the BIG remembering dreams topic part VI

Yes many times, and sometimes if I spend enough time thinking about it I menage to remember fragments, but sometimes there is just the feeling!

I need to put some work in to remembering dreams again…
Even without a DJ I had perfect recall but I just went down to cristal clear great recall to absolutely nothing in less than a week…

quite a while ago, i found out about lucid dreaming and became borderline obsessed. i went to a bunch of sites trying to find out how to do it. the first thing i worked on was my dream recall.

at first i did great. i remembered about two or more dreams each night. i was even able to influence a couple of them them, though it was far from lucidity. all of that changed several months ago. at first, i just had a bit of trouble remembering my dreams. then my recall gradually got worse as i was unable to record anything in my journal (i can’t write what i dont remember…).

then something terrible happened. i was unable to remember a single thing about any dreams! in all the months since this started to hapen, i have only recalled a single dream, even that was only barely. i have tried to get my recall back, but i haven’t had any luck.

if anyone could help me, i would greately appreciate it! :help:

Merged from a topic in General Lucidness. :dragon:

I keep seeing people say that you have to have a dream journal if you really want to improve dream recall. I understand this, but how are we supposed to have one if we can’t remember any dreams to put into it. Sure having a friend wake you up 90 minutes after you fall asleep could help spark dream remembrance but how are you to do this when there’s only so many hours in the day? And who’s gonna watch you for 90 minutes anyway?

@Scipio Xaos. Yes getting started is the tricky part but not that hard. First of all it is best to drench yourself and your mind in LDing and dreams in general: Read and think about dreaming as much as you can, read other people’s dream journals, read articles etc… For me this was enough to boost my dreams first time round.
If that isn’t enough yes it will help to wake up in the night. But try about 5 hours after you go to sleep, rather than 90 minutes. The best dreams often occur later in the night. And the best way to wake up is a simple alarm clock I’d say, you don’t need someone else to do that for you.

Yeah it’s tricky. But I used to hope it would just fall into my lap (like that would happen…). Now I’m tired of waiting so I’m determined to do all I can to reach that glorious an LD per night milestone. And while I still have trouble remembering most of my dreams I’m seeing a large improvement since I’ve decided to become diligent. (Last Sunday). I’ve had at least one dream recall per night since except Thursday.

I have lost a great deal of my motivation and nearly all recall. I’m trying to keep a DJ but have nothing to write down! Also, I’m trying to keep my LDing interests secret from my family because I know they won’t approve of such “fuzzy thinking”. How can I improve sneakily? HELP!

Your DJ is pretty personal so your family shouldn’t look into that.
When you wake up in the morning or at night just lie there for a couple of minutes thinking about what you dreamt that night. If nothing comes up, try setting your alarm clock 4, 5, 6 or 7 hours, whatever you prefer, later than going to bed. You will wake up during REM sleep or close to REM sleep and your dream recall should be better then. Good luck. :content:

Yeah I’d rather keep my LDing and family seperated as well, but for me that isn’t that much of a problem. My parents would never search my room or anything like that so I simply keep my DJ behind a stack of books or under my bed for if they walk in. I don’t know how it is in your house of course but I’d say it is very well possible to find a moment every now and then to write something down.
But more importantly than anything you do physically is what you do mentally. The mindset and mental part of lucid dreaming is by far the most important, and no-one can see what is going on in your head :content: . Point is if you have problems keeping you DJ or LD4all activities secret there are loads of tricks you can do that are purely in the mind. Me myself I manage to keep quite a good DJ in my head by simply ‘studying’ my dreams everyday.
You should of course find what works best for you, but taking a few minutes just after waking up to search you memory for dreams of that night is the best way to start I’d say. And once you have something, anything, you can build on that. Go over it a few times a day, especially at night, and try to gather more and more untill you remember full dreams. Also, keep your head on dreaming and lucid dreaming when going to bed. There are loads more tricks that are just in the mind, you should look around in the ‘Quest for Lucidity’ for that.
Just hopes this helps to get you started

Woah, I haven’t been to this site for a loooong time.

