+40 days, no lucid dreams

Hi. I’ve been fascinated with the idea of lucid dreaming since I heard about it. I’ve been recording dreams in my dream journal for over 40 days, doing reality checks most of that time, although only recently I’ve started trying to live lucidly and do the affirmations and MILD technique before bed. The frustrating thing is that in a lot of my dreams lucidity and dreaming are mentioned, but I am never aware enough to pick up on it. I can’t say that I have regular dreamsigns either, my dreams are in different places but nearly always involve my family, who I see on a regular basis, so I can’t really do a reality check for that. I think the closest I’ve come was last week, where I said ‘I’m dreaming’ but the dream collapsed the second I said that, so I can’t say I’ve experienced a dream lucid, even if I had a flash of awareness. Is it normal to take this long to get your first lucid dream? Am I doing anything wrong? Thanks

…and that’s a sign you are making progress!
How often did this happen in your dreams before you started practicing?
Think of this for a moment, it should be a bit of a realization for you.

And 40 days is definitely not that long, it’s very normal to take a few months for most people.
If you just keep practicing, with confidence, and make sure you get enough sleep (8-9 hours) so you have a chance to get long dreams, I am almost 100% sure you will start having lucid dream in no time - at least if your dream recall is good enough, so you have a chance to remember your lucid dreams.

Thanks for replying. But surely the fact that I dream about lucidity is only because I am reading about it during the day? Or does it increase awareness as well?

Hard to say, but the fact that you dream about lucidity is evidence that you at least have the topic etched in your head in some way or another. :smile:

Actually, you can use this as a dreamsign - whenever you read about lucidity or whatever in real life, question your surroundings and try to prove to yourself that you really are awake.
Eventually you will start doing the same thing when you dream about anything LD-related.
That’s exactly what dreamsigns are - recurring themes in your dreams that you can learn to associate with dreaming.

A few days ago I said to myself when I’m dreaming I will do a reality check and realize I’m dreaming. Instead, I had a dream that I was dreaming and I did a reality check (inception much), but I didn’t notice anything. Let’s just keep practing, we’re almost there, my friend!

Yeah good idea I’ve been doing a reality check every time I read about lucidity. Good luck you sound like you are practically there

Heyy, I would just like to say a few things which would hopefully motivate you :happy:

  1. Your dreaming about Lucid dreaming (Layer 0) which means you are on the right track to having your first layer 1+ dream! Youtube: Reecejones87 he explains about the layers, I bet you if you watch all the layers of Lucidity videos he has before bed you will almost certainly have one and know how to identify how good/Lucid your dream was. :’)

  2. Stay motivated bro!! seriously this is were most Lucid dreamer beginners give up and think “It’s not come after a month so maybe I just can’t LD.” Do not do this! Anyone can LD you just have to have high motivation and never question whether you can or can’t do it because you can! and most importantly PATIENCE. this is the key factor for LD because it is not an easy skill to learn.

I wish you good luck :smile:

After you wake up early, read your own dreamjournal for some time.
And after that try the very simple SSILD technic. Amazing quick and dirty results. FA’s and OBE’s possible. First very short lucid dreams but if you are more experienced they will get longer. I know a dutch girl, she had results in a couple of days.

Thanks man, I feel much more aware, both in waking life and in dreams and my recall is still improving. I really hope I can have a lucid dream in the next few weeks, but you are right, I need to keep being patient.

I wake up automatically after all my dreams now so this looks like a good technique… thanks, I will try it out.