Visiting old dreamscapes

I have three dreamscapes I’d like to explore a bit more, just wondering what would be a suitable way to get me to them?

-First one is a hillside on top of a mountain, reminds me of wales
-Second is a city where I’m a vampire.
-Third is a hotel/cinema where there is a ghost following me, and dead corpses everywhere.

These dreams ended before they could finish and they’re my favourite remembered dreams atm. How can I induce old dreamscapes?

I think you have to imagine the place , or believe that if you open a door you will find yourself there , I’m not sure of this , but I think It will work If you believe in it .

I find that closed, indoors places are easier to reach in a lucid dream than open landscapes. Travelling for some time is more likely to make the lucidity wear off, or the dream to end. It usually works well for me to say “This door leads to…” or “… is behind the next corner”, or even: “This and that is behind me!”

If you don’t lucid dream easily, you could also try incubating normal dreams about them. Why not try daydreaming or visualising those scenes in bed before sleep?

On top of what Siiw said, you could try the VILD technique. It’s a variation of WILD that has worked well for me. Basically, keep imagining the same scenario over and over in your head. Picture your dreamscape, walk around or intereact with something or someone and then do an RC. Make sure you really concentrate on how things feel and sound. If you do this enough, it will turn into a dream, and you don’t have to look for HI or anything like that which WILD requires. Like WILD, this is best done 5-6 hours after first going to bed so you fall asleep and go into REM faster.