Problem: How to transition successfully to a dream?

Last night I attempted a WILD to try and enter a LD. While I can say I felt close to achieving success, there’s still some last step I’m missing which I can’t get around.

It all started going well for the most part. I I managed to achieve a very relaxed state in my body, and the Hypnagogic Imagery started to appear inside the darkness of my closed eyes. Colors, figures, scenes, it all started working pretty good. But it is after this stage where I get stuck and cannot move any further.

It’s hard to explain but, I think I’m missing some sort of last step in order to transition from the imagery into the dream world. There are very short, spontaneous time lapses where suddenly I feel like I’m being pulled in into the dream. What I mean is, that I begin to see or hear the visuals and sounds of the dream world as if I am directly on the spot, living it right there. The problem is that this short instances last for about a second or so, then I get pulled back into the waking world. This goes on for some time, where again I get pulled inside the dream for an instant, yet just when I notice this, I get pulled back to the waking state.

So, do any of you dreamers have any tips you could share about successfully transitioning to the dream world, and not get pulled back into reality? Any recommendations from your experience will greatly aid me in my problem. Thanks in advance. :smile:

There is something you can try however it does not work well with absolutely everyone. Personally for me it works 100% of the time… It’s the third eye chakra technique. Not going to go into much detail but there is a lot of information about it on the forum, but basically in the exact moment you need to make the transition just roll your eyes up as if you were looking under your eye lids. (do this while you have your eyes closed) and if it all goes well than chances are you’re going to immediately transition to a dream. Remember to this only when you are in the HI / vibrations stage. Give it a try it’s not hard at all and works perfectly for me.

Good Luck

First thing to watch is your emotional state. If you start getting excited as this happens that usually disturbs your forming scene. Your emotional level must remain at that of a detached observer until you are fully grounded in the dream.

My approach is just to gently project myself mentally into the dream scene, trying to slowly draw it towards me. As I do this I focus on the sensations of the dream as I am entering it to help anchor and solidify it. This whole process has to be done very subtly, or you disrupt things. Sometimes it takes what I would guess is 2 or 3 minutes for me to get fully into the dream.

Alright, I’ll try both methods tonight. Hopefully I can transition successfully to the dream world without problems. I’ll try to get my emotions under control, even though it’s difficult to do so when you know you’re close to achieving a LD. Guess I’ll have to be patient and wait for the right time to ease in into the dream.

Right, thanks both for the suggestions! :happy: