LC #34

Ysim: That was quick! Let’s see… |20 points| for your short LD, and |30 points for visiting Mars + 20 points for meeting aliens + 30 task while lucid + 20 early points = 100 task points|.

Rhewin: |30 points| for your medium LD, and |30 points for flying in space + 30 points for visiting another planet + 20 points for meeting aliens + 20 early points = 100 task points|.

skyglide: |30 points for visiting another planet + 20 points for meeting aliens + 20 early points = 70 points|. Keep trying and I’m sure you’ll get a LD!

Siiw: |20 points| for your short LD.

ZRVera: Congratulations on making it into space! |30 points for a medium LD + 20 points for a short LD = 50 LD points|, and |10 points for leaving Earth + 30 points for flying in space + 20 points for meeting aliens + 30 task while lucid + 20 early points = 110 task points|.

DreamSailor: Nice LD! |30 points| for your medium LD, and |120 points| for completing your personal task.

Hi, I’ve finally decided to join the challenge.

  1. StarryGwee; (7-15mins); (Get to WC’s garden still &monthly quest)
  2. GnarGnar (1-5 mins); (Meet my DG)
  3. Rhewin (5-7 mins); (Defeat Xander in the lucid duel!)
  4. Limitles (2-5 mins); (Sail on a pirate ship)
  5. Thorn (3-5 mins); (Control another limb (arm, leg, tail, etc.))
  6. Leijona; (2-5 mins); (Meet my MCs)
  7. ZRVera; (5-8 mins); (Recreate a specific previous FLD power)
  8. Siiw (3-5 mins) (Make something in a dream and recreate it IRL)
  9. demented (none yet) (communicate with my subconscious)
  10. brandon2071 (none yet) (learn to fly)
  11. Ysim (5-7 mins); (Steal Rhewin’s hoverboard)
  12. EyesWide (a wild guess but 2-5 mins); (meet my SG)
  13. skyglide (3-5 mins); (battle with monsters)
  14. PrecisionConage (none yet) (have a SD)
  15. DreamSailor (1-3 mins approx) (talk to any DC and ask them what part of my subconscious they represent, this was recommended by someone on another site)
  16. Zzz (none yet) (fly among the clouds)


PS: Today, after 3 weeks, I’ve had my FIRST LD!!! :hyper: I’ve tried MILD, DILD and WILD, but I became lucid with DILD.
I was at school, in the computers room. Then a friend of mine entered by the door and gave us our assessment marks. The paper wasn’t like others we got before. It was colourful. I was surprised! I remember I got a 3/10 in Spanish (I’ve never had failed before- I live in Spain ¬¬) so I decided to talk to my teacher. I said her that calculating my average mark I should get a 6.4 and then the text transformed into that mark! :wow: Then, I noticed I was dreaming. :lucid:

Everything became more vivid and clear, and I decided to say her I should have had 10/10. The text transformed again. I was happy. But suddenly, the scene started to fade out. I started to think about what happened and I came back to my dream. It occurred a few times and I finally gave up. :neutral: I think I was reentering the dream or something like that… :tongue:

It was amazing! I though I wouldn’t have so much control! I felt it to last 2 or 3 minutes long, but I don’t know how long it was… :confused: How can I know my dream’s length?

However, it was the most amazing dream I ever had (although it wasn’t very exciting). :cool:

Had another short LD, but nothing task related this time. I was a bit preoccupied figuring out why Dream was killing off the rest of The Endless. :tongue:

Yay! Your singing magically worked! My dry spell ended. I did a DEILD/WILD this morning and had a short LD. I remembered the task and tried to fly up to space…but from reading Vera’s attempt, I found a ceiling in my way. :meh: It was painted like the sky and I slammed into it lolol. Spent a bit of the dream trying to will it to go away, but then lost lucidity. The dream continued with me turning into some mysterious dude trying to break through the ceiling. I’ll post this in my DJ later :content:


oh ok sorry about that i wasn’t sure, i am thinking maybe i should just get the points for it now, i can always interview DCs anytime, but i think i will now try to concentrate on the Task which is to visit outer space since i forgot and it has a time limit, so if manage to interview any other characters it won’t count for task points but thats ok.

i can’t change it, but once i complete one personal task, i can’t add another? i completed this one and i decided not to redo it for points, but can i add another task since the original one is finished or do i just do the weekly task (which is ok i don’t mind) and will have no more personal tasks for points at least?

also if i can set another personal task after completing one, how long do i have to complete personal tasks? i know the deadline for the weekly one is a week, but does the personal tasks have a limit?

