I am a Lucid Dreamer: Commanding the Subconscious Mind

I read the “Forming a Relationship with your Subconscious” and ever since I said “In 7 hours I will realize I am dreaming” I’ve been having lucid moments for s few seconds and then I forget I’m dreaming again or I don’t care enough because I want to see what happens in my normal dream.
(Side note: The night I said that, I had a nightmare after a long time and actually saved myself from a terrible fate :happy: )

Great post Ben. Lately I have been stressing the importance of telling myself that “I will have a lucid dream” instead of using the phrase, “I am a lucid dreamer”. I am going to give this a try every time I do a reality check, or whenever I remember this post, and also incorporate it into my WBTB tonight to see how it works. Thanks again Ben, this has really changed my perspective on how to ask for a lucid dream.

I am Matt, and I am a lucid dreamer.

I AM a lucid dreamer.

I AM a god who co-creates the reality around him with the universe.

I AM able to be lucid while performing extended experiments in the dreamstate.

I AM able to master WILD’s.

What about “can”.


I do believe this post has reached “Epic Awesome” status. :content:

I have a question…
Lately I’ve been trying to induce more lucid dreams with the “In … hours” line, but it’s not working quite well xD I keep waking up at 4-5 o’ clock in the morning, but that is when my visualized “timer” should reach 0 and I’m supposed to realize I’m dreaming.
Even when I still have some time left (like last night), it’s still not enough to fall asleep again and start dreaming.

Well, I can’t exactly get lucid when I’m not even dreaming! Should I use shorter intervals? :\ I’m worried that the REM-sleep won’t be very… good so early in the morning.
Any advice?

Edit: Oh gosh :eek: I think I just realized what I’m doing wrong :tongue: Whenever I said “realize I’m dreaming” I associated that with feeling my surroundings… And my surroundings at that moment were my bedsheets and my pillow! :lol:
Gosh I’m such an idiot :tongue: Next time I’ll try visualizing myself in a dream, hahaha xD

Amazing post simply amazing after reading this Post i had figured out I always do the I am check im always telling people Why do you say you cannot do it? if its still hard I sometimes go Why not? Why shouldnt i be able to do this? Now i am going to take this AND fit it into my mind to Have a lucid dream i Have had many lucid dreams But i will make them more controllable and to do what i wish to do in my dreams, It can happen and it will. :smile: :dragon:

This is a fabulous post! The very first lucid dream I had, I found out how important it is to be able to command your unconscious mind, to tell it who is boss. I woke up inside of a dream, sitting up in a balcony of a theatre, and I just watched, fascinated, the players on the stage…I knew it was not real life…but at some point, I started clapping, and said that is so wonderful! The stage players all turned, looked at me, and said, How did SHE get in here? You aren’t allowed in here! I got kicked out, and woke up immediately. Darn~ Took me a lot of lucid dreams to tell those dream characters to back off, I was in control now. I showed them…I would just snap my fingers and make the one arguing with me disappear! I said, who else wants to challenge my authority? They pretty much let me run the show after that! Fun! It’s YOUR mind!


Eh… wow ? I’m shocked ! I gotta read this every day until it gets in my mind. I forget things easily. I’ll note this URL somewhere.

Thousand thanks for sharing such a deep but simple theory with us !

And BenDrummin58, feel happy for making so many other people happy :smile: !

Great stuff Ben, this and the thread from 2006 as well.
I realized that my mantras are bad so i will use one of yours (At (insert AM time here) tomorrow, I will realize I’m dreaming ) for a while and then i will see how it works.
Thanks Ben ! :good:

I just want to say that this is going to help me tremendously!!! Thank you soooo much!

~I AM a lucid dreamer!~

Thanks alot for posting this useful information.

I am a lucid dreamer!

excellent post ben…

very well put…

Actually it was direct psychology, because your subconsciousness does not understand negations.
When you say: “I do [color=red]NOT[/color] want to lucid dream.” it understands: “I [color=green]DO[/color] want to lucid dream.”
Alright i know, there is still the w-word in the sentence. So why had it worked?

Here i would like to introduce some new inputs to this thread:

  1. Emotions are crucial!
    As you made your statement with a good portion of emotion, it was burned into your subconscious memory with more efficiency. One can make use of this fact by visualising emotional situations while programming your mind.
    eg.: Say: “I am a lucid dreamer!” and imagine a big crowd cheering at you. A hammer hitting your finger also works great, as you are programed to save painful memories for protection. :smile: The emotion doesn’t really matter, it just has to be strong!

  2. There has been talk about future tense in this thread. Using present gives the visualisation some substance. OK, but take it to the next level!

Imagine yourself in the future thinking back at the great night full of LDs you had (that’s actually about to start).
This may work, as it creates an artificial irreversible memory in your mind. Your subconsciousness will accept it more likely as a fact because its past and there is nothing it can do about it.

I hope this helps. I am actually just about to become a dreamer, but have been using those techniques for a long time now. Quit smoking was a peace of cake :smile:

I am Dacardi and last night, after writing this post i had my first LD. It was absolutely great. I still get goosebumps when i think about it. Get it? :smile:

You know, I’ve heard this a million times and have yet to see a convincing study on it other than through various self-help and hypnotism websites. The thing that gets me is why would it not understand a negative. For instance, if I tell myself “I will not forget to pay my bills,” I still rememeber. I don’t train myself to forget. No, I really don’t buy that theory. But if someone can give me a good case study or the actual science behind it, then I’ll support it 100%.

I studied Hypnotherapy a few years ago and this was explained by the mind using its imagination to picture an event regardless of the negative in the sentence.

Part of the mind, we were told, experiences the event as real even if you are only imagining it which is why worrying can increase stress about something. Real experience is not distinguished from the imagined one as far as the emotional charge and stressful impact is concerned. By the way, I don’t necessarily put this theory out there as an advocate of it but simply because it’s sort of relevant.

That probably muddies the waters even further but it’s a fascinating thread nonetheless.

i tried this yesterday. for the last few months my dreams were sparse, bland, and with perhaps just a fragments of a scene, and last night i had at least 4 very vivid dreams full of colour and emotion. i even woke up after each dream voluntarily, just through saying
‘I AM a lucid dreamer’ (meaningfully).
i don’t know whether or not it is because its just that i want to lucid dream again after years of neglect, but i will stick with this and see where it leads, for me this is a huge step from virtually no dreaming to vivid just out of reach lucidity.
a big thanks for the topic!

Wow, thank you Ben! I never really thought about this. I think this works well with emotions, I was pretty miserable today until i realized… I AM happy!

This is so true, kinda reminds me of Buddha.

“He is able who thinks he is able”.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”.

Great post Ben!

A friend of mine quit smoking by lying to himself. He’d tried and tried to quit before but hadn’t been able to for any length of time.

How did he lie to himself?

He simply said to himself “I am a non-smoker,” - every time he reached for and then smoked a cigarette. It’s important to note that he didn’t berate/beat himself up for having a cigarette. If he felt like having one he did so without judgement.

He did this for I don’t know how long until one day, he said, he just stopped smoking. His wife continued to smoke her head off but he became, and remained, the non-smoker he’d been telling himself that he was.

He was about 55 at the time and is 71 now.

So, now that you’ve jogged my memory about this, umm, let’s call it a ‘mind trick,’ I will start applying it toward lucid dreaming.

Thanks for the post.