Dreams about sex,kissing...yup part II

how many people get off when they rub their hands together ??? waits for a show of hands
how many people get off when they have sex ??? waits for a show of hands

sex is more exciting, that’s why it wakes you up, friction or not :yinyang:

Try to make sure your dream is good and stable first and try to remember not to close your eyes.

I had one of “those” dreams once. It was in a classroom in my school. I became lucid, and asked a girl I really like if she’d like to…ahem… and so we did it. On the floor. Only problem was I woke up before it started… :sad:

Pistgurl what helps is lowering your breathing when you have sex in a ld.
relax mentally and connect that to heartbeat and breathing.
It took me some years lol to develop that but now i can have long sex lol in a ld.


Nooooo by the time I can have sex in LDs it’ll already be legal for me to do it in real life!! :happy:

It’s hard to concentrate on your senses, especially visuals, when you’re having sex… maybe you could stimulate your sense of taste instead?? :cool_laugh:

I’m sorry for that…

Oh this morning I had a lucid dream for the first time in a long time, and the first thing I thought of… well I tried but she wouldn’t let me, then suddenly I snapped into higher consciousness and slapped myself with “hurry up and hypnotize yourself to have lucid dreams every night stupid!” but then I woke up.

"Nooooo by the time I can have sex in LDs it’ll already be legal for me to do it in real life!! "
Are you going to obey goverment rules when should you start your sex life?:)heheh dont!:slight_smile:
taste sense…i think you`re just ready:)
take care:)

who is the government to decide when i can and cannot have consensual sex ??? what’s next… the dream police ???

judge: you are charged with having underage sex, willfully breaking the laws of physics, and–most heinous of all–enjoying yourself while doing it. how do you plead ???
defense attorney: my client pleads subconscious your honor

gasp throughout the courtroom

prosecutor: i will prove beyond a resonable doubt that the defendant was lucid when he committed these crimes


LOL :happy: that was awesome


Um, I shouldn’t really be seen in this thread… scarpers :eh:

In my last LD I tried to hug a girl ( >= 18 ), well it didn’t go too well, because the scene changed. I didn’t have control on the scenes but I was lucid for a long time.

i don’t believe you, she was 17 wasn’t she ??? !!! confess !!! calls the dream police

sexual predators like you make the dream world unsafe for minors

hides his children and then remembers he doesn’t have any

Hahahaha you crack me up!!!

:biggrin: That was good one!

hahahaha that was great! We should post a copy in the jokes discussion. :wink:
Anyways, I meant that right now I don’t have the ability to, of course I would if I could… but to sacrifice a rare lucid dream for a few seconds of low level fumbling would be a little desparate.


…yeah…you’re right unfortunately…really shouldn’t waste my LD’s trying it on with fictional people…should probably spend more time finding something to keep me in them…


I need help…

yeah so, i had an LD this morning, and i successfully found other things to do than hunt down a DC to have sex with. the idea did cross my mind but i dispelled it and did some other things instead. i leave a post-it note on my computer monitor (i spend a lotta time at the computer) with a list of activities that i wanna do in dreams.

so instead of “i’ll fly around until i find some girl to have sex with” which was the first idea that came to my mind, i stopped and tried to remember some items from the post-it note and did those instead.

i tweaked that advice in my LD and i think breathing may be a good stabilization technique to keep you from getting too excited and waking up, i guess you should always be breathing, even if you’re not having sex :yinyang:

thx jeff

No offense, but you’re not funny. :bored:

meusopusmagnus, r3m0t, dm7, and infection0 seem to disagree

thank you for contributing nothing of value to this thread salutes

oh yeah, no offense :yinyang:

I can have sex in my LD and have orgasms and it’s fine, I can keep on dreaming. I guess I’m lucky? Hahaha

hey at least when you try it, your d**** doesnt turn into a slinky so you cant…


Better edit that out before anyone sees that by the way…