Lucidity Challenge 39: Congratulations, Koharo!

Hmmm…normal length LD

I am with RDC in the back of the car talking (about what is irrelevant :razz:). After talking and not telling RDC what I had really wanted to, I somehow left the car. I tried to get back in, but the car was 2D and I was 3D. :meh:destroyed a few cars and woke up.

Task 5: Magic and Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

— Arthur C. Clarke

Let’s take advantage of this “fact”. Magic is a great tool for dream control, as is technology. Perhaps one works better for you than the other does, or perhaps they work equally well. Perhaps they complement each other, such that using both magic and technology to reach your goals shows an effect greater than only using one. Perhaps you have no clue because you’ve just been using willpower-based dream control so far! In this task, you’ll be able to choose whether you prefer magic wands and alchemy or ray guns and teleporters.

You may not claim that an attempt at Task 5 also finishes Task 1 or vice versa: if there is overlap with an object, you must declare it for one task or the other (e.g., if you’ve already used a magic wand as an object to keep in Task 1, you’ll need a different source of magic now). You may, however, overlap this with other tasks (such as attending a magic school and learning, or putting your partner in a hi-tech gas chamber that transforms him into his goal creature).

The following points can be earned only once:* Use magic to grant yourself any ability or create a magical substitute for it: 20 points

  • Use magic to transform an object, creature/person, or yourself: 20 points
  • Use magic to teleport or to create a portal to another place: 20 points
  • Use technology to grant yourself any ability or create a computerized/mechanical substitute for it: 20 points
  • Use technology to transform an object, creature/person, or yourself: 20 points
  • Use technology to teleport or to create a portal to another place: 20 points
    By “substitute”, I refer to some way around actually having the ability; for example, if you chose “flying” as an ability, I would accept a Harry Potter broomstick as a magical substitute for the ability or a jet pack as a technological substitute. Please be honest when reporting dreams and do not simply count NDs in which you use fairly common technology; I’m not giving you points for turning on the television or riding in an airplane.

There’s no repeatable element to this week’s task due to a potentially strong overlap with Task 1. As said in Task 3, don’t forget that you have a Bonus Task as well as repeatable parts of previous tasks if you finish all of Task 5! Also, don’t forget to set up the group incubation within 48 hours!

Oh yay, I am very glad to hear that then! :cool_laugh:

And this is an exciting task, I am def gonna Merlin this up - as I very much want to stick to the idea of using AURYN for Task 1.

Off topic, but I like the cut off title of this one: “Magic and Techno”

IkranMakto, I’ve marked it.

muccy, congrats on a new longest LD!

Scipio, it’s been a while since I’ve seen any tasks from you. How are you going to catch up without tasks?

BrandonBoss, if you didn’t say that the talk topic wasn’t relevant, I wouldn’t be so curious. :tongue:

Scores are updated.

I can PM it if you would like to hear it. It has to do with my history and I don’t want to post about RDC (RDC is a waking life person) on the open forum, but PM is fine.

[color=olive]11/4/13 Updated (Don’t know if it was counted for or not since it wasn’t updated til earlier today)

11/5/13 For today
-Mysterious epic
-Twisted wish sad ending
-Ari’s Party

1 Long LD
-Coming to my senses trying to remember my list of objectives from RL. Successful elemental testing (ice, fire, and lightning). Remembering to meet up with LD4all members. Confirming the identity of the small robot, it wasn’t Scipio.
-Crossing paths with and facing Darth Vader
-Koharo vs Armed Reptids (4 armored and armed)

Regained lucidity once.

1 more FLD (could have been 2 but I’m not sure about the second one lol)

BrandonBoss, I was just teasing; you don’t have to tell me.

Koharo and IkranMakto, I’ve graded things.

Scores are updated. Remember that the group incubation will be decided tomorrow, so you should pitch ideas now instead of waiting.

one short LD

Yay LDbc12!

Scores are updated.

Finally, I had a LD last night. Being sick really threw a wrench in my lucid dreaming capabilities, but now that I’m better, hopefully I can start to get some more LDs. The dream itself was on the border of a short and medium LD, but I think I’ll go ahead and say it was a medium LD. I was in the bathroom, and I turned on the lights, but they barely flickered and then went out. I used this opportunity to try out my newly acquired electricity bending powers that I gained from the potion, and to my surprise, was able to actually force the lights to start glowing again. I kind of waved my hand at them, but for the most part, I just used my mind to relight the light bulbs. I also tried to accomplish the current task by “magically” traveling through a mirror, but once I got inside the mirror, I ended up waking up, although technically it was a FA. Maybe that counts as traveling to another location? :uh:

I feel like I accomplished another task in the dream, but unfortunately, I can’t remember, so that’s a bummer.

