Simple Trick for WILD

Hello, hello… :plotting:

Here’s a little trick for those of you trying WILD… Find a (large) spoon, and go to bed holding it in your hand like this…

When you cross the threshold into sleep, your thumb will relax, causing the spoon to fall – slightly bringing you back to awareness. It’s a lot like the old “hold your forearm straight up in the air” trick, but you might find it easier to pull off.

Depending on where you drop the spoon, the effect can be gentle (on the bed), moderate (against your leg), or pronounced (onto the floor). You can also adjust where you hold the spoon so you drop it more/less readily.

Hope it helps! :handshake:

I think it will negate my effect of WILD. I loose awareness and then suddenly re-gain it. That will awake me from the going-to-sleep phase. But I guess it works for people who can’t really focus on HI’s, maybe for the first night. Anyways, it’s worth a try, I’ll try it to night and tell you how it went tomorrow! :smile:

Heh, I think I read something like this a long time ago. I think I didn’t bother with it back then, but it seems like a neat trick if you get it to work without waking you up as the spoon falls.

And if the spoon bends or turns into a bouquet of flowers, you are dreaming!! :dingy:

I vaguely recall reading about this a while ago as well (although I don’t remember where). It seems like a cool idea to help you maintain focus.

Of course, it may also backfire and make you want to go get a bowl of ice cream after dropping the spoon a few times :wink:.

Well, it is quite the useful exercise, but of course you can’t WILD while doing this :tongue: nonetheless, getting used to what falling asleep feels like can be very important fer next time you try a WILD, so you know what you’re going towards when you are falling asleep consciously.
Also, don’t forget that great artists like Dali and Mozart used this method to absorb inspiration from their HI phases :content:

After you drop the spoon, you should be in a better position to WILD. Much closer to sleep.

There is no spoon.

lol loving that “light a man on fire…” quote! LMAO right now heehee

That’s kinda what I said, you have to stop this to WILD :tongue: but I agree of course, it’s a good way to bring you t the threshold of sleep, especially when going to bed for the first time during the night.

im too weak to hold a spoon like that as i try to sleep hahahaha haha
no really i think my hand muscles would cramp.