DreamSailor, no, there’s 120 personal task points per person per challenge.

You can complete the weekly tasks after the week is over, but you won’t get early points for them.

.< remember having an LD just don’t know what happened :sad:

GnarGnar, do you have any idea how long that LD was?

no, just remember thinking im dreaming and that was it…

ok i had a short LD not successful though but i tried. here is my DJ post

DreamSailing’s Dream Journal

i did attempt to leave earth, i should get some points, but i would like to do this over. i did read the rules, i think that if i attempt it again and succeed i will get those points (just not early points because im sure by the time i have another LD it will be the next task) but what if i don’t have an LD or attempt it again before the next task? will i still get the points i got now for attempting?

als @elnaureth ok i get it now, its ok i will just do the LC tasks, the less tasks i have to remember the more likely i am to remember it. i won’t redo it, i will just concentrate on the LC tasks. also its good that i can still get points for the tasks after the week is up, i don’t mind not getting early points. i am just hoping this challenge will help me become better at LDing which so far it has helped quite a lot :smile:

well i will kinda redo it, actually i plan to continue trying to interview DCs, but i will do that when i am better at LDing.

Today I tried many WBTB-like and DEILD-like WILD’s and had a LD. Probably I was in a dreams for much longer, just didn’t realized and kept trying to WILD in there. But finally, probably after many WILD’s inside the WILD’s, for like 5 secs I was aware of being in a dream and did nothing task related.

Just a lucid moment last night. Maybe about 20 seconds or so before I lost it.

Had a short moment of lucidity, about a minute. Really low-lucid one though.

Zzz, sorry, I didn’t read your post carefully enough. “Have a LD” is not really a good personal goal for the challenge, since, well, the challenge already rewards that. You should pick a goal that’s something that you want to do while lucid (like flying, exploring, or whatever).

Ysim: |20 points for a short LD + 10 points for a lucid moment = 30 points|.

StarryGwee: |40 LD points| for two short LDs, and |10 points for trying to leave Earth + 20 early points + 30 task while lucid = 60 task points|. I’m sure you can get a better score for this task if you want to, though!

GnarGnar: I’ll count that as a lucid moment, so |10 points| to you.

DreamSailor: |20 points| for a short LD, and |10 points for trying to leave Earth + 20 early points + 30 task while lucid = 60 task points|. You can try the task again, and if you get a better score the next time, your score for this task will be replaced with the better score.

demented: |10 points| for a lucid moment. Keep trying and I’m sure you’ll get a longer LD!

averaging about 1 LD per month and a half---- probably due to not writing down dreams :meh:

for some reason attempting many WILDs apparently messes with my sleeping patterns as i find it hard to just go to sleep normally, and yet i had another LD this morning! this is the second morning in a row i had a LD, i had one three days ago too, if i can get to where i can have LDs almost every morning i am off to a pretty good start :smile:

however this time i was even further than last time in completing the goal, so i guess i will get no points. i remembered in this LD that i had to stabilize the dream, but i feel that stabilizing and prolonging my LDs should be something i work on the most now because my LDs are still very short, this one was about 30 seconds maybe a minute. i went outside, i tried to make that vehicle appear, the only thing that did appear was a pair of wings that were hovering across the street, but i didn’t even notice them at first and when i did i felt i needed to stabilize the dream more. i tried rubbing my hands but i kept thinking about my sleeping body ( if you tell me not to think something the more i try not to the more my mind HAS to --__–) oh well, i didn’t complete the task, but i learned i do need a good amount more skills than i first thought, first i must find a way to prolong a LD if i am to get anywhere. i haven’t tried spinning yet, maybe that will work (and end me up in space hopefully :razz: )

elnaureth, ok. I’ve just changed my personal task. :content:

Still nothing on my end yet. It may take longer to bring my DR back to it’s former level. The closest I had to ANY type of awareness last night was running through a hallway, seeing everything as a sort of blur, and thinking that I need to start paying more attention to my surroundings or my dreams will copy the way I see (or rather, don’t see) things in WL.
/me is trying not to feel impatient with the slow progress.

Finally my first LD this month! :woo:
It was a DILD…i was kinda giving up on trying to LD so i figured that i could become Lucid if i stopped trying to for once.
At first it was not related to the task though it must’ve lasted a good 5 minutes. Then when i remembered my goal, i walked to a Launch Star like from Super Mario Galaxy and left the planet that way.
Unfortunately, that part of my lucidity didnt last long. Probably like 30 seconds or less. I did pass by two planets but i lost lucidity after that and ended up having a ND about star trek… :shy: