ND Challenge 5

fragments, and task. yay portal gun!

2 NDs and a LD. [community.ld4all.com/t/siiws-18th-book-of-dreams/38443/28)

No task-completing dreams yet, though recall is still holding up pretty good. I’ll try to update my DJ tomorrow.

3 more ND’s pretty interesting ones (zombie apocalypse, crashing in a car) but no challenge completing dreams :happy:

Three NDs.

In one I have to take a pill with me to give to someone.

In the last one books are featured.

The pill one feels a little near to the ‘take this with you’ :razz:

Sadly not alot of recall this morning or yesterday i do have a vivid image of a flower from this morning tho…its beautiful imma try to draw it up tonight or tommorow.

I had one ND last night. I’ll try to update my DJ tomorrow. No recall the night before that :sad: hopefully my recall will pick up over the course of this challenge. I repost the lastest in 8 hours or so.

One ND about being in Strömstad going to a skislope :dingding: (no such mountains in that area :razz: ) and noticing I forgot an important hood, returning to it and meet som unexpected persons

Second dream was about RC at a microwave but the oven blew up before I managed to realise that I was dreaming :tongue:

I keep remembering my dream in the morning, but then keep forgetting to write stuff down. I know I should, but I still don’t.

Well, at least my dream memory already improved slightly since the start of this challenge, so if I put some more effort in, I should be able to improve further.

Reactions - one dream.

Well my daughter got hold of an important item, so I’m incubating in the right direction. :spinning:

Dammit I was so close to completing my personal task last night, but no dice :sad:

I’m going to extend this challenge by 48-72 hours. I just really want at least one of you to complete it, because personally, I think it’s cool. But I’m biased. I hope this is okay with everyone. It gives you longer to find your item!

Edit: Fixed your name in the list, Somnium. Updated your personal challenge, Loah. (Congrats on completing it again)

A couple NDs. No task yet. I’ll keep trying!

February 27 -> February 28

Hey i thought I completed the task. [community.ld4all.com/t/loahs-realm-dream-journal/38035/50)

Not great recall… A couple fragments about work again but nothing else significant. Hopefully my recall starts to improve soon :smile:

2 more NDs last night. No challenge though. Posted to DJ now :smile:

Another ND.

March 1, 2013 - Demonic Undead

Okay, now my brain is trolling me! I got an item that would help me in my quest in last night’s dream, but I never got the chance to use it!


Wow my dream recall has died this week…tho this is kinda normal i burn my self out at work really fast :sad: OH well on my day off more fun awaits :happy:

Fulfilled the task today :happy:
Link so Eilatan won’t have to keep digging as much for my dream list for this topic.