Personal lucid techniques

Since i need some stuff to test, write down your personal technique to go lucid with.

I usually try to WILD but fail, i’m kind of new to lucid dreaming.
I’m developing on it to find a good “mashup” of stuff to find my own preference.
Also, try to list the positive/negative things about your technique, what makes it good and what makes it bad?

WILD isn’t recommended to newbies… It’s hard :tongue:
I usually try MILD and it works best with WBTB. But the tricky part with WBTB is that you need to find your own interval. For some it’s best after just 3 hours of sleep, some - 6. Also how long you gotta stay up (start with shorter ones, there’s a danger of not being able to fall asleep if it’s longer). The reason why i thought WBTB doesn’t work for me was that i used to wake up too soon. Turns out it does work :smile:
Also MILD is really best if you’re new. It’s the least frustrating one.

I agree with the last sentence. MILD is not easier to achieve, but you don’t need so much effort as WILD, so it’s less frustrating to fail. Besides, with WILD you keep thinking “I’m getting nowhere”, with MILD you only know you failed the next morning. I keep thinking of Mario and Wario as I type these.

Personally, mine have always come spontaneously. Only technique that has ever worked intentionally was chaining: going back to a dream you’ve just awoken from. You’re still relaxed, your mind is still dreamy, and you still remember the dream.

I’ve used chaining once, and it worked that time. I also try WILD sometimes, but it’s very hard to lay down without moving :razz:.

I did the same stupid thing just like you. No offense intended.
I always wake up at like 3.30 AM everyday but i go back to sleep really soon. For like 2 days i thought i will do the WILD technique whenever i wake up. I would try so hard to get into dreaming, although i never had a lucid dream through the WILD technique. I used to give up and just go to sleep or just fall asleep while trying to concentrate.
As weird as it sounds i always had a lucid dream whenever i failed. I later found out that i had concentrated so hard on getting the WILD right, that it was like doing a MILD. :happy: so i recommend you do that.

  1. WBTB
  2. Try WILD
  3. Don’t be worried if you kind of fail just give in and sleep
  4. Lucid Dream

I use a combination of techniques to achieve lucidity.
I believe in a must of using reality checks and dream awareness in the real world. Not to the extent of like Tibetan Budhists do, but essentially I have paramaters where I RC. Like If i enter a building or if I see the clouds, when I wake up…ect. That I’ve actually defined, including my own personal dreamsigns. This is pretty fundamental, since it practises for the dream world.
Autosuggestion before I go to sleep so that I can remember dreams and to suggest having a lucid dream. I’ve tried autosuggestion by its self, and it gives about 1 LD every week when done vigirously. Stephen Laberge got similar results using autosuggestion too, it isn’t really that effective. But it can increase chances overall so I still use it.

Also I use MILD + WBTB, which is extremely strong. I train for the MILD using prospective memory exercises detailed brilliantly in Sandra’s MILD guide. Essentially the reality checks I mentioned before, I have to use prospective memory for. So for example, entering a building. It takes strong prospective memory to remember to do that (essentially remembering to remember to do something). So this further strengthens the MILD.
The WBTB allows for me to also remember more dreams :smile:

On top of all this, I also use DEILD incase I ever do achieve lucidity and I wake up.

This is my personal combination tech :smile: I haven’t been using it a long time, but I’m very confident it will allow me to LD very frequently.

C-WILD, anyone :happy:?

I created a video on youtube with a few lucid dreaming techniques. Check it out:

That was actually a pretty cool video. It looks like a lot of your dreams have actually been DILD, my personal favorite :content:

I’m glad you liked it. I never knew the exact term for the type of lucid dreams I was having. Now that you mentioned the DILD method, I looked into it and you are absolutely correct!