Dream Characters Are Telling Me Im Dreaming, Im not Lucid

Hi Everyone,

I have been lucid dreaming for about a year now quite successfully, about 4/5 fully dreams a month (usually in close proximity to each other).

Recently I seem to have lost the critical awareness, I have even had dream characters and symbols pointing out that things are not normal and bringing them to my attention, for example last night a dream character showed me that an extension cable was plugged into a plug socket that wasnt attached to anything! it was just loose on the floor, she said “its not even joined to a wall?” then made a face like “isnt it obvious” but it wasnt? Basically I have become a non-lucid dream dumbass - Any help would be greatly appreciated


We’ve all missed some really good dreamsigns. I’ve had long streaks of lucidity only to be broken and I start missing obvious things. Pay attention to your awareness during the day; keeping aware during the day is the best way to make sure you’re aware at night. Beyond that, have you changed any sleeping or eating habits? Any major changes in your life?

Like said, I wouldn’t worry too much for now, you’ll break the dry streak, I’m sure :content:

This is actually what Robert Waggonner said to me, and its completely life based, I have moved house and started a new relationship!

Although… i had an extraordinary LD last night :happy:

…Realised i was in an unfamiliar room with my friends grandma (who was dead and also looked just like his mum) at HER WAKE? Further suspicion arose when I saw my friend asleep on the floor of the room with no covers or any bedding!
I eventually guessed I could be dreaming and walked over to him and tried to tell him he was dreaming too! he wouldnt listen to me, he kept trying to walk off but I held him quite firmly until he stopped and started smiling and looking at me .

I showed him how to do a RC as I demonstrated on my own hand (which already looked distorted) I looked away then looked back (credit to Charley Morely) and it looked like a sharp pig’s trotter!!
My friend said “oh, so THATS why the hand is there”, he then said “what do i do” and I flew out of the window hoping he followed me, but I guess he either stayed there or I zoomed off because as I flew out of the window over this field (similar to my local park) I saw a women and a little girl.
I decided to fly over and ask what the woman represents, she answered very sheepishly as she kept walking by saying “I dont want to trust you”, which I thought was an odd answer, I then looked at the little girl who had stopped and was looking at me floating in the air. I said to her “and you?” to give her the same question, and she had a slightly confused look on her face as she said “why?!”… without even hesitating i said “because i love you” with complete ecstatic joy and love projecting from me as I was quite happy to be asked a question back, and she just said “well i love you too”.
I hugged the little girl and she hugged me back, it was an amazing feeling of love I have never experience from any dream charater before and with all that excitement all the visuals began to fade and I woke up.

Just as a intersting side note my friend confirms I was in his dream last night (but the dream surroundings and setting is different in both accounts)
Maybe bringing my attention back to really critically looking at my surrounding/settings I am able to achieve lucidity!! obviously the hand look and look away and look back again RC works a charm! my old RC of looking at the time on my phone/ covering it and noticing if it has changed (more then a minute obviously) relys too much on having the phone in my hand, if i just use my hand, i dont need to rely on anything coz it IS my hand!

Great to hear you managed to get lucid. I think Robert has some of the best advice for lucid dreaming :content: