I get to anxious - is it a bad thing?

hey folks.
I’m a new kid, so I’m wondering, is it bad to get to anxious when you LD?
This is what usually happens to me.
I LD quite a lot, and when I do, I tend to enjoy the situation and create supernatural stuff arround me, lets say, then, magical powers.
I start changing everything, using magical powers, and by a few minutes everything is gone, like I wasted all my “lucidity”…
I get worried with it, so, can anyone help me?

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

Ask yourSelf what the answer is to the dream situation, so you can stay lucid, while you are using your magic powers, before they run out.

Don’t be anxious, relax and you’ll be lucid for a long time.

What?! There is no “Lucidity Power Limit”… I’m not sure if theres a "Dream Time Limit", but that isnt
the point. Stay calm, don’t become
too anxious with your Powers…
Having only stuff coming from your creating would
feel a bit… Unatural…
But that may be only me, you know?
I mean… I dont get LDs as often…
But I enjoy Vivid LDs from walking on the street to flying around with not much difference. Just enjoy, have no fear.. You know, there was this Guide.. ToxcyChor's.. (If I spelled his name right..) "Lucid Dream Control Training".. Not sure how it is called exactly..Try looking for it. Im sure it would help.

Well, since dreams are very similar to daydreams, you can practice in those; just sit there for the time you’d like your LD to last, and see yourself for that time practicing powers, and being lucid. If you can do that in a daydream, then it’s entirely possible to do that in a dream as well :content:

Also remember that modulating/keeping hold of your emotions is a very good thing for dreams, as it helps them keeping stable and focused. Just try to relax and forget about your problems, as there are none in dreams, except for those you make up :wink: