The B I G Lucid to-do list topic Part III

I haven’t had lucid dreams in a while… but maybe this inspires me again
1. fly. I’ve never been successful to fly…
2. create a new universe
3. talk to dream characters
4. play with the natural forces
5. eat … I wanna know what food tastes like in a dream
6. levitate objects ( it was the first thing I did in my first lucid dream !! )
7. go deeper in the dream
PS. i think I have posted to this topic earlier … but what ever

Here’s one: perform in front of a HUGE audience :woo:

I did this in a ND recently. In this dream my friends had a very popular band (IRL they aren’t even musicians :dingding: way to go) and they asked me to join them for a song. So I played in this band in front of a big big audience… say 30.000+ people… and it was AMAZING! :woo: (I actually remembered the song and how to play it, but when I tried it next morning it sounded like sh** :sad: )

But anyway I think it would be a real thrill to do that again in a LD :content:

I would…

-Make peace with my hostile DCs
-Become really good friends with a DC and hang out with him/her in my dreams
-Meet (Atar) my spirit guide, in my dreams and be able to talk to him, see him, feel him, and hear him
-Ask Atar some questions
-Ride Atar as a horse or a dragon
-breathe under water
-be a fish
-be a bird
-be a cat
-be a dog
-be a horse
-fly to space
-Play guitar (write a song and/or play a few I know in WL)
-Listen to music
-360 vision
-Ask Atar and/or my best friend DC to show up in my NDs and tell me I’m dreaming.
-Fly (Obviously!)
-Go hiking
-Meet an alien and fly in their ufo
-In a dream, ask a friend from my WL what they’re dreaming about

and so much more!!! :happy:

Thing I really want to try: shooting a giant snail with an arrow covered in salt and see what happens.

I’ve never actually LD’d before so I have a lot of stuff I want to do.

for me:

  1. have an extremely long and vivid LD
  2. build a new world and return to it over several LD’s
  3. talk to a DC
  4. fly at supersonic speed through the mountains


• Fly. More specifically, fly successfully. Not like some jump, or hover, I mean fly like a bird, as high as a plane.
• Meet Mario. It would just be epic. I would also try to go to the Mushroom Kingdom.
• Explore the sea. Learn how to breathe underwater and explore.
• Go to Toontown. I know I don’t play anymore, but it would be AWESOME. Admit it.
• Somehow get a feast and eat all of it. If there are other DCs around I’ll share, don’t worry.
• Compose a Piano piece. Something more amazing than Beethoven.
• Find my Spirit Guide. Ask him/her my pondering questions of life and see what they look like.
• Drive a train across America. I always wanted to.
• Commit Suicide. Not that I would do it in real life, but I want to see if it will wake me up.
• Set fire to my school. Even in the dream world I’ll make sure no one is in there. I’d just be evil not to.
• Change Gravity. I want to be able to stay put while the Dream Characters fall. Such fun.
• Explore Bikini Bottom and meet Spongebob.
• Become Bowser and destroy Mario. I’d like to see him win for once.
• Build something epic out of Legos. Maybe a life-sized house?
• Go to a Beatles concert. ‘Nuff said.
• Fight Heartless with a keyblade.
• Have an epic lightsaber duel.
• Play a level of Super Mario Bros. In 3rd person. Like, side-scrolling.
• Mess with my Dream Characters by asking them stuff. Or ask them serious stuff. I don’t think this will ever be crossed out, because I always have more questions.
• Race in a Mario Kart race. Again, epic.
• Go to an Amusement Park. And finally ride a roller coaster.
• Transform into a piece of trash on a windy day.
• Do the LD4all Quests. Once again, never to be crossed out.
• Go on a Date with my crush. Oh, Shut up.
• Try and have a shared dream.
• Meet pasQuale, and thank her for her amazing work on this site.


dude, some of your dream goals are truly epic[/center]

well since i need to update anyway i might as well put a few down

make like a seagull and fly over some beautiful waves

Visit the crossroads and the lucid dojo they sound cool to go to sometime

also visit astral pulse island

still havent skydived from space so that too

i put this on wrong thread probbaly the first time so i hope this is right one but basiclly when i have my first lucid dream powers i should try to use besides flying but put them in order such as the following
1.Fire Hand
2.Ice Hand
4. making people appear
5. explodeing things.
thankss for any and all post

