Did your friends and family know that you are doing LD?

My friends know for the most part, and my family is vaguely aware. I’m not worried about people thinking I’m crazy or anything because it’s as simple as saying “hey, have you ever had a dream where you knew that you were dreaming?” It’s really no big deal to any of them (although my wife might argue I’m a forum addict :tongue:), though many aren’t that interested in pursuing it.

When I first joined the forum, my mom got upset that I was spending too much time on my “lucid dreaming” websites, and nowadays on the rather rare occasion I’ll mention a bit about something I learned from a European friend or two. :lol: Some of my friends do know, and one of mine actually is lucid in most of her dreams. Most times I see her we’ll end up talking about some of our interesting dreams. :tongue: But then I have a few others who aren’t really interested (and one who’s a little worried about it and tells me to be careful). Really no relatives though.

Yeah, they know… And they think I’m a lunatic. Well, THEY don’t know what they’re losing.

For me , everybody know! But is weird because 0 of my friend familly have tryed seriously for make LD… I see that im different then

1 or 2 but when i told them they didn’t really seem to care. :neutral: so i decided to keep it to my self but if any one else talks to me about it i go mad :cool:

,W!zzFx LD

I told my family…but they just think I’m crazy. I mentioned it to a few friends, but none of them were that interested…maybe one…and I told my two teachers about it. The first teacher made fun of me loool jokingly :tongue: , and the second teacher I actually told him about it yesterday, he was very interested haha.

no body really knows that im this obsessed with LD. My parents kind of know im interested in dreams but they do not even close know to the full extent of my interest in dreams and LD. Nor do they know i keep DJ or even have an account on this website :razz: but for me this is my passion. I just love it. I only bring it up usually when someone else brings it up. I brought it up with my frriends once but they never fully started so im alone with LD except for u guyzzzz…

My family and friends all know that I enjoy the pursuit of LD’s. I’ve never really gotten negative responses from anyone; just general acknowledgment that it’s something that I do.

I do bring up LD’s in conversation whenever they are relevant, but almost everyone either loses interest quickly or just isn’t interested to begin with. I don’t really understand the general lack of interest, but to each their own :tongue:.

To each their own indeed. My dad knows about my interest, but since he is a natural LDer, he isn’t really interested in lucidity. None of my other family know, though when I am bored I may try to analyze dreams for someone. I find that quite a few people, even if they wouldn’t normally be interested, will be willing to talk if you bring it up from the correct angle.

Ive tried telling my mother of it before, but shes never understood it and still uses it as an excuse during certain arguments, since she thinks it causes sleep deprivation.
like i said, she doesnt understand it, so she thinks its bad for you and unhealthy.

Ive told a few of my friends about it, and even one of them got into lucid dreaming for a time, and still practices it on and off.

:ok: That’s pretty cool, to be able to say you got a friend into LDing. A guy I know from another forum gave a speech on in as part of a class he was taking.

I’ve talked with my family about it. Mostly I’ve gotten disinterested comments like “Hmmm, that’s cool” or “Wow, that’s interesting.” However, My brother-in-law talks like he is a natural LDer. He says that every morning he remembers his dreams, and he has control over his self and his own actions in his dreams about 90% of the time. He even commented that he thought everyone dreamt that way. (Lucky dog…) However, I didn’t know about any dream control techniques, So I directed him here. Anyway, I am hoping having someone to talk to IRL and discuss techniques with might actually help my own progress towad lucid dreaming.

I tell almost everybody. Fortunately my friends have quite open minds towards these things. I’ve told my parents and found out my dad used to do it when he was younger. He was telling me how he enjoyed flying around head first, like superman except with his hands by his sides. Come to think of it, it would be great to do this with him in a LD. :grin:

I’ve always been the one in my family that gets sucked into things quickly, focuses on whatever interests me very intensely and then moves on when I’ve run out of steam or motivation. So my family is more or less used to me announcing new fads and interests but I don’t think they take me very seriously. I’ve always loved dreams and talking about them. But I’ve gone in phases and as a kid realized no one else in my family was quite as interested as I was. It doesn’t help my case that I am the kind who has a hard time giving pple short summaries and can easily get swept up into describing my dreams in detail. Which, as someone already mentioned, most pple don’t find your dreams as interesting as you do.
I told my mom about rediscovering LDs and joining this site, but I felt like I had to give her some justification of its worth. (Meaning that I told her that at least my enthusiasm for dreaming meant that I was going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting enough sleep now.) But no one in my family cares to listen to me talk about dreams so I don’t. But i have no issues about talking to my peers, esp if they seem interested.

I sometimes tell random people when I have any excuse (basically whenever we talk about something related to sleep)…


The only reason I hesitate to tell people all the time is actually quite weird:
I’m afraid that they treasure normal dreams and will lose their ability to appreciate them if I tell them of lucid dreams;
it would be much easier to tell people if I knew that they already had the desire to be able to control them.

A few of them are faintly aware that I’m keeping a DJ. But no, I haven’t explicitly told anyone “Sometimes when I dream, I know I’m dreaming.”

Well, I’ve explained the concept to a few of my friends (probably more than once each, because the next time I see them, I always forget that I told them about it :tongue: ), but they didn’t really take it too seriously. Well, at least as far as I know. Come to, think of it, perhaps someone here is actually someone I told about it. . . . Pfft, nah.

Yes! It’s the only thing I talk about.

In my family only my sister knows, but she also does it. I think my little brother also knows but he’s not really into it. Only 1-2 of my friends knows it but this is something I don’t really talk about to anyone.

For me, dreams are very important and should be taken notice of. There are some psychologists that uses dreams as a tool when treating patients which I’m also hoping for achieving one day. Most people I know of thinks dreams are completely random, useless and means nothing at all. In my honest opinion, I believe every single dream and every single detail in a dream has a significant and important meaning to the person dreaming.

I’ve learned a lot about myself by learning what my dream symbols and scenarios means, but it can be a long journey to learn the meanings of everything in your dream because everything has a unique meaning to you and only you!
For example if I dream of red snow falling from the sky, it could mean love and passionate memories to me; but for someone else it could mean hatred and war. It’s a really complex subject really.

Final thing is that I wish people didn’t compare it to supernatural things or something, because this is a very real thing happening to every single living thing on this planet, from rats to elephants to humans.

I’ve told about 6 or 7 friends, and my family knows (but doesn’t really pay attention to it). The first few of my friends that I told weren’t really into it unless I could show results (I still haven’t had one yet, so they want to know from me if it’s worth the effort). The other friend that I told, yesterday in fact, seemed quite into it. I explained the concept of RC’s to him, and apparently that night he did one before bed and had an extremely brief RCILD later on. So he’s on board now, maybe I’ll have more motivation :smile: Also, one of his friends overheard us talking about it and apparently he’s been practising them for a while now. He’s the kind of person I never would have expected to practise them, but apparently he’s even developed his own induction technique… I say why not talk about it? You never know who might be a closet lucid dreamer :happy: