The B I G Lucid to-do list topic Part III

Tried to fall through the floor for the last time last night in a lucid or semi-lucid dream and I just rolled one the ground :meh: fail…

Sorry phone won’t let my edit right I meant “on” not “one”.

i would really like to see if i can change a persons dreams by telling them somethign in my dreams. i have a close friend and we want to both get lucid and mess around in dream land together.

I would really like to meet my sprit guide/ dream guide. That would be awesome. :happy: Also I would like to time travel, teleport and fly to the moon. I just wich I had LD´s a bit more frequently. :razz:

Meeting DG is also my main task. It seems harder than you would think, right?! :grin:

Here’s just off the top of my head.
-Find/ read the Necronomicon
-Teach a DC to come and find me in any dream and tell me I’m dreaming
-Adventure Time type adventures
-Get into a ridiculous fight
-Find/ read the Enchiridion

When I actually get a lucid dream I would like to (Contains game of thrones references)
Rule the seven kingdoms with Danerys Targaryen and her dragons
Have a pet dire wolf
have magic powers
learn something cool from a DG
Sword fight
Hunt with a bow and arrow in the game of thrones world

The list could go on for ever

Well, here I go. :smile:

  • Fly :fly:
  • Figure out how to go outside (Damn doors keep locking! :grrr: )
  • Walk through a wall
  • Find the person who tried to steal my soul.
  • Shape shift
  • Find the TARDIS again :tardis:
  • Walk through a mirror
  • Talk to my SC

Have a day with Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus…
Meet Arnold Schwarzenegger and all the other Mr. Olympia bodybuilding winners.

Here’s some from my list :smile: :

  • Compete in a gladiator tournament (and win :grin: )
  • Ride a unicorn
  • Walk on the moon
  • Be swept into a tornado
  • Become a mermaid

These are my top 5:

  1. steal a car and drive like a maniac without having to worry.
  2. Climb through a mirror.
  3. meet my DG or SC.
  4. Talk to DC’s
  5. fly

Here are some of the goals I have right now in order of importance to me.

  • Master time dilation
  • Reset my dream world
  • Dream from the perspective of all of my major dream characters
  • Get better at summoning dream characters
  • Play more dream tennis
  • Brawl with Cthulhu
  • Brawl with a neanderthal

I thought about doing a quest in LD’s with things to do:
1.Dreaming in the LD
2.Flying with a boat to Pluto
3.Doing stuff with a celebrity
4.Eating the best macarons ever
5.Waking up on purpose
6.Hearing sounds that are outside of tour dream (like the clock’s sounds of tictac)
7.Diving to the centre of the earth
8.Changing gravity

Moved from Quest for Lucidity and merged with The B I G Lucid to-do list topic. :mattias:

Have a pet wolf
Learn something from a DC
Sword fight
Shoot a glowing arrow
Ride a horse over the ocean

The list goes on…

This is difficult… I’ve already done too much :bored:

-Change my identity on command.
-Find D17 (debatable. the universe might explode.)
-Participate in a space fleet battle.
-Find and tickle my Subconscious’ manifestation.
-Leave the universe. (possibly related to item 2.)
-Summon Cthulhu and turn him into a chicken wearing fuzzy pink slippers.
-Travel 5 million years into the future. (already been up to the year 5017)
-Cease to exist.
-Find and explore the Kali Star.
-Pass through the Anrha barrier. (not possible)
-Consult with “The Dreamer”

I cannot for the life of me think of anything else that would actually be accomplishing.

  • Eat my hand then grow it back
  • Expand vision angle to 360 degrees in both direction
  • Liquidify myself and soak trough soil to underworld
  • Use sigil magic / create servicitor
  • Morph into Raven / Wolf
  • Summon Hellhounds and terrorize dreamworld
  • Call an angel and ask him to show me heaven
  • Find some wierd acting stranger and follow him unnoticed
  • Find object that is shapeshifting and point at it with pinki finger
  • Find door leading out of dream world
  • Duplicate myself
  • Travel trought socket in form of electricity
  • Meditate / Work with my inner force
  • Evaporate myself and then rain back
  • Resize ant and ride him
  • Resize me and fly bee
  • Turn someone in 2D
  • Absorb other DC and D objects
  • Speak with plants / Become tree
  • Fight with Gods

Motivation Level over 9000

Not gonna post my whole list but here’s a few things:

  • Train with Goku
  • Train in higher gravity
  • Find a way to organize and clear my mind
  • Live in the Harry Potter world (inspired by the Harry Potter ride at Universal XD)
  • Create and design a world or universe without D-bags

I just want more frequent lucid dreams. Next time I’m lucid I will ask a DC to remind me in the following dreams/nights that I’m actually dreaming so I could have more lucid dreams.

Try to replicate environments that I know in my life, like my house/school/neighborhood.(Suck it Cob.)

Design an interesting place.

Design a house.

Design a video game.

Hmmm I’ve got a lot to do… :content: Let’s see…
I still haven’t done a lot of the basics so… Top of my list:

-Element bending
-Transform into an animal
-Magic (like with spells)