ND Challenge 5

Also… are we supposed to use the same item we had before (if we had something) to defeat a villain? That is going to be really tough… especially when my instict to defeat my enemies is to zap them with a bolt of lightning, a beam of light, or bolts of energy. I’m not confident i have the discipline to defeat them with a portal gun.

now that i think about it. that and my forcefields, i have a lot of energy manipulation in my dreams.

Totally forgot to mention it doesn’t have to be the exact item you had before, just something that will help you defeat them. As in, something that is not already a part of you, like already having super magical powers doesn’t count unless super magical powers were given to you by some random person so you could defeat your challenger. Does that make sense?

Look basically, it’s just a bonus chance for people to do task 2 again. If you knew what you were doing during task 2, then you’re fine. If you think you complete task 2 during task 3, then you get late task points, so yeah.

Having an item with you is not a part of task 3, again, it’s just a way to score late task points.

oh i get it. ok then :smile:

Aha! Now this is a challenge I can do! (hopefully;; ) The only thing I’ll probably have trouble doing is finding the thing to beat him/her/it since I usually already have it. I’ll try my best though.

Also, great idea with incorporating task 2 with this task. It’s very generous of you :smile:

As said BlackKettle, you don’t have to beat them with something, I just thought it’d be a good idea because you could get the late task points for task 2 if you do it that way. :razz:

I recalled one dream last night, no tasks. It was very strange :razz:

I think Eilatan is saying that this part is just flavor text :razz:

I fished a number combination out of a locked safe this morning. A DC confirmed that i should keep it for the future. Will post and link after work.

Had an ND last night that I skip to share in forum

My dream recall is poor. Bah! I gotta buckle down. Grad school stress doesn’t mix well with LDing :razz:

I’m still in the game, just without many entries :tongue:

Well made short work of that task. A guy attacked me I took care of him so to speak lol see mah dj :happy:

I had a huge amount of dreams tonight, I hope I made up for the lack of dreams I had this round :happy:.

Also, what is considered chain dreaming? Waking up whilst having dreams and then falling back to sleep and again have dreams or continuing a certain dream you had after you woke up?

Chaining is the same thing as in LDing. Basically it’s where you wake from a dream, go back to sleep and re-enter that dream, even if at a different moment of dream time. As in, I woke when we were setting a bomb up, but I re-entered the dream in a point where we were looking at the aftermath of that bomb. Does that make sense? I’d like to point out that this only counts when having dreams directly one after another, not when you have one dream one day and then go visit the same place the next.

I should point out that I don’t think the points will be up until the end of this task, in which case I should have both task 2 and 3 points up. In a worst case scenario, they won’t be up until the end of task 4, but I’ll try and get on it so that is not the case. Again, I’m sorry for the delay.

Here is a well-detailed dream that I dreamed last night :tongue:

It’s no problem at all, take your time.

(it’ll also give me more time to write my dreams I’ve had the past few days; been lagging behind a little recently)

A quite long dream from yesterday, and fragments today. I did a late task yesterday.


Home ahome … I’m going to claim late completion of task one. :grin:

I got an LD! But no task… :sad:

Sweet Sweet Water

Terrible dream recall at the moment, had a cool dream but didn’t get to write it down as I was late for class… Now I can’t remember :sad:

Starting back at university really hasn’t been great for my recall :confused:

This morning I had 3 NDs and, wonder of wonders, I somehow managed to complete the last two tasks (one late)! Not in the same dream, unfortunately, but still! The current task was done in my first dream of the night, so it was pretty murky, but I fought a strange hybrid animal the bigger than a planet!

Then, I had a strange dream with a ukelele-playing professor, and me shredding on a beach. I love playing music in my dreams! I never mess it up, and it always sounds really good, to me at least :razz:

edit: link