anyone know how to learn to to fall asleep fast..?

so yeah, that’s my problem :meh: i need to learn to fall asleep faster… or at least FASTER than i am now. WBTB is a very good technique and it works, but… man… the night before this one… okay, going back to sleep took like 40 minutes… alright. i can maybe bare with that. but tonight -.- i woke up, didn’t spend even 5 minutes awake, and i couldn’t go to sleep FOR 2 HOURS :cry: 2 hours people!! that’s like… physically painful!

so basically… i need a way to learn to fall asleep fast. i also have trouble falling asleep in the evening too, at least i did yesterday. i have given up on WILD because either a) i never fall asleep, b) i fall asleep like boom and i’m gone. but i’d rather take the second one since it’s plain deadly to lie in my bed for hours like that ;_;

and no, i did not turn and toss in my bed. i laid perfectly still even though everything started hurting from the roll over signal.

so yeah. anyone got any ideas? i never used to have this before but… these last few years my sleep is not as sound as it used to be. i’m turning into a light sleeper :sad: and the thing is, i have trained myself to just jump out of bed in the morning, no snooze like ever… gives me headaches. had i known that this would ruin my ability to sleep fast :meh:// basically if i wake up - i am ready to go, wide awake. not sleepy at all. that’s the problem. that’s why i can’t go back to sleep :meh:
and even if i didn’t perform WBTB, i now wake up naturally around WBTB time, if not even earlier.

so… any suggestions?

Have you been trying Stop Drop and Roll at WBTB as well? I’m pretty sure you know the technique I’m talking about. It shouldn’t take too long to fall asleep if you just don’t roll. I usually don’t roll myself, or when I roll, it’s when my consciousness is deeper into sleep than being my normal watching/waiting.

I just googled Stop, Drop & Roll, found this result very informative (you can watch the video at the top or pause it and scroll down to the text. It does mention a chart which is probably on the video…)

I’ll try it tonight, since I’m a cronic Toss & Turn victim :sad:

Vera xD you know i posted in the SDR topic even before you did xD but no, it doesn’t help me go to sleep any faster :meh: especially if i wake up at night. In the evening it’s ok but in the night… Nope :tongue: at night i somehow can’t even relax enough. Although it depends. I woke up 2 times tonight but somehow managed to fall asleep thankfully xD

You did? Whoops, I have a bad memory a lot of the time. :lol: Well, other than SDR I haven’t really found anything else that helps me fall asleep in a good amount of time (which really helps to plan my sleep now). Guess I can’t help there… At least you fell asleep again last night. ^^

Didn’t work last night. Amusingly, I didn’t even feel the urge to roll. I’d just lay there, on my back, arms at my sides, thinking. That’s the problem with my insomnia, can’t stop thinking.