really weird: hypnagogia or a too realistic light dream?

first off i mightve put this in the wrong section but i dont have much time atm.

anyway i havent had HH yet or anything but last night i tried to sleep. i saw a few scenes in my mind and i wasnt controlling them and i think they turned into a light dream (not entirely sure . . . at some parts i was aware i was in my bed but it played out like a dream) and i was in a house with an old lady trying to kill me or something. next thing i know is i can hear her voice echoing throughout my living room next to mine and find that a little strange. the “dream” continued on like normal and i left the house and i couldnt hear the ladys voice anymore but i was running after two people. from there i was partially aware i was in my bed and i felt my body shaking (im thinking its vibrations looking back BUT im really not sure at all) and the room mightve been spinning. seeing the images in my head again i think i was back in the house and the lady had a machine gun and started shooting at me and again i heard the sound echoing throughout the room.
then i opened my eyes and “woke up”.

i have no idea what happened last night. was it some kind of weird hypnagogia? I WASNT TRYING TO INDUCE IT AT ALL and im sure i wasnt in SP cos i moved around a bit after. but the whole images and sounds in the room and vibrations all seem like hypnagogia . . . when i opened my eyes at the end btw i didnt see any hallucinations. anyone??? so confused . . .

It could have been HH or even a light dream. The vibrations and spinning room are signs that you were probably in or entering SP. Even if you were able to move later, maybe it just wore off or didn’t really get that deep (you can be in SP one moment and quickly pop out yourself).

How aware were you of these images? It might not be that easy to answer, but were you just watching or did you feel like you were moving along in the story like a zombie? for example, when the DC shoots at you, was it just an image of her doing so or did you feel any fear or a reaction to hide?

Some experiences are really hard to classify, your experience seems familiar so I might have had something like it where you’re not sure it’s a dream or HH or just your imagination running loose. But, again, the vibrations tend to make me think you were entering something… on the other hand, since you were at the beginning of the night, it’s more likely that it wasn’t a dream per se. It takes about 90 minutes to enter your first REM and even though it’s possible to dream outside of REM sleep, it’s not that common. I myself have had vibrations before bed but never got any farther, so I’m not really sure what they are…

just my thoughts (too early to be able to make more sense, sorry :lol: )

ok most of that would make sense . . .
how aware was i? im pretty sure a lot of the dream was third person like watching a movie so i didnt feel too many emotions.
my imagination did feel like it was running wild and maybe it wasnt a dream then (more like one of those times when i find myself creating a scene when i try to get to sleep, then realising i had no idea how i got to that thought). however i do remember not getting too much sleep the night before and im not sure if this a thing for everyone else, but whenever i lack sleep it feels like if i even take a short afternoon nap i get dreams immediately (like an extended version of WBTB i guess . . . too bad whenever i actually try WBTB i cant get to sleep :neutral: )
i couldve been entering HH or SP but again i wasnt trying. but i guess thats possible tho cos of SP victims who dont even know about LDing and just experience paralysis . . .