Lucid Dream 2.0

moved to quest forum :moogle:

Hi there

This is my first post (I’ve just joined) I’ve had many a lucid dream for years even before I knew what they were, but for the last few months I’ve been having reality like dreams for lack of a better term, they happen just in-between falling asleep and are very sexual in nature, I’ll be lying in bed and I can physically feel sex on my body, I can reach out and touch and I swear there is no difference in doing that and real life, there’s no time limit either like for a lucid dream (like when the lucid dream fades out and your not concentrating enough to keep it), the decision is entirely mine whether to keep the experience going or not, the dream? is so real that I can turn over in bed (it all starts from the position I’m lying in) and When I open my eyes I’ve not turned over at all and I’m still in the same position, but I felt like I had physically turned over, like I said the experience is indistinguishable from real life, but I’m still in the half asleep phase where my conscious is not fully 100%, does anyone else have these or know what it is, I’m sure it’s not an obe because I don’t go anywhere I’m always just lying in my bed.


Hi, welcome to LD4all :welcome:

These are just very vivid lucid dreams in the form of false awakenings. It’s not an OBE or anything like that. When the vividness is high enough, it is almost indistinguishable from RL. As for the sexual nature, that kind of depends on your age and sex life. If you’re adolescent or don’t do anything sexual very often (or both), you’re more likely to get sexual dreams.


welcome…and what rhewin said…hes an expert ;]

Haha expert my foot :rofl: .

I just know too much :tongue:

:welcome: auriga69! :smile:

Hi Rhewin

Thanks for the replies, the false awakening sounds almost right, if it wasn’t for the fact I hadn’t dropped off to sleep just before it happens, my experience is like getting into my bed, closing my eyes while turning onto my side, if I feel uncomfortable I either turn onto my back or my other side, but then when I open my eyes and hadn’t moved at all? I was still in my original position when I first got into bed even though I psyhically felt myself turning over, wouldn’t that seem a bit strange, the reason I don’t think it’s a lucid dream is because I can almost will myself into this state anytime and if I open my eyes and come out of it I can close them again and go straight back into it from where I left off, I don’t drink or take any drugs legal or illegal, I have had many lucid dreams, one night terror (that was weird) and one possible obe (Although that may have been a vivid lucid dream), I’ve never had a false awakening before so you may be right (Altough don’t you have to get out of bed for those and open your eyes?, when I open mine I’m still in my original position like I said) or I could just be going crackers lol, thanks once again and hello Fallen Youth and dreamer628