Lucidity Challenge 36: Winner- HeadInTheClouds! Congrats!

2 LDs today.

First one (about 1min), I was in my washroom and suddenly decided to do a hand RC. I find 6 fingers, and realized I’m dreaming. I was suprised and looked into the mirror, I had dark makeup on and dark nailpolish… which is odd cause I don’t wear makeup. The mirror me seemed evil. I decided to find OmkAR with his method of finding me, I drew a rectangle on my wall, like a door, and wrote ‘OmkAR’ ontop. The dream gets fuzzy and I ‘wake up’.

Second one ( 5-7 min), I laid still on my bed and rolled out of my body. Then I flew out of my house along the street. It was peaceful and dark out. I drifted/floated above the street on my back gazing at the starry sky. I thought of what to do… and decided to go to space and explore. I flapped my arms up and up… but for some reason I couldn’t get any higher. The dream seem to be ending, and what was really annoying was that some random scarves kept wrapping around my head and face, so I kept having to rip them off. I see car lights futher down the dark road and thought, ‘freeze.’

The dream visuals froze and the dream becames stable again. I un-freezed the scene and flew down the road looking around and wondering what else I could do. I thought, hey, it’s dark and kind of creepy out…maybe I could do the zombie LC (completely forgot about the latest one).

All of a sudden I’m flying around a random town in the daylight. I tried to find zombie DCs, but it was like a ghost town. I willed zombie dcs up and started to see a few walking slowly with their backs hunched over and clothes ripped up. I was flying too fast for any of them to notice me. I stopped in front of one of the guys and let him come at me. He pokes his head up and looks at me with his pale pupil-less eyes, and suddenly he morphs into this strange green head coming at me in a crazy speed. He was just on the verge of biting my arm, but I was quick enough and blasted off. He was also fast, following right beside me flying. His mouth was open and he continuously tried to bite me, I shot him with bullets, but it took quite a few to finally kill him/it. :razz: Then I wake up shortly after.

Another 2 short LD.

Had at least 5 FAs that i could remember… Got lucid in 4/5 of them. Each lasted no longer than a minute.

Had a LD that was at least a minute or two, if not a medium LD.

I had a medium LD a few days ago and a long LD last night. In my LD last night, I turned a backyard into a theme park with a dinosaur theme. I created a ferris wheel, a wave pool, a slide, and a swing that were all decorated with dinosaurs, and I rode on the slide.

I have not forgotten you, my children! New task up in just a few hours! We’re back to my old Wednesday schedule like when we started :razz:

I survived some highly intelligent zombies in a ND. I blew most of them up at the end.

Right… so I suppose I should be more careful to hit “Submit” instead of “Preview” before I close windows

Task 5- Party Time!
I think it’s time we all got to know each other a little better! I’m throwing a party and this is your official invitation. What kind of party is it? Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll have it figured out by the time you get there. Go on a mingle. Mind you I do like party games quite a bit, and I have been known to get a bit tricky with them too :razz:

Find the LC 36 party- +30pts
For every person in the LC you meet and recognize- +10pts per tick
For every person from LD4all but not in the LC- +5pts per tick
Partake in a party game (your choice, just have fun)- +20pts

Oh, and did I mention I’m fond of riddles? Well I am, and I have got a hard one for you. So again, try to find me. Where? Well at the party of course, it’s one of my party games. Ask me what my riddle is and then try to guess it. I bet you don’t even get close to right!

NOTE: The bonus points are only possible while this task is current! To get these points you must post my question and your answer.

Find me, ask me what the riddle is and give an answer (does not have to be correct)- +50pts

I had a long LD last night.

Wait, do we post any LD we have? Or just ND and LD that have to do with the challenge?

Had an LD that lasted a couple seconds. It seemed like it was going to be a pretty good one too, but I was woken up. :cry:

I had about a 7min-sh LD this afternoon. I lost lucidity once.~ Prepare for lots of LOTR references. ~

I don’t really recall how I got lucid, but it was in my kitchen, probably did the time RC. I walked out of my house through the door onto the streets. I rubbed my hands together and decided to strips some clothing layers lulz to help increase awareness. So I flew along the street and decided to visit rivendell - Imladris from LOTR. I imagined it to be at the front of my neighborhood and flew off to find it. Just about there I lose lucidity.

I became legolas and I was riding the nazgul’s dragon with a crowd of people cheering me on, and behind me was Rivendell. I was slightly lucid still, but couldn’t really grasp the situation. The the scene changed to a woman in a office and a man who was pestering her about legolas’s different flying styles… he was out the window flying.

(Lucid)The scene switches back to me at the house. Annoyed, I flew out of my house towards Rivendell again. Gah, but stopped by a huge orb of dark energy. I was terrified, and for the first time ever I spoke in my dream, it felt so weird… I said “may the lights shine upon you”. The clouds opened up and pierced it :wink: . The dark energy vanished to a chained up female, it was Arwen from LOTR. I couldn’t leave her there… all of a sudden Aragorn appeared out of nowhere looking dissappointed, he cut the chains. I helped pull it off her. Soon after I woke up.

:meh: Darn sauron got in ma way.

Short LD, probably about 5 minutes.

I was walking through the school hall with lots of people about. DILD. I looked around and the first thing I did was yet again call out to my twin sister, but nothing happened. So I walked around looking for the party. I asked someone where the party was, and they said it was upstairs.

So I went upstairs and there were a lot of people, but i didn’t recognize any of them. I asked someone if they saw Rhewin but they didn’t know. So I called out to him and found him. He had brown hair, and was wearing a black shirt and dark blue pants.

I asked him if he had a riddle for me, and he said “What is blue and shiney?”
So I tackled him to the ground and tied a giant blue ribbon bow on his head.

Had 2 medium length LDs.

Oh no I didn’t see this topic was still on!

Then I join you guys ! :smile:

So I guess the only LD which will count are the one I ll do from now on so… Let’s go to bed haha!

Too bad I just did my longest LD two days ago…

I finally did it! I just had an epic zombie dream! The lucidity was only like a QuickTime event in a few sections, but this was at most 6-7 minutes of surviving in a town. I got shot at for a small scratch on my face! Unbelievable!

But the worst enemies were when the people were shooting at us! Pinned down and in a stable building, they finally stopped firing and actually asked if people were inside. We came out and they helped take over the building.
A little afterwords of gaining the trust of the chief, who was unselfish at all, I was sent out to do important missions. I came back to a whole bunch of people being pushed back away from our shelter! Why would they do that? They were just like us! So I talked some nonsense into the guard and he left. Then a horde of zombies had been coming by and everyone rushed into the building. It ended after everyone was safe inside with plenty of hotel food.

Well… I now realize this zombie topic was so 2 pages ago. I don’t think I killed any zombies… Unless 2 in a nonsensical flashback count.
Party… Party…

Now i’m not sure if this was the ld4all party but this happened after switching from the zombie dream.
Good thing I’m sick or I would have never gotten to see this with how much Mountain Dew I consume!
This one lasted a short amount of time

I arrived at the harbor of a huge and titanic sized ship that was about to set sail. The weird thing about this ship is that it also had huge boosters in the back and an engine that could rip a wormhole anywhere. (Not a black hole, there’s a difference)
I sat at the table and watched people dance to the awesome techno that played, I don’t dance… Maybe I tap a little, but the most dancing I do is by syncing my actions to music.
So I don’t really take notice of anything going on until a timer counts down from
30. The ship disconnects from the harbor.
25. In 5 seconds the ship is still pretty close but accelerating.
20. The huge TV announces that tonight…
15. Is the first time humans do a Slip space jump.
10. This caught my attention. Would it be like Halo 2?
5. The ship seems far enough away, I keep my eyes right on it.
0. A blue wobble of air surrounded the ship when it leaped forward, with a massive blue streak behind it, into nowhere!
This practically doubles my lucidity and I turn my head to the screen.
They’re showing a replay from the ships point of view!
It starts slow, then it lurches forward as the clouds, sea, and land turn into a blur.
Just as soon as it started, it ended. The ship appeared under the ocean and started to move up.
Then I think the dream switched, because Hardison picked up a remote rc car with a camera on it and told everyone else in the leverage building, “age of the geek, baby!”

Short, but awesome lucid yesterday morning. ( 3min) I’ll put it in spoiler, since I feel bad about long posts.

[spoiler](Moar LOTR references) I started off in a dream. I was walking along my neighbourhood’s main road at night. I was walking slowly and just staring at the ground in deep thought. Then I decided to sit down on the edge of a sidewalk, I looked up to see my own home.

For an odd reason I muttered, “I’m dreaming”. That’s when my lucidity spikes up. I did my normal RCs and realized indeed I am! I was really surprised at that moment and just took a little breather and glanced around at the real-ness of it all. Suddenly a car came at full speed, I thought it would hit me but it just barely skimmed me. My ADR was back up, I didn’t want to wake up. So I quickly thought of what to do…

I decided to create a portal to Rivendell, since my last attempts didn’t work so well. I remembered how siiw would trace out portals and such in her dreams. I quickly traced out a rectangular door in mid-air. I took a moment to glance at it, the lines weren’t as smooth as I’d like and they were a faint grey. I quickly walk into it, everything was a fuzzy grey colour. While walking through I felt as if I was being compressed from the sides, it really hurt and I was losing hope that I wouldn’t be able to make it to the other side, since the pain was so great. However, I distracted myself by helping myself create the image of Rivendell, I was just thinking of the scenery and different elves, that’s when I finally reached an ending point.

The doors opened from the other side by Elrond greeting me kindly, “Welcome to Rivendell, please join us to a feast.” I stepped onto the other side onto the pastey white stoned floor, the atmosphere was very peaceful. However, I was still feeling pain from my sides. Elrond directed me to my seat and told me to say a few phrases to have the pain subside. It didn’t really work. Elrond sat at the very far end of the rectangular long table, I didn’t really pay attention to the others at the table. The table was clustered with so many different plates of food, very expensive foods that would be fitted for kings (I saw oysters and lobsters…etc). We were upon where the council of elrond took place. The lush trees surrounded us. It seemed to be about late afternoon. When I finally took a seat I looked over to my right to see my close friend E, but then my lucidity went away. :meh:

The scene changed to a completely different dream.
It was still a great ld thou C: [/spoiler]

I had a short to medium LD, but its hard to determine. It felt like a medium LD, but I think that it lasted around 1.5 - 2 minutes. I did find and attend a party, but I wasn’t trying to focus on the current task, so I don’t know if that counts. Also, I finally made progress on my second personal dream goal of summoning two DCs. I was able to summon one person; interestingly enough, I somehow summoned two of the exact same person. Quite odd. :tongue:

Had a short WILD this morning, and visited an abandoned theme park of which I could see only the Ferris wheel which was overgrown completely by ivy. A weird mixture of the theme park task and my personal goal to visit a ghost town I guess, but my personal goal wasn’t really accomplished of course. Don’t remember anything else from the dream besides the Ferris wheel. :sad: