Dream recall-Bits and pieces vs. Full dream

I had a dream this morning. I only remembered fragments. It took me about 10 minutes to remember the whole dream. But, I remembered the dream in way more detail-what people wear, how I felt, what something smelled like. I think thats because your thinking harder about what happened next, how it happened, who was there and trying to bring everything back to your memory. Most of the time, I remember the full dream from the start, but I don’t remember the small details. This, you know the main things and aren’t pondering about the dream as much. You just know what happened. Which do you guys think is better. Personally, I think that I like remembering fragments and adding things up.

i try to get my dreams exactly how they are, but i don’t think it is a bad idea to add your own bits afterwards, because you are just making the dream bigger. and this may help future dreams last longer and be more detailed.