are Mr. Show, Upright Citizen’s Brigade, Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons, Arrested Development, and MadTV. If it was a few years ago SNL would be on that list, but I can’t watch it any more. They lost all of the good cast members.

I love :

  • “Twin peaks”
  • Lars von Trier’s “The Kingdom” (a TV show about a haunted hospital in Copenhagen)… (not the american remake with Stephen King’s screenplay, I didn’t see it).

Yay! Me too! I first time saw it when i was 11 years old, so it certainly had an impact on me. Scary, surreal and genious.

Also i liked Babylon 5 many years ago. Though im no longer sure if id like it these days, so i dont want to take the glow out of it by trying it out again.

Robin of Sherwood (1984-1986)
Excellent serie. I saw it as a little kid and now that i saw it again, im just amazed how damn good it was. StargÅtes and such dont come even close in my books. Magick stuff is at least trying to be seemingly realistic. Like Robin in the Hood gets initiated by Druid living in forest for his job. There are christian leaders that do occult black magic in witch covenant. Hashishins (saracen merry man in picture) and Templar Knigts also appear. But most of all, it has great atmosphere, music and characters you really care for. Even the evil guys in this one are intresting and symphatetic.

  • TV movie Robin Hood and the Sorcerer (1983)
    This TV ‘movie’ was like longer pilot episode for the serie.

There is a Simpsons episode where Bart is dreaming about winning first prize for something and he wakes up and Lisa is saying “first prize, first prize, first prize”, just messing with his mind while he dreams. That’s a good one. :content:

There’s another episode where Homer eats insanity peppers and trips out, which is more like a dream than a psychedlic trip if you ask me. Also a good one.

Other favorite shows of mine are (BBC) Absolutely Fabulous, The Young Ones, Coupling, The Office, and (USA) Family Guy, Futurama, That 70s Show, Buffy reruns (I never watched it when it was new for some reason, I love it now), Viva La Bam, South Park of course, and Starting Over.

Whew, lots of these have already been listed, but I’ll slap my list up here:

Farscape, Stargate (sg-1 & atlantis), Firefly, Jeremiah, Buffy, Smallville, Andromeda (before Michael Hewitt Wolfe left as lead writer), John Doe (was cancelled before the end of the first season, like Firefly…curses!), ALF, 7 Days, MacGuyver, and ummm, probably some more, but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head for fav TV shows, or cult or whatever.

Red Dwarf!
class, pure class.


Rimmer: Your about as useful as a condom machine in the Vatican


lol red dwarf too. :razz:

The timeless clasic Lister: 2Rimmer your a complete smeg head."

Cat: " I’m gonna eat you little fishy!" (hehe that made me laugh so much.)

qoute No. 2

Cat: (to rimmer) There’s a cat saying that goes something like this; It’s better to live an hour as a tiger than a whole lifetime as a worm.

Rimmer: There’s an old human saying that goes like this; who ever heard of a worm skin rug.

No. 3

lister has collapsed, in white corridor 159 (that is from memory, impressed??), and the cat passes by

Cat: oh it’s you. Hey monkey, your sick. Sick, helpless and unconscious. If i wasnt your friend i’d steal your shoes. (beat)
Time for a snack.

LOL!!! hahahaaa funny

P.s I just downloaded every episode of red dwarf, I love it, i really love it.

The film is starting production in jan 2005 (gettt iinnn)


i love that episode where they are put in quarantine

Rimmer: So let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the King of the Potato People and plead with him for your freedom, and you’re telling me you’re completely sane?

Kryten: Spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska!

Rimmer: Kryten, unpack Rachel and get out the puncture repair kit. I’m ALIVE!!!


:peek: don’t look at the dates :tongue:

:yay: I found some Blake’s Seven quotes and wanted to share them :smile:'s_Seven

about Blake’s Seven (copy and paste into the address bar)

Series One

Series Two

Series Three

Series Four

My favourite character in it was Avon. :smile:

Teal’c: “I stand by my friends. I believe this world may be our only hope in one day overcoming the false gods.”
Bra’tac: “Yes. As pathetic as that may seem at the moment, I agree.”
“The Serpent’s Lair”

JACKSON: Wait a minute. Jack – you’ve been seeing parts of the life of a barber in Indiana for seven years and you never mentioned it?
O’NEILL: Yeah, sure I did. I know I did.
(SG-1 look at each other. Sam shakes her head.)
CARTER: No. No, you didn’t, sir.
O’NEILL: I didn’t?
JACKSON: You didn’t find that the least bit odd?
O’NEILL: Actually, no – I found it quite … relaxing.

O’NEILL: He’s a barber.
JACKSON: Broke into your house?
O’NEILL: Yeah.
JACKSON: Second week in a row.
O’NEILL: Mm-hmm.
JACKSON (pointedly): Alarm.
O’NEILL: I’m thinkin’ dog.
JOE: You could try locking your front door.

Red Dwarf HAHAHA! That show is gold. My friend’s dad introduced me to that show(he is quite the nerd).

I’m supprised to see that so few people have mentioned Twin Peaks. In my opinion, Twin Peaks is the greatest TV show ever to be put on the air. It was pure beauty.(Right Illum?) So much more intelligent and thought out than most trash on TV now(OC, everything on UPN, Buffy, etc.).