Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

Ikran, I’ve added your FLDs into the scoring.

Gwee, I guess that does start the task even if only barely. I’ll add in 3 creativity points for simply summoning the mask in.

LDbc12, if you regained lucidity after losing it, that 's good for points too. I’ve marked it as such.

Siiw, congrats on the LD!

BrandonBoss, I’ll count the fan as part of Task 1.

paual, to what extend did you “become” Randall, and were you focused on the group incubation? If you just put on glasses, I can’t do anything with that, but if you were getting into costume for the sake of the group incubation or the task itself, I can give more points. Congrats on the LD, though!

Scores are updated.

insert information about 2 FLDs here

IkranMakto, got them.

Scores are updated.

I remember pushing up the glasses, looking at the mirror, and it was Randall in the reflection. As for the focus, you guys were sure dragging me to do the group incubation task, but I didn’t associate it in dream, I only realized it was for the task after I woke up. So yeah, I took Randall’s form because I was wearing the glasses, BUT I wasn’t thinking about the group incubation, it was just a random thing I did.

I honestly don’t feel like it counts?? But I am getting there :smile:

One short LD here(Dream #2). Didnt really recall much from that.

paual, that very much counts! Even though you weren’t lucid, your knowledge of the group incubation IWL seeped into your dream. While I of course can’t give any points there that require lucidity (since you lost lucidity before all of that happened), I can award many other points for proper dream incubation. This moved you up a few places in the rankings!

LDbc12, you’re doing well lately! Keep it up, and hopefully you’ll get some tasks done soon. :smile:

Scores are updated.

Short lucid dream! Not exciting at all and next to nothing happened! But what happened still happened.

muccy, it’s about time you got on the scoreboard! Congrats!

Scores are updated.

[color=olive]Updated 11/1/13-11/3/13 EDITED DATES: :lol:
11/1/13: The 2 FLD’s are updated (Already counted).
Event(s) worth mention:
-Emerald hunting

11/2/13: Combined 3 FLDs into one entry since I lost the order of what happened when.
Event(s) worth mentioning
-Lumessence and I going on a mission, giving Lumessence a chaos emerald or gem to help restore her powers to an extent, somehow ending up in The Further again, and trying to find Lumessence in The Further. (Its one of the last places you want to be in that current state)[/color]

Working on 11/4/13…

SPOILER - Click to view

2 FLDs
-LD4all gathering MMORPG I sensed so many familiar aura I had trouble pin pointing each and every individual. Saw Lumessence this time with purple hair matching her armor. She was the easiest to spot mainly because she is always standing tall with an upright posture. Everyone I saw was dressed up in armor and wielded a weapon. Rhewin and some of the admins wore this bulky heavy armor and wielded big weapons that appeared to be high level gear distinguishing them from the group. I got a glimpse of Mew looking similar to when I last saw em, I could sense Scipio very close by, Thorn’s aura was faint yet close, and Brandon was somewhere within a mile radius give or take. *Ysim (correction) and Siiw were on this podium as if about to announce something. I suspected Thorn to be in the building right behind them about to join the meeting.
I felt a helmet on my head, some sort of armor on my right shoulder, gauntlets on my hands, and wielded a sword with a narrow slit/gap running vertically. (From what I recall I believe that slit/gap is used to trap the enemy’s sword. Looked like this but the gap was a bit narrower and the sword was average sized I’ll try and sketch it later.)
-Testing out a new sword (Looked very similar to Zael’s on the right) fighting these small robots.
-Heh…Mysterious epic looking for mistletoe…’//’
-Potion mission 1 complete
-90210 Halloween special w/ a twisted twist
-Other people dressed as RPG characters some levitating (mages). Didn’t get a read on em
-Dream ends when I’m eliminated from the game/special (Feels weird being stabbed especially when repeatedly.)
*I did not remember the group incubation though

Koharo, I can’t accept dreams from January, but I’ll just pretend you meant to say November. :smile:

Scores are updated.

another FLD :silent:

2 lucid dreams in one night! 1 was long LD ( for me 1 - 2 mins, new longest ld) which I discovered the powers of deild, basically in the dream i would realise i am dreaming, have an fa try deild in the dream ( i am branding this as faild), what i would do is i would close my eyes and clench really hard 5 times then i would be in a lucid dream ( despite its low levelness) this happened a few times and i remembered some awesome colours and shapes. The other lucid dream was short ld in which me and some friends from school went deep sea diving and other things that i could not write down because i had an exam this morning, i was lucid for a short amount of time.


