Are these lucid dreams?

I’ve been trying to lucid dream for a month now and I had some success (although they last for a minute).
I started having these dreams very frequently. I know I’m dreaming but don’t do anything special, just continue dreaming. I don’t count them as lucid but they’re 50% of my dreams.
This morning I had a dream where I had to meet with my friends in cinema. My father offered to get me there by car and I responded: “This is a dream. I will somehow get there.”
Are these dreams positive signs of lucid dreaming?
Can they increase their frequency?

if you realize you are dreaming and say something like this is a dream or i am dreaming then you are in a stage of lucidness. there are different stages of lucidness. pre_lucid, sub_lucid, semi_lucid, lucid, fully lucid and super lucid. pre_lucid is when the dreamer notices bizarrness as something unusual but nothing more. sub_lucid is when the dreamer vaguely realizes they are dreaming like if you see a flying cow and think hmm this couldnt be real. semi_lucid is when the dreamer knows they are dreaming but continues to follow the dream plot with very minor adjustments. lucid is when the dreamer knows they are dreaming and realizes choices and ability to make major changes in their dream experience. fully lucid is when the dreamer knows they are dreaming and can recall physical life and all predetermined tasks to perform and shows high level of dream manipulation. super lucid is when the dreamer shows extremely high levels of dream manipulation and personal energy, clarity of thought, creativity, and memory, and so on. well hope that helps good luck and welcom to ld4all. best of dreams to you.

Lucidity is a state when you are aware of the dream while it’s still happening, so yes, if you knew you were dreaming then you were lucid.

There are also low-level lucid dreams, or “pre-lucids”, where you know that something isn’t right at that you are “in an unfamiliar world” - those are excellent signs that you are making progress.

So I’m getting closer to real lucid dream?
Thanks for the answers!

If when you say things like “This is a dream. I will somehow get there” you understand that it’s a dream, then it’s a LD, even if just low lucidity. If you’re just saying them mechanically, you are having a FLD, which isn’t lucid, but is close to it and usually means you are very close. One way or another it’s a great sign IMO if you have a lot of these :wink: