Did your friends and family know that you are doing LD?

I’ve mentioned it to my dad, my brother and a few friends. Some seem kind of interested, others not at all.

The other day I got in to a conversation with a friend from work about dreams. I asked him if he knew anything about lucid dreaming and he did. He actually have them all the time without putting any effort in to it.

My family not at all they wouldn’t care at all 1 friend seems kinda interested others just kinda pretend they didn’t hear me

I tell a lot of people…My dad is BEAST a LDing, which came to a suprise to me. He never brought it up, but when I did he went crazy with stories. Makes you wonder, the closest people to you still has secrets! :wink:

I remember a thread just like this about five years back that I responded to but I can’t find it… :bored:

yep, sometimes they ask me, “hows your Lucid Dreaming thing going?” or asking me have i done a LD. Btw, i told them about LD and MILD, journals and staff like that.

Some of my friends know I do it but not really my close friends. I can’t really tell my family because they’ll be like “what is this witchcraft!?”

My family does, although I’m not sure they understand what it is that I do. They already know I am kind of obsessed with dreams. But I have other family members that are interested in dreams, so it isn’t that unusual. My brother used to have lucid dreams when we were little, but I don’t know that he does much with it these days.

i mentioned it to some of my friends, but they don’t seem so interested in LDing :sad:
but i try not to exaggerate with dreams and stuff, otherwise they would say i’m a fanatic or something :happy:
of my family, i only mention dreams to my mother and sister, they seem quite interested and they share theirs with me too:)

I think I’ve mentioned it to my immediate family and several of my friends, but it doesn’t come up all that often in conversation so I honestly can’t remember who I’ve told and who I haven’t. There are a few people I tell my dreams to when they’re particularly interesting, but if it comes up I just mention it in passing, like, “And I was like, ‘that doesn’t make any sense’ and it occurred to me that I was probably dreaming, so I blah blah blah etc…” Oddly, nobody’s ever seemed surprised when I mentioned that.

My brother is the only one who knows, he always understands when i take up the study of something different, like when i started studying the occult. However i haven’t told anyone else. My father is weary of my study of the mind and subconscious exploration, i don’t want to set him off.

i used to tell alot of people, and it kinda went badly
my mother dont care about it, never has, if anything she helped me with it by getting me books and stuff when i was younger, on the other hand my fathers side of the family believe my lucid dreaming is all drug induced…lol
my father thinks im walking with fairy’s, and doesnt respect it at all, i dont really give a fuck what he thinks anyway, kinda told him when drunk i dont gotta explain nothing if i dont wanna lol… eased up on me a tad after that, but i still dont care what he thinks, i find my self getting protective over lucid dreaming lol:)

Only my ex-girlfriend knows.When we were together i told her.She laughed it when she heard that.
I also told her i was trying to see a LD but i didn’t reached my goal yet.She wasn’t really interested in anything i said.I said “But why , some people get education for this eight months this is serious thing for some people including me.” And she was like “Yea,yea.” and laughed again.
After that i didn’t shared anything about this to anyone until i got here.

I don’t tell people about it unless they ask about or show interest in dreams. Or if they ask me what I’m doing writing in my journal every middle of the night, etc.

I havent told anybody about LDing yet, mostly because im not allowed to go on the computer except for school stuff and I would have a hard time explaining where I learned about it at. My family knows that I keep a dream journal though but they dont know that I am doing it to LD.

Wow, no offense to her, but that sort of reaction to something you really care about just strikes me as really insensitive. :bored: I’m sorry.

Personally I don’t bother telling people about my dream fascinations unless the topic comes up, or if I have a really interesting dream that I want to share with someone; for the most part it’s a very personal thing for me. But then, I’m generally a private person as far as most things go anyway.

Like many others here, I don’t like to bring it up unless someone else does. I guess because it’s something I feel personal about and if I tell others then they might think I’m weird.

On the other hand I have told my family. My dad is pretty open minded and we talk about a lot of stuff to do with religion (although he’s quite christian, can’t say so for myself though…), science, mysteries of the world, etc. One day we just happened to be talking about the meaning of dreams or something, and then about my aunt (who is a dream psychologist) and I decided to bring up lucid dreaming then because she’d done some research of it. He was interested in how LDs work but not enough to want to try it. I think my mum and brother know too but haven’t really discussed it with them.
My boyfriend knows I used to be able to do it and apparently he had a few LDs as a kid! He’s interested in dreams although to lesser extent than I, and he is simply too lazy to bother with it >.>

As for my friends, I think a few years ago I told a couple of them, but I’ve broken off from a lot of them now (mostly because I was ditched -_-) and they’ve probably forgotten.

I haven’t told many people, but then how often does such a subject come up in conversation. It’s not as though it’s really something I feel I should have to outright hide from people. I’m into dreams and dreaming, which is basically just a bit science and psychology.

I’m interested in dream interpretation too and I have gotten into a few conversation with people after someone mentions having had the craziest dream or something. Once I did have a family member specifically mention LDing to me, except she had no idea at all what that was all about. She simply said she’d known she was dream while in a dream, gotten confused, woken up and wondered what on earth that was all about and what it meant. Of course I explained it in simple terms.

The few people I have discussed LDing with in simple details can’t really see any reason why someone would want to do that on purpose (I guess some people just find their unintentional LDs confusion and even freaky,) but the basically have a kind of ‘to each their own’ attitude to me practicing it.

Nope, I have no idea why, I just… don’t tell anyone.

Well, from my experience, you would be surprised how much people are into this, they just don’t share this experience just like you! :content:

My brother knows that i am LD:ing cause he’s kinda the one that showed what it was all about. He has quit trying to LD now.

The moment I found out about lucid dreaming, I immediately told my cousin, cause we both have the same interests, and later on my sister, and some of my friends, and ofcourse my girlfriend. At school I now have a group of 4 ish ppl that are interested in it, although I must say they really do no research for themselves and ask me stuff all the time. Anyways I think its a nice topic to talk about, although some people just wont believe you, heck I didnt believe it until I had my first LD aswell!