What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part IIX

This last night I dreamed that I gave detailed instructions to someone how you should do to record your dreams in the morning, because the person was interested in lucid dreaming. :eh:
Yay me.

Let’s see…I saw the non-existent brother of my grandfather (who died over one year ago) who had the exact same voice like he had. And then he really turned into my grandfather. No, that’s not anywhere near impossible, how do I come to that idea… :meh:

My ex has been in almost every dream I have remembered for the past couple of months. I haven’t seen him in 2 years, and rarely think of him in waking life, which is making it difficult to establish him as a dreamsign.

Frustrating as it would be such a consistent dreamsign if I could recognize it as such!

How about this:

This morning I woke up to my alarm clock as usual, okay - the only problem was, it wasn’t the alarm I used!
Right now I use that funky “Jump Street” tune but I heard “Turkey in the Straw” instead, and I don’t even have that composition on my phone! :eh:

Somebody gave me a new sweater, on the right sleeve there was something written about LDing and I thought: “Oh great, this one is awesome, I will never ever forget to do a RC again!” Did I do a RC? No. :wallhit:

My main dream signs are drugs.
And I did lots of drugs.

Once i went to school.When i arrived to school I saw a skyscraper.I think it was a “huge” dreamsign.But I didn’t notice it…

Having the ability to turn into liquid metal

Apparently having super powers is completely normal. Wondering why I have super powers is also normal. Telling myself “huh maybe it’s a dream” then laughing it off… now THAT I cannot understand!

I missed THREE dreamsigns this last night, and I even played with the thought that it was a dream but never took that thought seriously!

I dreamed I was driving in my car in a forest, and it was out of gas.
I went back inside the car and asked myself - “Is this a dream? No it isn’t, it feels too real.”.

I played the video game classic Goldeneye 007 for the N64, but I used a weapon that didn’t exist in that game - it kinda looked like the beta version of the KF7 Soviet, and felt like a ZMG.
I said to myself - “Hey, I don’t remember this weapon…?”. :eh:
Then the dream ended and changed to number 3.

I was in a small city a few miles away from my village, and a lion had escaped from the zoo and it was panic in town, and so on.
Then came a crodocile out of nowhere and they started fighting, and then came a kangaroo and a giant dog.
It was so damn stupid.
Anyway, it was also kind of scary for a while and I was just standing there thinking “this is like a nightmare, I wish this were a dream”.

I mean, my awareness is obviously fairly high since I keep asking myself these kinds of things, but it’s kind of annoying to miss signs like these, especially when these particular dreams even were fairly vivid.

I was visiting LD4all and scrolled down to Lucid Lounge and Playground, but instead of Playground it said something completely different, and I was like: “Huh, isn’t this supposed to say Playground?” While I was still watching the writing, it changed. The writing changed right in front of my eyes to Playground. And I thought: “Ah okay, now it’s alright. Well, this is a dream.” But I didn’t think this because I got that this is a dream, but because I thought that I’ll just say that it’s a dream to prepare myself for LDing, like a RC. :wallhit: I saw some writing changing right there, this was a damn RC! :ohno:

I was at my school, but when I opened my class’ door there was no floor. It was a huge pool!!! :woo:

How didn’t you realize that ? it’s bad.You could have surfed in website lucid style :smile:

Arggh I know xD I need to add more awareness when I recognize something weird…

Anytime I find myself naked in public, I am supposed to do a reality check. But in this dream I was in a basketball gym, barefoot and no clothes, trying to slam dunk. Perhaps there was some partial lucidity, but not enough to STOP what I was doing and pursue my dream agenda, which is to seek information that I can bring back to reality and use constructively. Perhaps the location of a missing person…

Anyway, missing Naked In Public is worth 50 lashes! (actually, everyone else had gone outside by the time I was naked, but I still would never put myself in that position in a million years, nonetheless, in waking reality).

This morning I had a dream where i was at the previous flat that I lived in and there were several thumb tacks on the ground. I thought I’d better pick them up or someone might get hurt if they step on one. I picked them up but noticed that when I looked again there were lots more and now a small pile of business cards with the words LUCID DREAMING (in caps like that) with some info about LD.

I thought I should grab those as they’d be good to use for RCs and give to friends to carry so they can do RC checks too. I picked up more tacks and soon my arms were so full I couldn’t pick up anymore and I’m thinking how am I going to pick up those cards now? I woke soon after. Arrgghh!!! FAIL - lol :happy: I’ve had very little sleep over the last 4-5 days so I’m going to blame that - hahaha :smile:

That I was telekinetic and made myself food with just the mind and made people wonder what I did :razz:

haha - good one! That’s something that you can’t do IRL (as far as I know :wink: ) But still missed it. I love telekinetic dream stuff - it feels awesome to be able to do it - a real sense of power…and I’m often sure I’m going to be able to do it when I wake up - haven’t succeeded yet though :wink:

there were these people in my neighbor hood whom I didnt know. I asked them who they were, and they said theve lived here for a long time…

Looking out of a window, thinking how i wish i could do LD better and never doing a RC. :content: