Your dream theme?

The only prevailing theme, from what I can recollect, is my house. Quite a few of my dreams either took place at my house, or slowly morphed into my house as the dream went on. If this does not occur, my dreams are extremely random, and that’s how I like 'em.

Right now, my dream theme seems to be video games: either being inside them (although not manipulated by a player somewhere else; I always have control of my own actions within the parameters of the game) or playing them, except that I don’t notice the screen–it’s like I’m floating in the game world.

When I started working on dream recall, I thought that a lot of my dreams involved an obstacle-filled journey from Point A to Point B. However, as I’m getting to the point of remembering a dream or two every night, I’m discovering that those dreams seem to be pretty uncommon.

Great, now my dream-theme is friends.

I like my dreams.

My theme is world of warcraft and trying to fall asleep without noticing im already asleep (Ill sleep into the dream without loosing conciousness)

I am so often involved with the new york city subway system in my dreams. Im either on a train, taking a train, trying to find a train, transfering. etc…

I used to really have to go to the toilet in my dreams previously. Not anymore though :smile: I don’t get any sexual dreams though… :blush: (but what are LDs for :razz:

My dreams are usually related to me dying/someone being separated from a group of people, usually out of an act of heroism to save others/me spinning extremely fast - being scared/school.

The death in my dreams mostly occur to me in violent ways, the weapon I die by is usually a knife. I have gotten my throat slit, stomach stabbed, backstabbed, strangled and drowned.

The separation is most likely connected to the fact that sacrificing oneself for the sake of others is a very noble and heroic deed. I find the theme to be extremely touching.

The spinning, well, those dreams have accompanied me since childhood, I simply spin, usually by holding onto a vertical pipe that spins or something, feeling the g-forces. These dreams cause me to wake up after a while.

I think school haunts most of the people, I can see myself doing a test or an exam with no luck whatsoever. They are always very distressing, excluding during the holidays, because of the relief when you wake up.

My most common themes are zombies and “taking one for the team”. Epic medieval dragon warfare also seems to creep up and find it’s place in my SC often, too. :tongue:

SOO many times I’ve been shot, stabbed, punched, kicked, etc in the efforts of saving or protecting others. It’s never fatal, just painful.

As for zombies, my friends have learned. Usually it goes something like this:
Me: “Hey, I had a weird dream last night…”
Friends: “Oooh I love zombie dreams!”
Me: :eek:

I think high school is a very common dream theme for any stressor. My mom has even made comments that when she’s behind on her work or is afraid of being late for something, she’ll have dreams about being in high school again and missing the bus, or dreading a final exam, etc. I have had my share of school dreams, but I’m generally good at not letting things stress me so much. It’s been a good while since I’ve had one, too.

Actually, my high school dreams are more light hearted. Some actually make me laugh when I wake up. :eh:

But I know now that I’ve left high school the scene that is my “high school” in my dreams has shifted to being at a different angle than what it was. :woah:

For some reason all my dreams are different, and they have almost nothing in common, except for the fact that I’m always in some unseen, unknown location.

My dreams are different too , but in some of theme I’m in a hotel .

For some amount of time, i would dream about tornadoes, and forests. (not at the same time :tongue: ). This was a while ago though. Now unfortunately, I have horrible dream recall (blaming it on no computer and lack of motivation to write in DJ )

but, meow that I’m back, I expect to get my recall back up and running :wink:
(and hopefully have an LD, haven’t done that in a while)

I play so much Fallout: 3 and Fallout: New Vegas that I constantly dream about radiation poisoning. Sometimes I’ll even here this sound, almost like a metal detector clicking. It’s called a Geiger counter and means that I’m being irradiated.

Ive had the same thing happen to me but one of my most recurring dreams is chasing someone like in assassins creed mostly cause Ive played that a little to much :cool:

I usually do something very stupid and after that I get chased by someone :gni:
sometimes it is almost like normal life but it changes into something very strange in the middle of the dream :neutral:

I played those Games too lately but instead of getting Fallout dreams I get dreams about RL issues :tongue:

Sounds a bit annoying to hear the Geiger counter all the time :tongue:

I seem to have lost my dream theme. They’re all over the place now. Though I must say, it is interesting, and much fun to have different dreams every night.

Family, school, my house.

Oh, and getting what I want at the time. :grin:

Friends and family, at home or at school. sometimes video games. :razz:
One thing for sure, in almost every dream, one of the DC is not at the right place, or just making odd things he doesn’t do in WL

I’ve had quite a few dreams where these kids from my old school randomly show up. I’ll usually be in a place that I know or with friends and then my old classmates are there. It’s just strange because I wasn’t even friends with them, barely knew them. That’s the only main similar thing between al my dreams, most of them are super random!