,W!zz :grin:

  1. Mindreading. Everything in a lucid dream is made out of mind, so it’s like a progress from telepathy to omniscience.
  2. Shapeshifting and invisibility, maybe even includes moving through what looks like solid objects.
  3. Superspeed! Or any kind of time travel really :tardis:
  4. Perspective changing, whether it’s jumping into a dream character’s identity, or 360-degree vision, or being in two or more places at the same time.
  5. Cosplaying and Live Action Role Playing. I can do that in waking life, sure, but in the dream worlds all the props and clothes are correct, even the setting and characters. You could hunt aliens with the Torchwood team, attend a class taught by Professor Xavier from The X-Men, take a vacation in Rivendell or the Shire in Lord of the Rings, or bring your own original world and characters to life.

I know this may sound corny but I want to try the deepest known empathy and compassion known to the universe on my hostile DCs, and make flowers and love blossom from everything, just for a change

I want to fly so bad. Ive tried so many times but i always fail. I also wouldnt mind some lasers coming out of my hands or something. Hey if i combine the two i could have dogfights in my dreams :razz:

There many things I would like to do but these are the tasks I plan to do in the near future.

  • explore Titan, Pluto, Sedna and other celestial bodies I haven’t explored yet.
  • become president of the Universe
  • be adopted by lions and live with them
  • go back in time to the very beginning of the Universe
  • witness the death of the Universe
  • fight the most epic war I have ever dreamed of, against armies of immensely powerful gods
  • live my childhood’s best moments, again
  • explore parallel universes, where the laws of physics are different
  • be a superhero
  • fight Musashi Miyamoto in a katana duel
  • live some epic movies/series as one of the main characters or a new character: The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, Lost, Gattaca, Starship troopers, Seven samurai, Battlestar Galactica, Hero, The 36th chamber of Shaolin, Tron, 300, Cube, etc
  • free-fall into a black hole

My long term goals I’ve been pursuing for years:

  • unlock the power of the subconscious
  • reach the source, the core of my mind, a place filled with pure subconscious, where everything I am comes from
  • Be Messi and play the Championsleague final
  • Meet Obama, kill him, take his place and set of all nuclear bombs. :devil:
  • Fly through New York city
  • Going back in time and see how people lived in the dark ages, meet dinosaurs etc.
  • Ride a T-rex ofcourse
    And more crazy things.

I think the first thing im gonna do when I experience my first lucid dream, is im gonna tear down a wall, or a building, using like telepathic powers, to really show off the powers, then i think i will make a huge building, and jump out from it, maybe visit the sun, grill some chicken wings up there. haha :smile:

My ultimate goal is probably to meet and befriend a dragon, then continue to meet him/her in a lot of other dreams. Hopefully like a companion in the dreamscape.

I really wana barge into Stargate command :happy: dial a random planet. Then go through the stargate and look around. See what my brain will randomly come up with. Also to experience the feeling of going through a wormhole.

Then for other sci-fi, I wana be beamed up on the enterprise and take control of the vessel and cause some mayhem :razz:


I went through a stargate once in an NLD, but I don’t recall seeing where I ended up. I should try it again. :razz:

This idea of using a stargate is very interesting, it could help teleporting over astronomically long distances. When I try to teleport on another planet, I end up on the wrong one most of the time. To avoid that, I have to go there in a spaceship and see the planet from orbit to be sure it is the right one before going on it. This technique fails sometimes…

Also, falling in a black hole could be an awesome experience.

To answer this: Nope (well, kind of). The real answer is, they CAN follow Inception rules (and to sound like a 3rd grade teacher) it’s all in believing. If you want 5 minutes of RL time to be equivalent to 1 hour dream time, that’s very plausible, but there is no set formula. Same with pain, there really is no reason for you to feel pain, so in all honesty, there is a switch to turn it off. As far as getting stuck in a dream… well, in the real world, I believe doctors call this a “coma”.

Well, if I would be able to do a LD one day, I think I would do the thing that is the most impossible to do in real life: travel throw time.
If LDs are as realistic as dreamers say, then they would be the occasion of going back to ancient Greece, ancient Egypt; or going even before: at the time of giant mammals, dinosaurs…
Well I don’t know if it is possible to create such environements… but I’ll try if one day I manage to do a LD :smile: