Amazing dream control video!

Check this video out and let me know what you think.
I can so relate to the subject! If he had been a lucid dreamer he would have done a reality check (well, maybe :meh: )

Ahaha what a scam on the poor guy :happy:
Now he thinks he had the most vivid dream ever :grin:

more like a scam on the viewers - this can’t be real.
no way he can dream about texts that are put up above his head like that. Also the Questions he is asked are highly guided. “I was in some kind of ward…” “oh, like in a hospital?”. Is this guy some kind of mentalist or illusionist or some kind like that?

oh yeah, and ofcourse he’s immediately back in his own dream he conventiently dreamt of everything that they had already put in place. Great actor, that guy.

I was wondering about that too. But still, I could totally relate about being in his position doubting reality instead of doubting a dream. Puts an interesting spin on it.
I wished I wasn’t such a light sleeper, otherwise I’d have my daughter hang something on the wall in the middle of the night and see if it would enter my dream. I wonder if the reason I am such a light sleeper is because my conscience is never fully asleep, part of it is aware of what goes on, even with my eyes closed.

:woo: The subject’s name is Magnus hahaha

That was really interesting. I do have to agree with an earlier poster that this man is an illusionist. He did a lot of suggesting and that quick flash video with different pictures and letters was more likely filled with subliminal messages.

We don’t know if Magnus actually peeked around his room while he was getting changed either.

It was fun to watch.

It was interesting, but I do think it was subliminal messages. The words on the ceiling were probably a reminder for the viewers.

Fun to watch. :content: