Did your friends and family know that you are doing LD?

Ugh, I hate when people do that.
I’ve tried to get people into lucid dreaming several times, but their reaction is always like “ah okay, kickass - and now I’m gonna change the subject! :woo:”.
It’s very annoying, because I know they would love lucid dreaming if they actually got into it, but they refuse to be interested.

It’s also a bit risky to mention this stuff, since it does seem to share many similarities with hallucinogenic drugs, so people might even think you’re high or something.

Two things you should be aware of:
-no need to mind of opinions of others,…take em and let em go(especially cause like half of world populace is non-lucid-liking)
-u WILL master LDs with time, I don’t know when and I feel sorry for you, BUT I’M sure you can do it

Yes they do know. As a matter of fact, I have a friend who’s been writing in his dream journal for almost half a year now and he still hasn’t had a single lucid dream yet. :neutral:

I have told my family, my mum was very interested and we talked for a good half hour on the phone about it. but my dad and the rest of my family dont seem very interested at all, in fact they just make me feel stupid for even mentioning it!! the same with most of my mates, however I do have one who seems to enjoy our conversations and even talks about his own dreams with me too!

It’s called jealousy, mate. haha :cool:

Well i did talk about this to my mom. She was sincerely interested about the whole thing, but after a few minutes talking to her she fell asleep… :neutral:

Some of my friends just kind of look at me like “What the heck” but I’ve got one of my friends interested. Also someone who I mentioned it to said that he could do that all the time without effort and I was pretty amazed.

She must’ve been a bit too keen to achieve a DILD. lol

I’ve mentioned it to my dad, my brother and a few friends. Some seem kind of interested, others not at all.

The other day I got in to a conversation with a friend from work about dreams. I asked him if he knew anything about lucid dreaming and he did. He actually have them all the time without putting any effort in to it.

My family not at all they wouldn’t care at all 1 friend seems kinda interested others just kinda pretend they didn’t hear me

I tell a lot of people…My dad is BEAST a LDing, which came to a suprise to me. He never brought it up, but when I did he went crazy with stories. Makes you wonder, the closest people to you still has secrets! :wink:

I remember a thread just like this about five years back that I responded to but I can’t find it… :bored:

yep, sometimes they ask me, “hows your Lucid Dreaming thing going?” or asking me have i done a LD. Btw, i told them about LD and MILD, journals and staff like that.

Some of my friends know I do it but not really my close friends. I can’t really tell my family because they’ll be like “what is this witchcraft!?”

My family does, although I’m not sure they understand what it is that I do. They already know I am kind of obsessed with dreams. But I have other family members that are interested in dreams, so it isn’t that unusual. My brother used to have lucid dreams when we were little, but I don’t know that he does much with it these days.

i mentioned it to some of my friends, but they don’t seem so interested in LDing :sad:
but i try not to exaggerate with dreams and stuff, otherwise they would say i’m a fanatic or something :happy:
of my family, i only mention dreams to my mother and sister, they seem quite interested and they share theirs with me too:)

I think I’ve mentioned it to my immediate family and several of my friends, but it doesn’t come up all that often in conversation so I honestly can’t remember who I’ve told and who I haven’t. There are a few people I tell my dreams to when they’re particularly interesting, but if it comes up I just mention it in passing, like, “And I was like, ‘that doesn’t make any sense’ and it occurred to me that I was probably dreaming, so I blah blah blah etc…” Oddly, nobody’s ever seemed surprised when I mentioned that.

My brother is the only one who knows, he always understands when i take up the study of something different, like when i started studying the occult. However i haven’t told anyone else. My father is weary of my study of the mind and subconscious exploration, i don’t want to set him off.

i used to tell alot of people, and it kinda went badly
my mother dont care about it, never has, if anything she helped me with it by getting me books and stuff when i was younger, on the other hand my fathers side of the family believe my lucid dreaming is all drug induced…lol
my father thinks im walking with fairy’s, and doesnt respect it at all, i dont really give a fuck what he thinks anyway, kinda told him when drunk i dont gotta explain nothing if i dont wanna lol… eased up on me a tad after that, but i still dont care what he thinks, i find my self getting protective over lucid dreaming lol:)

Only my ex-girlfriend knows.When we were together i told her.She laughed it when she heard that.
I also told her i was trying to see a LD but i didn’t reached my goal yet.She wasn’t really interested in anything i said.I said “But why , some people get education for this eight months this is serious thing for some people including me.” And she was like “Yea,yea.” and laughed again.
After that i didn’t shared anything about this to anyone until i got here.

I don’t tell people about it unless they ask about or show interest in dreams. Or if they ask me what I’m doing writing in my journal every middle of the night, etc.