What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part IX

I’m walking down a street and pointing my fingers at objects.With telekinesis I make the objects fly around. I think to myself that it would be cool if I could do this in dreams :bored:

Gandalf was there. T.T

people teleporting in my dreams are so frequent thing (actually in every dream), and i alway miss it :dingy:

I was taking a shower…in my bedroom!:ack: A freakin shower!! :wallhit:

Last night I drove my car up a huge mountain. When it exploded in volcanic furry right in front of me, I still failed to realize it was a dream… Haha

Hahahahaa great! That last sentence killed it! ^^

Well, this night, my dad had a helicopter. He used it to drop me off at a party. (You should have seen the jelous faces ^^)
I literally just jumped out of a helicopter flying 5 meters high…

Being in class with the cast from Victorious, helping Ichigo in Bleach, clashing with Pinhead the Hellraiser and his minions, seeing through buildings, attending middle school and suddenly being back in my hometown.

:dingding: …I still had fun though. Unaware but in control…

i was being shot at and as i was running away, i jumped over something and i hovered in the air for a good 5 seconds.
not really sure if that was a dream sign? im pretty new to this, ive never had a LD before so i dont really know /:

This is hilarious!

Last night I had a dream where I was riding a mattress down the street… (at one point I felt uncomfortable, so I folded it in half and just walked with it under my arm)

I have a million examples like this.

I went into a restraunt and somehow drove off with it as if it was a vehicle and wrecked it :bored:

Yesterday I wrote LD on my hand for lucid dreaming and in my dream last night I saw it on my hand and nothing happend :meh:

Being younger, an apocalyptic looking sky, being abnormally lazy, seeing someone I haven’t seen in ages, and being some sort of Kamen Rider… :neutral: Now Im just getting lazy…

I fell though a tunnel and that (somehow) made me a great hunter of beasts 10 feet tall :confused:

My ex-girlfriend acted like we were still together.

'Nuff said.

Having my ears pierced, attending high school, being in the midst of a dojo envasion, fighting/training with Tensai(I’ll upload a pic in my DJ w/ the next list of encounters),being the size of an action figure out of no where, and being squeezed by a giant without being crushed or feeling pain… :bored:

SPOILER - Click to view

I’ll refrain from swearing on this one :gni:

…Im messin up… :bored: [/color]

Twice this has happened to me. Having normal interactions with my Grandfather, who in real life suffers Alzheimer’s and is in a wheel chair. Both times these interactions of caused me to question the dream and both times my reality checks failed. I gotta get this one right next time.

I couldn’t talk and ghosts started chasing me, and somehow I found a way to jump through a small hole in a wooden wall.

Some of my friends were skydiving into my backyard, and for some reason I had to catch them. One of them was about to hit the ground too far away, so I raised my hand and said “arresto momento!” It worked. Then, a man flying on a dragon flew down and said hi to me. I jumped into the air, flew after him and started talking about dragons. Then, I looked down and saw that my house was on fire. I landed, went inside, and my mom told me to put out the fire with wet paper towels. I did so and it worked. None of this seemed strange to me at the time.

A while ago I entered a bar and the radio was chanting “lucid dreaming” in a strange way and I just whistled to it…