Ability to think and analyze in a normal dream

Today I experienced something fascinating.

I believe, I experienced vivid thinking and analyzing just like in Waking Life, but in a Normal Dream.

Read this excerpt from my dream today:

Am I overhyping over this? Its the first time something like this happens to me I believe.

I always thought that normal dreams where some kind of pre-recorded dream we were forced to participate in, and only while being lucid we were allowed to perform thinking and choice making. But this wasn’t a lucid dream, in fact, I think I just missed a huge lucid sign in that dream!

Any thoughts?

Perhaps were you lucid, so it allowed you to think by yourself.

That’s normal , you are always thinking ,even in your dreams, lucid or not.
You dream recall is just getting better, remembering you thinking in a dream is nothing else than normal.
But the fact of recalling ND toughts is rare.

Interesting… I may have experienced this before…