Minecraft Demons ~ [color=cyan]Short Lucid Dream[/color]
Lucid Fragment ~ [color=cyan]Short Lucid Dream[/color]

Dreams so Far:

[spoiler][color=blue]NLDs:[/color] 3
[color=violet]LMs:[/color] 1
[color=indigo]FLDs:[/color] 2
[color=cyan]Chains:[/color] 4
[color=cyan]Short LDs:[/color] 5
[color=cyan]Medium LDs:[/color] 1
[color=cyan]Long LDs:[/color] 1

Task 1: Part 3, Part 4, [color=green]EARLY[/color] ; Part 1 [color=cyan]LUCID[/color] ; Group Incubation Attempt [color=cyan]LUCID[/color]
Task 2: - none -
Task 3: Part 1, [color=green]EARLY[/color]
Dream Chemistry: Part 1 ; Part 2
Personal Goals: Guitar Name

Hmmm…normal length LD

I am with RDC in the back of the car talking (about what is irrelevant :razz:). After talking and not telling RDC what I had really wanted to, I somehow left the car. I tried to get back in, but the car was 2D and I was 3D. :meh:destroyed a few cars and woke up.

Task 5: Magic and Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

— Arthur C. Clarke

Let’s take advantage of this “fact”. Magic is a great tool for dream control, as is technology. Perhaps one works better for you than the other does, or perhaps they work equally well. Perhaps they complement each other, such that using both magic and technology to reach your goals shows an effect greater than only using one. Perhaps you have no clue because you’ve just been using willpower-based dream control so far! In this task, you’ll be able to choose whether you prefer magic wands and alchemy or ray guns and teleporters.

You may not claim that an attempt at Task 5 also finishes Task 1 or vice versa: if there is overlap with an object, you must declare it for one task or the other (e.g., if you’ve already used a magic wand as an object to keep in Task 1, you’ll need a different source of magic now). You may, however, overlap this with other tasks (such as attending a magic school and learning, or putting your partner in a hi-tech gas chamber that transforms him into his goal creature).

The following points can be earned only once:* Use magic to grant yourself any ability or create a magical substitute for it: 20 points

  • Use magic to transform an object, creature/person, or yourself: 20 points
  • Use magic to teleport or to create a portal to another place: 20 points
  • Use technology to grant yourself any ability or create a computerized/mechanical substitute for it: 20 points
  • Use technology to transform an object, creature/person, or yourself: 20 points
  • Use technology to teleport or to create a portal to another place: 20 points
    By “substitute”, I refer to some way around actually having the ability; for example, if you chose “flying” as an ability, I would accept a Harry Potter broomstick as a magical substitute for the ability or a jet pack as a technological substitute. Please be honest when reporting dreams and do not simply count NDs in which you use fairly common technology; I’m not giving you points for turning on the television or riding in an airplane.

There’s no repeatable element to this week’s task due to a potentially strong overlap with Task 1. As said in Task 3, don’t forget that you have a Bonus Task as well as repeatable parts of previous tasks if you finish all of Task 5! Also, don’t forget to set up the group incubation within 48 hours!

Oh yay, I am very glad to hear that then! :cool_laugh:

And this is an exciting task, I am def gonna Merlin this up - as I very much want to stick to the idea of using AURYN for Task 1.

Off topic, but I like the cut off title of this one: “Magic and Techno”

IkranMakto, I’ve marked it.

muccy, congrats on a new longest LD!

Scipio, it’s been a while since I’ve seen any tasks from you. How are you going to catch up without tasks?

BrandonBoss, if you didn’t say that the talk topic wasn’t relevant, I wouldn’t be so curious. :tongue:

Scores are updated.

I can PM it if you would like to hear it. It has to do with my history and I don’t want to post about RDC (RDC is a waking life person) on the open forum, but PM is fine.

[color=olive]11/4/13 Updated (Don’t know if it was counted for or not since it wasn’t updated til earlier today)

11/5/13 For today
-Mysterious epic
-Twisted wish sad ending
-Ari’s Party

1 Long LD
-Coming to my senses trying to remember my list of objectives from RL. Successful elemental testing (ice, fire, and lightning). Remembering to meet up with LD4all members. Confirming the identity of the small robot, it wasn’t Scipio.
-Crossing paths with and facing Darth Vader
-Koharo vs Armed Reptids (4 armored and armed)

Regained lucidity once.