Anyway, I always think “Alright, next time I have a dream - I’ll write it down”, but I keep forgetting to do it. Oh well, at least I remember my longest and most interesting dreams.

I am going to explain my probleme as well as i can (i am french :razz:).
I had some difficulty to remember my dream so i decide to write them the first night i got very (i try to remember my dream for 3 days) nice results instead of 0 remenbered dream i had remembered 2. the second day 0 and the third day 0 too. i am discouraged.
I want to know this is normal and do you have some tips for me :smile:

Merged from a topic in General Lucidness. :dragon:

Try to set alarm clock every 90 minutes and wake up and see whether u remember any dream. Write down immediately. (For this u need to have a dream journal by your bedside). Before going to sleep affirm yourself that you will remember the dream. Maintain good sleeping habits and eat nutrient foods. Hope this helps.

Along with lucky1990’s good advice, I would suggest you say to yourself before you go to sleep “I want to remember my dreams tonight” (or the equivalent in French :wink: ) several times. This tells your mind that you are indeed interested in recalling your dreams. If you recall no dreams, write down in your DJ “no recall as yet”. It’s vitally important to write down something as this sets up the habit and also sets up a psychological expectation that you WILL remember something at some stage.

Stick with it, it might take several days or even a couple of weeks. You are on the right track - just keep going, I wish you well and look forward to hearing of your progress :smile:

I’m just beginning my travels of LD, but I have a ridiculous memory and as soon as I wake up my dreams are gone, before I can even try to process them.
Any tips on how to help me remember my dreams??

Merged from a topic in General Lucidness. :dragon:

Get a Dream Journal. Have it besides your bed each morning (alongside with a pen or pencil), so you can easily write the dreams you remember as soon as you wake up. During the first days you might not remember much. Just write whatever you can recall. It can be feelings, thoughs, colors, or simply write “I didin’t remember any dreams”. After some days you will start remembering more. After a week or two you should be able to remember solid 1-2 dreams each night. A DJ is probably the easiest and quickest way. Not only does it increase your DR, it also gives you something exciting to read (say, after 1 or 2 years) and it makes sure that the dreams you remember never get lost. Hope this helps.

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I have tried to write them down, but I cant remember anything, I mostly just get strong sensations of something strange. And when certain events happen throughout the day i’ll remember parts of dreams but it all depends on what I’m doing, where I’m at, and who I’m around. There are also times when I can only remember a brief moment of a dream, but not the rest of it.

Should I write that anyway?

Yes you should write everything down that you can remember, even if it is just a feeling or small part of the dream. Even if you don’t remember nothing at all you should write this down!

It doesn’t matter how fragmentary your memories are, write them down anyway.
Every little piece of information will teach your brain to pay more attention to details in your future dreams, and then your dream recall will gradually improve from there.
Remember, anything that’s greater than 0 can potentially grow huge.

Are you waiting until morning to write down your dreams? You may try waking up overnight (a common time is four and a half hours after falling sleep, due to sleep cycles) for a few minutes to write down your dreams, or at least key points from them, before returning to sleep and writing down the rest of your dreams when you wake up normally. Waking up at this time is also useful in for inducing lucid dreams – look into WBTB for more information.

Hi, I’m very new to LD. It’s been 10 days since I’m start practising and I have been diligently (actually struggling) writing my dream journal.

It amaze me on how incredible human subconscious mind work. when I first start and told myself to remember my dream, I woke two times at night and I could remember 2 dreams right away. It’s something that never happened in my life.

But as days goes on my dream recall dropped. I wonder if it because I left myself hungry or because it’s weekday. Yesterday I can’t recall anything and today I forgot what I’m dreaming during my nap time.

Like I would give up. Today I would told my subconscious mind;

“If you really love me then mark every dream as important and let me know!”