I had 3 lucid dreams over the past week. Two were short and one was medium in length.


HeadInTheClouds, you’ll understand if I can’t count having a false awakening as teleporting. :tongue: I’d also like to give creativity points for the attempt at the task, but I know that you promoted mirrors in LC 37 and in Qu’s PDC article, so I can’t say that’s anything new and amazing from you; I’ll give 1 pity creativity point. That said, cool stuff with lighting those bulbs! I’ll PM you with how to continue.

ian1, congrats on the LDing! I’m currently subjected to the TM curse, which dictates that my recall and LDing rate must drop until the LC is over, so I’m jealous that you had three. :tongue:

Scores are updated.

For today, a short LD fragment and an FLD…
Apparently we’re at war with the reptile beings, Reptids, who attacked me last night and I discovered I had the ability to heal others…


Oh, oh. I can’t even take it in. Oh, oh, I can’t even take it in… I left my heart in metropolis.

I did clothes make the man and magic and techno as well as a brief moment of lucidity. Unless magic and techno wasn’t quite what you were wanting.

again, another short LD .__.
I keep getting these short, very short, lucid moments where I either get distracted by the dream environment, forget to try the tasks, or just don’t have enough lucidity to concentrate.

I’ll take the pity :smile:

In some stroke of luck, I had another short LD last night. It was so life-like that I had to do more than my normal amount of RC to ensure myself I was actually dreaming. In fact, it was one of the rare dreams where a RC made me lucid. The final thing I did that convinced me it was a dream was to go to the bathroom, flip the light switch, and notice that the lights refused to come on. Now that I knew it was a dream, I stuck my hand out towards the open window and tried to conjure some lightning or electricity. After a few seconds, I managed to get a tiny little electrical bolt to come through the window into my hand. It almost reminded me of static electricity, and it gave me a slight shock.

Koharo, your points are duly noted.

BrandonBoss, I’ve given the points for the bit of lucidity, for wearing the costume, and for flying with it. I need some clarification on other things, though. Which of the Task parts is fulfilled with the PlayStation controller? I have a pretty good guess, but I’d like to hear what part and how it fulfills it in your words, as I think we have different interpretations of the Task (which is fine so long as you can explain your thoughts). Also, while lucid, were you actively doing part of the costume task at that point in time, or were you just standing there doing math? You get the 30 “Task while lucid” points for that if you continued to use your costume, but not if you did the task in the non-lucid part and then reflected on it in the lucid part. I’m not doubting anything you’ve claimed; I just don’t see it in your journal entry and it may just be a matter of wording. I’ll definitely add the points in question if you can clear things up for me, and congrats on having a fun dream!

LDbc12, we all go through these phases, so don’t beat yourself up. Instead, use the time to reflect. What do you do IWL to incubate the tasks? Do you use autosuggestion and/or visualization? Do you write out your plans, draw them, say them to yourself, etc.? Does your MILD mantra give thoughts of the tasks? Can you honestly say that you’re setting your LD goals as you should be? Maybe telling you to do this seems hypocritical while I’m under the TM curse, but I promise that I’m suggesting legitimate things here. :tongue:

HeadInTheClouds, your LDing streak is amazing. As before, I’ll PM you with the last dream to have before the 400-point payoff!

The group incubation is decided. Scipio’s idea of treating the LD as a technology expo and a magic expo will be worth 50 points, a fair bit more than the minimum due to the extra details of Scipio running the technology expo and the magic one existing alongside it. The points are broken down as follows:* 10 points for remembering the group incubation, and 10 points for completing a Task part while at either expo

  • 10 points for meeting an LC participant DC, with another 10 points if you meet two or more
  • 5 points if at least one of those LC DCs tries to handle some magic or technology, with another 5 points if he/she successfully gets a task part done with it
    I’ll try to incubate this alongside everybody. If there’s a recreational area, I’ll be trying to dream of meeting everybody at the technology expo for laser tag with shrink rays, because why not? :razz: What you all decide to do is up to you, so long as it fits the above point categories and tasks.

Scores are updated, sans the points for which I requested clarification from BrandonBoss.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I didn’t fly or any of Superman’s other powers when lucid. I was just doing math, so those points don’t apply. And it was about a minute of lucidity, so a very short lucid.
Use technology to grant yourself any ability or create a computerized/mechanical substitute for it: 20 points

I thought that it would be this one, since a controller gave me the ability to shoot people. I wasn’t 100% sure if that was the type of control you were wanting from objects, since I only shot someone using a controller, I didn’t use the controller to grant me the ability, I just used the ability that was already in the controller. It was fun to go on a mission with the only thing defending me being a controller though. :happy: