The Governor, the Mirror and the Broken Purple Eye (Weird!)

I had a dream that I was some sort of governor. I had a definite British accent, way different to my British accent (Less defined, more punctuation).
I (or he, seeing as the dream was me controlling the Governor) was hated by everyone. I don’t know why. When he (I’ll call him he, because It was me controlling him) walked onto a stage like thing in the middle of a baseball field (or a running track, couldn’t tell) his supervisor told him that someone called him a “useless w****r!”
he was dragged by his only friend over to this man, walking past some scrawny individuals to this massive brute, who he did not want to argue with. Unfortunately, they almost got into a fight, broken up only by a sudden and weird desire to leave each other alone.

Later on, I began to realize that not only was I not this hated Governor, but I was also in an unreal reality. The realization hit me like a hammer to the face, so naturally, I stayed calm… And collected… And…
Suddenly freaked out, hurling chairs in random directions across the room.
I ran over to the mirror to see who I was.
It was me, except it wasn’t me… I had a rusty looking purple eye, as if it was a razor.

Weird eh? Anyone have any ideas as to what it means?
If not, maybe it’s just a normal dream. But what scares me most is how much I sympathized with the Governor despite everyone hating him. (I try not to feel bad or let emotions get in the way too much)

Maybe you felt pity for him and wanted to help him ?
If you weren’t the governor then why where you controlling him ?
One question : were you actually Lucid ? Did at any moment you say to yourself “I’m dreaming !” ?
You know, the unconsciousness can be really weird… but what is strange about your dream is that you were the governor and then you changed character…

It sounds to me like you were having a normal dream that got weird enough for you to begin to realize it was a dream, but were unable to make the transition into LD.

As for interpretation? I would see the purple eye as a symbol of you knowing/fearing your perception is skewed, not just in the dream, but in something related to your waking life. It wasn’t glasses or something on you filtering your perception, but a foreign object implanted into you. Something maybe unnatural/wrong and yet it is a part of you. This compounds in with the first side of the dream. . . A man deliberate, composed, and does it make him pompous/hated? All of this seems like it’s expressing insecurities. You are nearly certain with what you want (and/or who you are), and yet the worry of how you are viewed makes you feel like you may be wrong for it? The question to be asked would then be is it honestly YOU or is it a farce to appease the crowd? Even if you put up a show to make the crowd happy, you need to realize what is the part that is ACTUALLY you and what is the part that will be the character to dance for everyone else. You can lie to others but you can not lie to yourself. Maybe this is a bad interpretation because I’m only versed in analyzing my own dreams and literature. It would be my take on it though.

Thanks, that was a nice, well informed interpretation and I am very grateful for it :happy: