First steps...more aware

Saying hi for the first time here! I’ve been in LD “training” for about a week now. I’ve been reading a lot of LD material, I’ve set my intention to recall my dreams every night, performed reflection/intention and RCs during WL, increased my WL awareness, and started a DJ. As a result I have remembered at least one dream (usually multiple scenes) every night 7 nights in a row now from the first time I set this intention, some with a lot of detail. This alone is a big improvment since I used to always forget dreams unless they were particularly emotionally powerful or frightening. It’s also fun! Dreams, even non-lucid, are funny / exciting / absurd and it’s fun to remember them. It’s also extremely interesting what my subconcious dwells on, I’ve noticed 3 themes that come back practically every night, sometimes in combination in the same scene.

But the goal is lucidity! Some of my happiest dream memories are the few flying dreams I had, I’m hoping it will happen soon, I’d love to get back to that. I’m not using any particular technique yet, I intended to start with MILD after getting a dozen dreams in my DJ but now after reading SSILD 2.0 I’m keen to give that a try.

Anyway, last night for the first time (that I remember) I had a major “WTF!?” moment in a dream when I walked by a mirror, glancing at my image quickly, stopping in my tracks and doing a double-take, and just staring for a while in huge disbelief / massive confusion: all the hair on the right side of my head had been shaved off! I rubbed my hand over it, just staring trying to understand how that could have happened. Some vague not seen DC said “someone played a prank on you!”. I didn’t really belive the voice but it must have satisfied me as the confusion passed and I just stumbed back to following along the dream. I missed the critical “am I dreaming?” reflection that I’ve been rehearsing in WL, hopefully soon!

Aww darn, i know how you feel! :dingding: And yeah, my subconscious also dwells on things too much too. Especially when it’s something I don’t want to think about. Which is kind of annoying, but funny in a way. Anyway, good luck in getting lucidnext time!

What’s important here is that you did question the dream.
Don’t dwell so much over what you did not succeed with, instead keep in mind that your questioning the dream is a huge step from not being aware at all.

It’s only a matter of time now before you become fully lucid, just keep at it and always decide for yourself that you will remember to recognize you are dreaming before you go to sleep. :content:

Yeah I was actually more excited and psyched than really upset on not becoming lucid, I’m just shaking my head kind of laughing at myself that I had a RC moment handed to me on a silver platter and missed it :smile:.

Keep working on it, I promise that it’s all worth it. :smile:
You can kind of think of lucid dreams as living in real life, but everything feels much more surrealistic and unexplored, and you want to rush off everywhere and check things out.
And this feeling combined with the realization that you can do absolutely anything you want is incredibly cool.
For example, say your lucid dream starts in your house and you walk out on the streets, and you see a car - well, steal it if you feel like it! xD
Or walk around and dance among lots of people, or find an attractive person and kiss her/him.
There are no rules or limitations in a dream, you can run around and do absolutely anything you want, and that’s a fantastic experience that you cannot really get in real life in the same way.
Sure, most people have problems reading texts in dreams, but who cares, you never need to read anything in dreams anyway. :tongue: