NO New Mod positions available - don't apply within ;P

lol sno u gotta come and see it, it is shocking. i mean i speel english as bad as i do dutch isnt that right Q :happy:

and i know DA loves my spelling vuz he cant read it half the time :razz:

how sad it is our stupid un edd…edd. non taught teenagers. that is why like the dream world, what i write down changes the next second anway :happy:

Go alana you can do it, isnt that new team helping?

it is hellping…

i guess it is up to me in the end…

i am just going out too much at themoment… gotta stop that… then my recall can get a bit better… but the lds arestill comming…:happy:


lol, is the applications still open? >_>

Applications were only accepted during the morning hours of April 1st, so I’m afraid you missed out, Freecube. We’ll probably be accepting (and laughing at) more applications at around the same time next year.

(I think you should read through this entire thread) :cool:

It’s amazing how this thread doesn’t seem to want to die.

Die, thread!

i might have to go back and edit my original post to delete my gullibility. :tongue:

Ok, I will do some :wizard: so everyone that posts here after me gets a very horrible nightmare.

takes out a big knife and stabbs the thread repeatedly and leaves the thread to DIE

The next time I am really scared, I will know I am dreaming.

This thread should never die. It’s hilarious! It’s one of the few that I’m sure to check up on (although mostly for TimeLess_Soul’s funny statements). I’m still laughing! :tongue:

Okay, fine. It’s dead. (Who’s next to post?)

Could I be a mod please?

OK, OK, I’ve been through already. leaves out through the way he came

pulls out masamune and stabs next poster

sorry I had to do it. (i had to post and i had to stab)

stab me all u like, be warned tho, i was just lookin at a very very long and sharp knife 5 minues ago :wink:

lol thank you sno :happy::smiley: i will try and keep it up now that i have your rep to live up 2 :razz:

What gulability, moogle? :grin:

:eh: It must have been a trap to capture new mods :tongue:

Yes. The best April fools are those turning out to be serious. Google announced Gmail on the 1st of April, nobody believed it. Q asked for new mods and nobody believed it :grin:

Now this won’t kill the thread, there are a bunch of people in here who’d like to have a nightmare… :razz:

Fine, I will try again. I’ll do some :wizard: again so that everyone that post here will get VERY boring dreams for a week and no LDs. Now maybe it will die :clown:

i still want to be a mod :tongue:

It was actually put out on the 31st but no one really saw it until the 1st and thus assumed April Fools

Any day now!!! :smile: Remember to hand that picture out Q. :tongue:

I’ll take any dreams at the moment I WANT boring dreams for a week. :grin: