Horrible feeling when realizing it's a dream.

Ok, so I’m having an odd problem.

Everytime I realized I was having a dream before, I’d get too excited and wake up.
Now every time I realize, I get really scared and freak out for no reason, usually I get scared by a person within the dream.

Any way to stop this? I find that closing my eyes and thinking it’s nothing but a dream helps, but then I wake up after a while and I can’t have an LD.

What method are you using to invoke the LD?

First off, it is always a good idea to stop for a moment after becoming lucid. Observe your dream environment, calm down, do a RC or a stabilization method such as rubbing your hands. This helps to keep calm and think rational.

A good way to solve the problem of being scared of DC’s/the dream is to just act really confident. Speak up, gesticulate, use infinitives, even if it’s just to convice yourself of what you’re saying. For example, in one LD I said: “This here is all MY dream, I can do everything I want, and I am NOT scared of you!” The scary looking woman in this dream transformed first into a pillow and then into an innocent looking young woman. :tongue:

It might take some time and multiple tries to work out this problem, but you’ll get the hang of it eventually. Good luck! :smile:

I’ve almost got the hang of it.

I’m using MILD by the way.

yea, observe your immediate surroundings and try to focus on the one thing that makes you feel the most secure. think about it, look at it, anything. if a disturbing DC enters your awareness than its pretty clear that its on your mind, and if so, than confront it like said above^ .

try to take comfort in the idea that its meant to be there. it is you in the end, isnt it?

Just be confident In yourself and go up to whatever it is that is scaring you. Smile at it and give it a huge hug. They look at it again. It won’t be scary anymore and might even become something pleasant.