Sex-obsessed LDer


You can always set goals whilst awake to do other things. This will reinforce your behavior in an LD. Without goals, you’ll just defualt to what you like best. I guess for OP it’s sex, for me it tends to be flying or finding The Doctor. My dreams are pretty similar in that respect when I have no goals. I don’t like wating whole LD’s trying to find the TARDIS :tongue:

And I’ve had the same thing as OP as well. When I first discovered LD sex, I wasted quite a few dreams on it. I lost interest after a while, but it was the same thing. No goals = the same action over and over.

Yeah, totally. Of course you can do something about it.
It’s the same in real life. If you don’t set goals for yourself and just do whatever you feel like doing, you’ll end up sitting around playing video games all day.

I have this little annoying problem as well :tongue: whenever I have low lucidity I can only think about sex and going into the neighbors’ houses :confused: Sometimes I even get to the point of thinking, in the LD, “Sex, hmm but if I do that I’ll just wake up.” and I go for it anyway :grrr: .With higher lucidity I rarely do these things or feel interested in them.

Setting goals before bed seems to help a bit, because as I remember the goal in the dream I tend to forget about sex and/or get more lucid…

Maybe it does say something about our SC’s :tongue: I have the impression sometimes that maybe it’s just a part of our minds that get more active sometimes, a part responsible for more… primal urges, maybe.

It is irritating :sad: I mean, LD sex is cool and all, but it would really be better to get more LD’ing experience to have LD sex in a high level lucid dream with good vividness…

Sex is one of our strongest urges, so it’s just natural to practice is like mad in the wonderful world of lucid dreams. :wink:
Maybe you could make them more varied by starting from the beginning like in real life and flirt, date etc (you can also do this to practice for real life) until you end up having sex.
Kinda like chatting with some LD character and then after a while “hey I was on my way to place X, maybe you wanna come with me?”.

ehh, i dont really agree with GOB, i dont set goals for myself at all, and the majority of my days are spent hanging out, freerunning, and playing guitar.

while i do agree with setting goals in dreams, IRL, all you really need are hobbies.

And that’s supposed to be a problem?

yeah… that’s pretty annoying and not fun at all (because I could do things that I can’t in RL instead). I’m not an experienced lucid dreamer so this is probably the reason why I have difficulties controlling what I’m doing even when I’m lucid. usually after that kind of ld I feel a bit ashamed :happy:. gotta practice i guess

This happens frequently and you’re not the only one to have these “sex-mad LD’s”. What it says about your subconscious is that, like everybody, “sex is one of our strongest urges” (as Laurelindo said it). :wink:

Some other LD’ers and myself noticed that this sex urge sounds like to happen after a while, not immediately at the beginning of a LD. We wondered if, as the LD reaches at its end, we are more aware of our true body thus of some “physiological reaction” which happens during REM sleep. :content: What could engender these sex dreams.

Anyhow, I’ve the feeling that it’s more frequent for LD’ing beginners. Cause, as for me, it’s less and less common with the time.

I am going to have to disagree with King Kandy. I am fairly new to LDing (about a month) but i have had about 5 so far, 3 of which were in the same night which was my first night LDing. The first 2 i had the exact same problem. I realized I was dreaming and proceeded to have sex with the first girl i saw and right before i finished i woke up. Fortunately the last 3 i have had i realized that if i had sex i would wake up. It is all about self control, much like in reality. I realize i am dreaming, i want to have sex, then i tell myself that I cannot do it. In my opinion it is all about getting better at dream awareness.

Try deciding beforehand what you are going to do on any particular night, if you manage to achieve lucidity. Pick something like flying, and if you’re one for MILD, then while repeating your mantra, imagine yourself flying after becoming lucid.

Haha! I can totally relate to that. And sometimes some of the DC’s want me to have sex with them when I become lucid. Then when the dream is over, I’m like,“geeze, I could’ve been interviewing DC’s, flying, teleporting, etc.” I will try to resist temptation the next lucid dream though

High five!! :lmao:

Yes! Although in these LD’s I feel it’s 100x harder to fight the urge, almost like a wild animal that has no resl reason to fight it :tongue:

Darn that sounds really bad indeed…much worse than the girls in my LD’s that react prudish all of a sudden if I make any indecent proposal. Lucky bastard.

Wow, this is me. In the last few months I’ve had quite a few LDs, more than usual. But I waste them all because as soon as i get lucid i’m like ‘yes… SEX’. Most the time it doesn’t even work, or the person im having sex with turns into a rotweiller or something. I’ve made a vow to stop doing this. I’m gonna start making goals of what to do im my LD in RL, and make sure I remember them.

This happens to me alot! Even ND

even in my second LD ever, it wasnt long before i saw the “lady in the red dress” literally. it was lust at first sight, i got closer, played it slowly… kissed the lady- and as i did my excitement warped her mouth and face and it kinda swallowed my face, and i woke up… damn. i need to prepare goals for whenever i get lucid again.

I have the same issue…and I’m an old man compared to everyone who’s posted on this thread. I’ve ruined several of my lucid dreams because I was uncontrollably sidetracked by sexual urges.

So the bad news is it tends to cut my lucid dreams short. The good news it…I haven’t lost my sex drive yet (event though I’m older) :smile:

Some time ago i was eperimenting a lot when lucid, e.g. with moving from one place to another with will, manifesting stuff etc. When that didnt work, my mind immediatly switched to wanting sex. It was like, ok this didnt work, lets have some sex instead. And what was funny is that i didnt have any problems manifesting a partner to have sex with. Only problem was that i was waking up before the climax!

It seems our desires becomes our focus when we dont have goals, as several others have pointed out. I personally dont have a problem with some sexual LDs, but i dont want to use all my LDs for sense gratification. Also, i made the discovery that I didnt like to manifest a DC for sex as the DC was almost just like a doll that i seemed to control. It felt like i was having sex with myself afterwards and it felt a little bit creepy. :whistle:

Try masturbating before going to sleep. Your id is very unrestrained in dreams, and the id is responsible for your libido. If you can relieve some of the sexual chemistry from your brain, it’ll help. An orgasm should do that.

I’ve had many FLD’s in which I’ve tried as hard as possible to have sex. Obviously being a fourteen year old boy, sex is on my mind a lot, but it’s actually getting irritating.
For example last night I had a dream where I tried to do it with one guy (not very attractive at ALL I might add), but he pushed me away. I then walked into a room full of hot celebrities, and made out with Taylor Lautner (AWFUL kisser) in a crib…? Anyways, the dream was a FLD, and I’ve never experienced a strong LD… :confused: