ND Challenge 6

Welp, dream recall has already begun slipping. :sad: Though it may have something to do with the fact that I did not do WBTB this morning :razz:

June 19th:
3 fragments

Just one lousy fragment tonight. Sleep is still very uneasy due to many things. Also was less than 6h tonight. Let’s see how things develop^^

I got much better sleep last night, and my recall is a little better, too.

June 20: 2 NDs and 1 fragment.

A rather nice long NLD here. Very vivid given my PPS cycles. :smile:

Dinosaurs and Gemstones

((Dinosaurs and Gemstones - Non-Lucid Dream))

Current Stats:

[spoiler]NDC Dream Journal Start

NLD Fragments: 1
Non-Lucid Dreams: 3

Task 1: Submerged in water twice.

One fragment and one semi-good dream today. But I’m nowhere getting near the current task yet xD

Alright, I had great recall today! I’m still trying for the task, though.

June 21: 5 NDs.

:happy: I had two hypnogogic imagery episodes, a WILD and a NLD! :eek: In each of the two dreams I accomplished the task! :grin:

Snowflake HI, Tekkit HI, WILD Water…

((WILD Water - Lucid Dream - Entered dream underwater. Swam. Met underwater people who I conversed with.))

((WILD Water Part II - Non-Lucid Dream - Swam in water again.))

Current Stats:

[spoiler]NDC Dream Journal Start

NLD Fragments: 1
Non-Lucid Dreams: 4
Lucid Dreams: 1

Task 1: Submerged in water twice. Entered dream underwater. Swam. Met underwater people who I conversed with. Swam in water again.

winnings <-- one more dream.

Still no task etc.

Oh damn we already started a couple of days ago. Should have paid more attention :grin:

Dreams during the challenge

Task 1 * Friday 21 - Saturday 22 June 2013:
1 normal dream
1 normal fragment

Task 2 * Monday 24 - Tuesday 25 June 2013
2 normal fragments

Once again, I had some trouble falling asleep last night, so my recall isn’t quite as good as the past couple of days.

June 22: 1 ND and 2 fragments.

Yesterday I had one dream (Fate’s gonna like it, I guess) and today I only had one lousy fragment. No task progress at all so far.

Well, I really didn’t sleep that well last night. This seems to be happening to me a lot lately. :neutral:

June 23: 1 ND and 3 fragments.

1 fragment over the last few days…

Well, that’s not entirely true. I just didn’t write down my dreams fast enough to recall them…

Saturday - Mafia Morphs

Sunday I had a LOT of dreams but so many and so jumbled up, seemed too much of an effort to try to untangle them into separate dreams… :meh:
There was a garden in one … so it should count as a fragment at least :smile:

Task 1 has officially ended!

[color=#6600FF]Second task (24th June - 1st July):[/color]

Earth is what we live on, where we get most of our food. Explore the lands of foreign and wondrous, see new plantlife, new customs and landscapes. You can even explore another planet or dimension for those purposes!

Good luck! The second task will close on 1st July, at 23:59 GMT+3 / EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)


Yev: 38
Mew151: 24
Sandra: 13,5
James_UK2008: 33
Scipio_Xaos: 22
Magnus: 0
Marvin: 18
moogle: 14
geekboy: 0
mr_block: 0[/spoiler]


Only a fragment and a normal dream today which were both not overly fancy. Somehow I used to have better dreams than that xD

This dream is slightly incoherent. :lol:

June 24: 1 ND.

The Proposal <-- Monday. Again no lucidity, task etc

Okay, last night, I slept fine at first, but then I got woken up by some things that happened during the night. I tried to get back to sleep, but it took me several hours to fall asleep again, and then I didn’t really sleep very well. This dream is from earlier in the night, before I got woken up.

June 25: 1 ND.

Just a quick question. I couldn’t help but notice that I have 0 points and yet I have been updating my dream listing here. Was I supposed to have been posting for every day that I update my journal?