The future of the universe?

I haven’t been on here for quite a while now, but i just woke up from a lucid dream. I was thinking about it alot over the last few days, to start up again with my RC’s and got a random LD ( no checks involved).
Anyway the dream itself was quite stable even though i havent had a lucid dream for over a year. Ik tried flying but didnt get so high, as usual. Then i tried shooting flames but failed. I did manage to materialize my own rocks. Maybe a good advice, i failed at flames because i had no clue what they looked like in my dream. So i thought rather use something that i see around me. So rocks! And worked like a charm.
Furthermore, reflecting invisible barrier worked the first time i tried. DC threw a rock at me (i asked) and it reflected back at him. And walking through inanimate object aswell as DC’s worked too.
But what my post is really about is what came next. I mention though, that i was not 100% lucid. A DC, old friend of mine, came to me and asked if she could fly with me. So tried to jump in the air with her but failed. We found ourselfs in a room somewhere random and i told her she didnt believe i could fly. I tried one last time and something clicked and i could move freely through the air. Didn’t even do any movement. But the weird part was i some kind of scene took over, i saw myself lying on my back in mid-air and i kept repeating i see the future of the universe and mankind and giberish like that. And things about written text and words being the key to eveything. But i wasn’t in control anymore but i was still lucid. And during that scene i saw words rearranging itself into some some of spacecraft and i remembered i had seen this once before, but don’t rember when or where, but that i woke up last time. And i woke up right after i thought that.
Now this was just a freaky ending to me. Anybody else ever experience this before? Or was it just me with my crazy imagination? Any way, i had a lucid dream! And it was awesome.
Thanks for reading!

Cool lucid dream!

Maybe your subconscious knows that information actually is the ultimate key. Unfortunately, in-determinability (hah! finally got it) is going to mess with your long range foresight, no matter what you know.